Best Stock to Buy Right Now: Cava vs. Chipotle
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-09 18:37
These restaurant stocks possess their own set of unique characteristics.Investing in restaurant stocks could prove to be a lucrative endeavor. Imagine if you had bought shares of McDonald's or Starbucks early on. These companies are now global leaders in the industry.However, there are smaller chains that investors have their sights on, such as Cava Group (CAVA 1.61%) and Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG 1.29%). Which of these popular restaurant stocks is the better buy right now?Opening stores at a rapid clipCa ...
The Tasty Details From Chipotle
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-08 01:28
And Southwest's seating change.In this podcast, Motley Fool analyst Sanmeet Deo and host Ricky Mulvey break down earnings from Chipotle and changes at Southwest Airlines.Then Motley Fool analyst Asit Sharma joins Ricky to discuss one of Warren Buffett's favorite metrics.To catch full episodes of all The Motley Fool's free podcasts, check out our podcast center. To get started investing, check out our quick-start guide to investing in stocks. A full transcript follows the video. This video was recorded on J ...
Why Chipotle Mexican Grill Stock Dropped 13% in July
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-07 20:18
It's not just Chipotle, it's the restaurant industry.Shares of burrito king Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG 3.64%) dropped 13% in July according to data provided by S&P Global Market Intelligence. It comes on the heels of a highly watched stock split followed by negative reports about the state of the restaurant industry.What's happening at ChipotleChipotle is known for its healthy and fresh ingredients at its more than 3,500 fast-casual restaurants. It has developed a loyal fan base of affluent customers who a ...
Don't Get Used to Chipotle's Impressive Growth
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-04 06:06
文章核心观点 - Chipotle 目前业绩表现出色,但未来能否持续保持如此强劲的增长存在不确定性 [2][6] - Chipotle 的同店销售增长率虽然达到11.1%,但这一水平难以长期维持,未来可能会回落至行业正常水平 [5][12] - 即使Chipotle 同店销售增长率回落至5-6%,也仍属于较高水平,但相比当前11.1%的高增长,将会被视为明显下滑 [12] - Chipotle 作为一个强大的品牌,长期增长前景仍然看好,但短期内股价可能会承受一定压力 [13][14] 根据目录分类总结 同店销售增长的重要性 - 同店销售增长是衡量餐饮企业核心业务表现的关键指标,而非单纯的总收入增长 [3][4] - 同店销售增长强劲表明品牌深受消费者欢迎,但过高的增长率难以长期维持 [5][6] - 行业龙头企业如麦当劳和Darden餐厅集团的同店销售增长通常维持在低单位数,Chipotle的11.1%增长属于异常水平 [7][8][10] Chipotle的同店销售表现 - 2024年第二季度,Chipotle同店销售增长11.1%,创下近期新高 [5] - 这一增长主要来自于客流量的增加,反映了品牌深受消费者欢迎 [5] - 但即便5-6%的同店销售增长也属于较高水平,11.1%的高增长难以长期维持 [12] Chipotle的估值与风险 - Chipotle当前的市盈率接近49倍,仍处于较高水平,反映了市场对其未来增长的乐观预期 [11] - 如果Chipotle的同店销售增长率出现明显回落,可能会引发股价下跌,给投资者带来一定风险 [12] - 对于长期投资者而言,Chipotle仍具有较好的增长前景,但短期内股价可能会承受一定波动 [13][14]
Is the Pullback in Chipotle's Stock a Great Buying Opportunity for Investors?
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-02 20:10
文章核心观点 - 尽管Chipotle最近的财报表现良好,但其股价仍在下跌 [2][3] - Chipotle的高估值意味着投资者对其业绩有很高的期望,任何未达预期的表现都可能导致股价下跌 [6][7] - 虽然Chipotle的业务增长良好,但这可能还不足以支撑其高估值的股价在短期内反弹 [8] 公司业绩分析 - Chipotle二季度同店销售增长11%,客流量增长8%,体现了其业务的强劲表现 [4] - 公司利润率在去年同期的27.5%基础上有所提升,达到28.9% [5] - 但公司预计下季度利润率将下降至25%,表明成本和工资上涨速度超过了价格上涨 [5] 股价及估值分析 - Chipotle的股价在最近经历了大幅下跌,从拆股后的62美元跌至不到50美元 [2] - 公司当前的市盈率接近50倍,虽然有所下降但仍处于较高水平 [7] - 这意味着投资者对公司未来业绩增长有很高的预期,任何未达预期的表现都可能导致股价下跌 [6][7] - 分析师也下调了对Chipotle股价的预期,对其股价前景持谨慎态度 [8] 投资建议 - Chipotle过去5年股价上涨超过200%,是一只出色的投资标的 [9] - 但目前其估值较高,即使最近有所下跌,对于未来可能出现的业绩不及预期的情况也缺乏足够的安全边际 [9][10] - 因此,除非投资者有长期持有的打算,否则暂时不建议买入Chipotle股票,不如考虑其他优质的成长股 [10]
Chipotle Stock Just Lost More Than One-Fourth of Its Value. 3 Reasons Now Is the Time to Start Buying.
The Motley Fool· 2024-08-01 18:43
Chipotle is a high-quality company trading at a discount.Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG 3.33%) recently released its earnings report for the second quarter of 2024, the first after its historic 50-for-1 stock split. While the news was positive, it failed to stem the downtrend that began just before the split took effect. Consequently, the stock price has fallen by more than 25% in just over a month.However, despite the severity of this pullback, it is doubtful any disappointments have undermined the case for i ...
Is Now the Perfect Time to Buy Chipotle Stock on the Dip?
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-31 20:00
The stock sank this week despite a strong Q2 report.Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG 3.14%) reported its second-quarter results late Wednesday afternoon, and in after-hours trading, its stock surged. But on the earnings call, the company warned of near-term margin pressures, and on Thursday, the market erased the stock's initial gains and it kept falling. Chipotle is now down by more than 25% from its recent high, though it's up about 11% on the year.Has that recent sell-off created a good buying opportunity?Str ...
Investors Can't Ignore This Red Flag From Chipotle
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-30 16:35
What's best for the business doesn't always drive short-term gains for the stock.When people started complaining about portion sizes at Chipotle Mexican Grill (CMG 2.29%) earlier this year, Wells Fargo analyst Zachary Fedam took matters into his own hands. In the name of scientific discovery, Fedam and his team ordered a whopping 75 identical burrito bowls from various locations of the restaurant chain, meticulously weighing every single one. And what they found was shocking.The difference between Fedam's h ...
Prnewswire· 2024-07-29 20:07
文章核心观点 - Chipotle与Wonderskin合作推出了一款名为"Lipotle"的限量版绿色唇膏产品 [1][2][3][4][5][6] - 这款唇膏可以防止唇妆在吃墨西哥卷饼时被弄花 [5][7] - 这是Wonderskin首次与其他品牌进行大规模合作 [8] - Wonderskin的无动物实验和纯素产品理念与Chipotle的"培养更美好的世界"使命相符 [8][9] 产品信息 - "Lipotle"唇膏套装售价为29美元(含免运费)、40加元(加5.99加元运费)和28英镑(加3.99英镑运费) [10] - 该产品将于7月30日在wonderskin.com和eu.wonderskin.com上发售 [2] - 使用步骤包括涂抹绿色唇膜、喷洒定色喷雾、撕下唇膜后显现出粉色唇膏 [7] 国民牛油果日优惠 - 7月31日国民牛油果日当天,顾客可使用优惠码AVO2024在Chipotle应用程序、网站和移动应用上获得免费牛油果酱 [11] - Chipotle预计今年在美国、加拿大和欧洲的餐厅将使用约518万箱牛油果,相当于1.295亿磅水果 [12]
These Are 3 of the Priciest Stock-Split Stocks on Wall Street -- and Yes, They Should Be Avoided
The Motley Fool· 2024-07-29 17:06
Buyer beware! These high-flying stock-split stocks are rife with headwinds.Since the start of 2023, the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution has been the key catalyst that's sent the growth-focused Nasdaq Composite, broad-based S&P 500, and even the ageless Dow Jones Industrial Average, to fresh record-closing highs. But don't overlook the role stock-split euphoria has played in pushing Wall Street's leading businesses higher.A stock split is an event that allows a publicly traded company the opportunity ...