Best Value Stocks to Buy for September 25th
ZACKS· 2024-09-25 18:46
Here are three stocks with buy rank and strong value characteristics for investors to consider today, September 25th:KT Corporation (KT) : This telecommunications and platform services company carries a Zacks Rank #1, and has witnessed the Zacks Consensus Estimate for its current year earnings increasing 3.9% over the last 60 days.KT has a price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) of 8.31, compared with 12.10 for the industry. The company possesses a Value Score  of A.Orange County Bancorp, Inc. (OBT) : This commercial ...
Adyen To Power Omnichannel Payments at U.S. Cinemark Theaters
Prnewswire· 2024-09-19 21:00
Adyen chosen by Cinemark to streamline payments and enhance experiences for moviegoers across Cinemark's 300+ U.S. locations.SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Adyen (AMS: ADYEN), the global financial technology platform of choice for leading businesses, will serve as the single financial platform to power enterprise payments for Cinemark, one of the largest and most influential theatrical exhibition companies in the world. This new collaboration will bring increased payment options and ease of u ...
Rate Cut Hopes Lift Confidence: 4 Consumer Discretionary Stocks to Buy
ZACKS· 2024-08-30 03:45
文章核心观点 - 美国消费者对经济的信心大幅提升,主要由于通胀降温和美联储暗示即将降息 [1][2][3] - 消费者信心指数跳升至6个月高点,反映了消费者对当前经济和就业形势的乐观评估 [2] - 消费者对未来收入、就业和经济前景的预期也有所改善,连续两个月保持在80以上,表明经济不会陷入衰退 [2][3] 行业和公司总结 消费类股票 - 随着借贷成本下降,消费类股票有望受益,包括电影院运营商Cinemark Holdings、烧烤设备制造商Traeger、服装品牌Kontoor Brands以及邮轮公司Royal Caribbean Cruises [1][5] - Cinemark Holdings是电影院行业的领导者,预计今年盈利将增长0.8%,未来60天内业绩预期上调26.2% [6][7] - Traeger是木质颗粒烧烤炉制造商,今年盈利预计将增长超过100%,未来60天内业绩预期大幅上调 [8][9] - Kontoor Brands是服装品牌商,旗下包括Wrangler、Lee等知名品牌,今年盈利有望增长12.7%,未来60天内业绩预期小幅上调 [10][11] - Royal Caribbean Cruises是全球三大邮轮品牌之一,今年盈利有望增长69.9%,未来60天内业绩预期上调3.6% [12][13][14]
3 Resilient Leisure Stocks Poised for Gains Amid Industry Woes
ZACKS· 2024-08-27 22:46
The Zacks Leisure and Recreation Services industry faces challenges due to high inflation and elevated interest rates. The industry is benefiting from the optimization of business processes, consistent strategic partnerships and digital initiatives. Moreover, robust demand for concerts, strong bookings for cruise operators and higher per capita spending at theme parks are supporting the industry. Firms like Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. (RCL) , Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. (NCLH) and Cinemark Holdings ...
Earnings Estimates Rising for Cinemark (CNK): Will It Gain?
ZACKS· 2024-08-27 01:20
Cinemark Holdings (CNK) could be a solid choice for investors given the company's remarkably improving earnings outlook. While the stock has been a strong performer lately, this trend might continue since analysts are still raising their earnings estimates for the company.The rising trend in estimate revisions, which is a result of growing analyst optimism on the earnings prospects of this movie theater owner, should get reflected in its stock price. After all, empirical research shows a strong correlation ...
Cinemark: Waiting For Better Box Office Activity (Rating Downgrade)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-16 15:51
公司业绩 - 公司第二季度财报显示,收入和盈利均出现显著同比下降,收入为7.342亿美元,同比下降22.1%,调整后每股收益(EPS)为0.33美元,较去年同期的0.89美元下降了近三分之二[4] - 收入下降幅度从第一季度的-5.2%扩大到第二季度的-22.1%,主要受2023年好莱坞罢工影响,导致票房表现疲软[4] - 尽管票房收入下降,公司仍能有效销售食品、饮料和其他周边产品,门票收入下降23.5%,而特许权收入下降21.6%[4] - 尽管票房收入大幅下降,公司运营收入仍保持在8290万美元,显示出公司在薪资、公用事业和其他成本方面的灵活性[4] 行业和市场表现 - 尽管面临短期逆风,北美电影票房表现超出预期,消费者对影院观影的热情高涨,长期前景保持乐观[5] - 公司在全球市场继续超越行业票房和入场人次,保持了最大的市场份额增长,与疫情前相比,所有主要放映商中表现最佳[8][9] - 竞争对手AMC娱乐的第二季度收入也出现23.5%的下降,显示出行业整体面临的挑战,但公司仍保持了相对稳定的市场份额[11] 未来展望和增长动力 - 尽管当前票房活动较慢,但新电影的发行管道保持强劲,预计2025年及以后将推动行业增长,第四季度已有如《小丑:双重疯狂》和《角斗士II》等备受期待的发行,2025年将有《阿凡达3》、《摩阿娜》、《侏罗纪世界:灭绝》等[12] - 2026年将继续有备受期待的电影如《复仇者联盟》新作、《玩具总动员5》、《史瑞克5》、《蝙蝠侠:第二部》等,为公司和行业提供从当前票房低迷中恢复的平台[13] - 公司预计随着这些发行的推动,观影人次将在未来两年内恢复到疫情前水平,预计2025年及以后将实现良好增长[14] 估值和评级 - 基于更新的现金流折现(DCF)模型,公司2024年预计将出现7.5%的下降,但2025年和2026年预计将分别实现13%和5.5%的增长,之后增长将放缓至2.0%[15] - 根据DCF模型,公司的公允价值估计为27.15美元,较当前股价高出3%,但由于股价自上次文章以来表现良好,且当前票房活动较弱,评级从买入下调至持有[16] - 使用资本资产定价模型(CAPM)计算的加权平均资本成本(WACC)为9.32%,较之前的10.55%有所下降,主要由于使用了较低的WACC[17]
Cinemark Holdings Inc (CNK) Hits Fresh High: Is There Still Room to Run?
ZACKS· 2024-08-13 22:16
Have you been paying attention to shares of Cinemark Holdings (CNK) ? Shares have been on the move with the stock up 26.4% over the past month. The stock hit a new 52-week high of $26.92 in the previous session. Cinemark Holdings has gained 90.9% since the start of the year compared to the -6% move for the Zacks Consumer Discretionary sector and the -4.9% return for the Zacks Leisure and Recreation Services industry.What's Driving the Outperformance?The stock has an impressive record of positive earnings su ...
Trade of the Day: Cinemark (CNK) Stock May Ride Higher on a Short Squeeze
Investor Place· 2024-08-07 18:00
While Monday was a bloodbath for most equities, the market wasn’t completely devoid of winners. One standout performer was movie theater owner and operator Cinemark (NYSE:CNK). On the surface, an enterprise with fading relevance to the consumer would seem problematic. However, CNK stock not only gained nearly 10% so far this week but shot up almost 14% in the past 5 trading days. Even better, it might not be done with its northward trek.Catapulting sentiment was the company’s surprisingly robust second-quar ...
Cinemark(CNK) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-03 02:23
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在第二季度交付了1.421亿美元的经调整EBITDA,经调整EBITDA利润率为19.4%,并产生1.61亿美元的自由现金流 [29][45][46] - 公司在美国市场接待了2910万观众,市场份额有所增长 [47] - 美国市场的票房收入为2.874亿美元,平均票价增长3%至9.88美元 [48] - 美国市场的并发收入为2.314亿美元,并发人均消费创下新高7.95美元,增长4% [49] - 国际市场接待了2090万观众,票房收入为7840万美元,并发收入为6150万美元 [51][52] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在美国市场实现5.72亿美元收入,经调整EBITDA为1.088亿美元,利润率为19% [50] - 国际市场实现1.622亿美元收入,经调整EBITDA为3330万美元,利润率为20.5% [52] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 美国市场的票房收回速度超过行业,超过2019年二季度近1000个基点 [27] - 国际市场的票房收回速度也超过行业,超过2019年二季度500个基点 [27] - 阿根廷市场持续面临汇率贬值和高通胀压力,但公司当地团队仍能应对并取得良好业绩 [206][209][210][211] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司持续推进各项战略举措,如提升客户服务、扩大会员规模、拓展非主流内容等,提升业绩 [30][31] - 公司在全球拥有最大的高品质影院资产,并持续投资升级,如扩大豪华影厅和沉浸式体验等 [36][37][38][39] - 公司在北美和拉美市场均处于领先地位,在主要市场保持第一或第二的票房占有率 [42] - 公司财务状况稳健,有能力进行战略投资和资产优化 [43][64][65][66] - 行业整体票房正在逐步恢复,公司对未来2-3年的票房回升持乐观态度 [24][77] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层认为消费者对高品质电影体验的热情依然强劲,体现在多个类型电影的出色票房表现 [12][13][22] - 管理层对未来2-3年电影供给量回升至疫情前水平持乐观态度 [119][120][121][122][123] - 管理层认为公司在运营、财务和竞争力方面都处于优势地位,有望实现可持续增长 [33][34][43] 其他重要信息 - 公司在第二季度赎回了剩余1.5亿美元的有抵押债券,并以更优惠的利率重新定价了4.6亿美元的定期贷款 [67][68] - 公司计划利用手头现金在2025年到期的4.6亿美元可转换票据到期时全额偿还 [73][74] - 公司正在评估未来的资本配置策略,包括是否通过股票回购等方式向股东返还超额资本 [128][129] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Aaron Lee 提问** 询问公司未来2-3年的平均票价增长空间,以及XD等高端放映设施的扩张计划 [80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87] **Sean Gamble 回答** 公司将继续适度提升票价,同时也会根据内容组合和观众反应进行调整,以最大化票房收入。XD等高端设施仍有较大的扩张空间,公司将根据具体情况进行部署 [82][83][84][85][86][87] 问题2 **David Karnovsky 提问** 询问公司本季度市场份额大幅提升的原因,以及未来是否能持续保持 [91][92][93][94][95][96][97] **Sean Gamble 回答** 本季度公司受益于内容组合的有利影响,以及在座位容量未受限制的情况下更好地发挥了自身优势。未来公司预计每年能维持约100个基点的市场份额提升,但具体情况会受内容组合等因素影响 [93][94][95][96][97] 问题3 **Melissa Thomas 回答** 公司在人工成本管理、场租费用以及其他可变成本等方面都取得了一定的效率提升,这些都有助于维护公司的利润率水平。随着票房的进一步恢复,这些成本优势将得到进一步发挥 [192][193][194][195]
Cinemark (CNK) Reports Q2 Earnings: What Key Metrics Have to Say
ZACKS· 2024-08-02 22:35
Cinemark Holdings (CNK) reported $734.2 million in revenue for the quarter ended June 2024, representing a year-over-year decline of 22.1%. EPS of $0.32 for the same period compares to $0.80 a year ago.The reported revenue represents a surprise of +5.91% over the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $693.22 million. With the consensus EPS estimate being $0.07, the EPS surprise was +357.14%.While investors scrutinize revenue and earnings changes year-over-year and how they compare with Wall Street expectations to det ...