CEMIG(CIG) - 2024 Q3 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-11-19 00:10
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 本季度公司EBITDA达到50亿巴西雷亚尔(BRL5 billion)为历史最高水平,得益于关税调整和Alianca的出售[8] - 公司三季度经营现金达50亿巴西雷亚尔(BRL5 billion)[41] - 去除关税审查和Alianca的经常性影响后,公司业绩下降10%,主要受商业化或贸易活动影响[37] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 Cemig D - 本季度EBITDA较2023年有所下降,原因是外包服务费用增加,受分布式发电影响,公司在受监管的市场中失去部分客户,若没有分布式发电的不利影响,公司将增长6.6%[51][53] - 市场增长4.5%,主要受运输能源影响,显示出米纳斯吉拉斯州能源需求增长、新客户的到来以及对Cemig D特许权服务的需求[52] - 运营效率方面,实现运营支出(OpEx)与监管运营支出(OpEx)相比,业绩为6.8%,在EBITDA方面,比监管EBITDA低5.6%,公司仍在努力争取在年底达到监管EBITDA水平[57] Cemig GT - 在国际财务报告准则(IFRS)下,EBITDA较之前增长380%,去除相关影响后下降19%,受贸易活动影响,部分贸易合同正在转移至Cemig Holding,但尚未完全完成[58] Gasmig - 工业客户天然气用量减少6.6%,影响EBITDA达1.7%[62] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在东北部和东南部之间的能源买卖受负荷限制影响,10月情况较为困难,11月和12月因降雨情况有所改善[31][32] - 米纳斯吉拉斯州能源市场增长4.5%,显示出该州能源需求增长、新客户的到来以及对Cemig D特许权服务的需求[52] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司投资计划与预期相符,本计划投资62亿巴西雷亚尔(BRL6.2 billion),有信心实现90%以上的投资目标,截至第三季度已实现65%,已实现投资44亿巴西雷亚尔(BRL4.4 billion)[28] - 公司计划未来几年在米纳斯吉拉斯州的输电线路投资35亿巴西雷亚尔(BRL3.5 billion),认为这些投资对国家和公司都很重要,与输电拍卖相比将为股东创造价值[26] - 公司正在进行数字化转型,投入大量资金于技术方面,以应对能源转型相关话题,在巴西能源市场已处于领先地位[66][67][68] - 公司正在实施多项举措以将非技术损失控制在监管水平内,包括重新分配资本等[67] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 公司目前处于非常好的经营状态,获得了历史最佳评级AAA,这是惠誉(Fitch)对公司的认可,公司在五年内有六个等级的增长[6] - 公司现金生成和EBITDA与净债务之比处于历史最佳水平之一[7] - 尽管面临一些挑战,如能源买卖中的价格差异、部分贸易公司未履行承诺等,但公司仍对未来充满信心,预计年底将取得良好业绩[31][32][77] 其他重要信息 - Andrea Almeida将取代Leonardo担任首席财务官(CFO)和投资者关系(IR)职位,Leonardo将被任命到其他职位,Andrea Almeida有着丰富的工作经验[12][15][16] - 公司收到控股股东的通知,提交了一项法案,旨在使公司转变为股份制公司,这一过程将在立法议会进行[18][19] - 公司成功发行了25亿巴西雷亚尔(BRL2.5 billion)的债券,市场需求巨大,高于公司发行额,这有助于调整公司债务结构[45][46] 问答环节所有的提问和回答 问题1:关于使Cemig成为股份制公司的法案,为何在之前项目未批准时就提交,以及Taesa的股权是否有新情况 - 关于法案的问题,最佳回答者应为米纳斯吉拉斯州政府(控股股东),如果仅法案获得批准,根据宪法可能需要进行全民公决,关于Taesa目前没有新情况[73] 问题2:本季度能源买卖情况以及公司杠杆率相关问题,包括预计杠杆率将达到多少以及年底前额外股息分配的想法 - 关于能源买卖,Cemig今年有时不需要购买能源,但存在价格差异,部分能源来自东北部,由于传输限制和市场价格差异,存在风险需要管理,部分贸易公司未履行承诺,公司取消了合同但没有损失,部分影响被推迟到2025年[77] - 关于杠杆率,公司杠杆率较低,有大型投资计划且能从资本市场融资,考虑到50%的国际财务报告准则(IFRS)结果的股息,到2027年杠杆率将达到2 - 2.5,2028年随着Cemig的分销关税审查杠杆率将下降,公司认为目前的股息策略是可持续的,既能支付可观股息又能进行投资且不影响公司信用质量[79]
Is Comp En De Mn Cemig (CIG) Stock Undervalued Right Now?
ZACKS· 2024-10-10 22:43
The proven Zacks Rank system focuses on earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find winning stocks. Nevertheless, we know that our readers all have their own perspectives, so we are always looking at the latest trends in value, growth, and momentum to find strong picks. Looking at the history of these trends, perhaps none is more beloved than value investing. This strategy simply looks to identify companies that are being undervalued by the broader market. Value investors use fundamental analysis and ...
Is Comp En De Mn Cemig (CIG) Stock Outpacing Its Utilities Peers This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-09-27 22:47
For those looking to find strong Utilities stocks, it is prudent to search for companies in the group that are outperforming their peers. Cemig (CIG) is a stock that can certainly grab the attention of many investors, but do its recent returns compare favorably to the sector as a whole? By taking a look at the stock's year-to-date performance in comparison to its Utilities peers, we might be able to answer that question. Cemig is one of 105 individual stocks in the Utilities sector. Collectively, these comp ...
Why Fast-paced Mover Cemig (CIG) Is a Great Choice for Value Investors
ZACKS· 2024-09-25 21:50
Momentum investing is essentially an exception to the idea of "buying low and selling high." Investors following this style of investing are usually not interested in betting on cheap stocks and waiting long for them to recover. Instead, they believe that "buying high and selling higher" is the way to make far more money in lesser time. Who doesn't like betting on fast-moving trending stocks? But determining the right entry point isn't easy. Often, these stocks lose momentum once their valuation moves ahead ...
Is Comp En De Mn Cemig (CIG) Outperforming Other Utilities Stocks This Year?
ZACKS· 2024-09-05 22:41
Investors interested in Utilities stocks should always be looking to find the best-performing companies in the group. Has Cemig (CIG) been one of those stocks this year? A quick glance at the company's year-to-date performance in comparison to the rest of the Utilities sector should help us answer this question. Cemig is a member of our Utilities group, which includes 105 different companies and currently sits at #6 in the Zacks Sector Rank. The Zacks Sector Rank considers 16 different groups, measuring the ...
Cemig: A Solid Pick For Dividends In Brazil
Seeking Alpha· 2024-09-04 23:34
Daniel Balakov/E+ via Getty Images Cemig (NYSE:CIG) is a state-owned company in the electricity sector, operating mainly in the state of Minas Gerais. It operates in all sub-segments of electricity, owning generators, such as Furnas, transmission operations, such as through its shareholding in Taesa S.A. (a listed company in Brazil), as well as distribution, which is the main contributor to results. Being in the electricity business, the company can be considered a bond proxy, with stable operations and sus ...
Despite Fast-paced Momentum, Cemig (CIG) Is Still a Bargain Stock
ZACKS· 2024-09-02 21:50
Momentum investors typically don't time the market or "buy low and sell high." In other words, they avoid betting on cheap stocks and waiting long for them to recover. Instead, they believe that "buying high and selling higher" is the way to make far more money in lesser time. Everyone likes betting on fast-moving trending stocks, but it isn't easy to determine the right entry point. These stocks often lose momentum when their future growth potential fails to justify their swelled-up valuation. In that phas ...
CEMIG(CIG) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-24 00:52
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在过去10年中经历了重大转型 [8][19][28] - 公司市值从100亿雷亚尔增长到360亿雷亚尔,同时支付了127亿雷亚尔的股息 [8][19] - 公司普通股和优先股价格分别上涨了394%和437% [9] - 公司在过去几年中进行了大规模的资本开支,2019-2028年计划投资496亿雷亚尔 [68][77] - 公司的净债务/EBITDA比率从3.2下降到1 [87] - 公司的信用评级从过去的水平提升了6个档次,达到AA+ [87] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 配电业务EBITDA从2018年的10亿雷亚尔增长到目前的30-35亿雷亚尔 [169][316] - 配电网投资大幅增加,2018年仅10亿雷亚尔,2024年将达到44亿雷亚尔 [68][153] - 配电网损失率控制在监管目标范围内,客户欠费率也大幅下降 [200][201] - 配电可靠性指标DEC和FEC持续改善,达到监管要求 [208][210] - 分布式发电装机容量从2019年的500兆瓦增长到2027年的9000兆瓦 [216][217] - 天然气业务EBIT超过9亿雷亚尔,是一个现金流充沛的业务 [181][182] - 贸易业务2023年业绩出色,2024年预计仍将保持较高水平 [175][176][313] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 米纳斯州GDP占全国比重从8.8%增加到9.5%,经济增长超过全国平均水平 [132] - 公司正在大力投资农业灌溉电气化,预计未来几年将新增24.5亿雷亚尔投资 [221] - 公司正在实施"三相电"项目,到2028年将有67%的农村网络实现三相供电 [222][223] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司未来战略聚焦于米纳斯州内的核心业务,包括配电、输电和天然气 [62][70] - 公司正在大幅增加资本开支,未来5年计划投资496亿雷亚尔,80%投向监管业务 [68][71][77] - 公司正在积极推进数字化转型,提升运营效率和客户服务 [42][190][263] - 公司正在探索能源转型相关的新业务机会,如绿氢、电动农业灌溉等 [290][292][295] - 公司正在积极推动私有化进程,以提升灵活性和效率 [29][30][31] - 公司在行业内处于领先地位,在多个关键指标上优于同行 [83][84][85] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对公司未来发展前景充满信心,认为仍有很大的增长空间 [19][20][27] - 管理层认为公司已经完成了重大转型,未来将继续专注于提升运营效率和资本配置 [56][57][58] - 管理层表示公司正在积极推动私有化进程,以提升灵活性和效率 [29][30][31] - 管理层认为公司在能源转型领域有很大的机会,正在积极布局相关业务 [234][236][290] 其他重要信息 - 公司控股股东米纳斯州政府支持公司的转型和发展战略 [50][106][122] - 公司建立了创新和能源转型委员会,定期邀请行业专家进行交流 [234][235] - 公司正在积极培养和引进专业人才,以支持未来发展 [53][54][55] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Victor Burke 提问** 询问公司在配电网改造过程中是否会产生资产报废损失 [226] **Marney Tadeu Antunes 回答** 公司已充分考虑到这一问题,大部分老旧资产已经fully折旧,不会产生大规模的报废损失 [227] 问题2 **Bruno Amorim 提问** 询问公司在配电业务方面的盈利能力提升策略 [315] **Reynaldo Passanezi Filho 回答** 公司将通过大幅增加资本开支来提升配电网质量和覆盖面,同时通过提高运营效率和减少罚款来提升盈利能力 [316][317][318][319][320] 问题3 **Daniel Travitzky 提问** 询问公司未来的资本配置策略,尤其是在发电资产续期方面的计划 [329] **Unidentified Company Representative 回答** 公司将保持适度的财务杠杆,同时继续向股东支付良好的股息。在发电资产续期方面,公司正在与政府部门积极沟通,希望能够通过续期或股权调整的方式保留这些资产 [330][331][332][333]
Should Value Investors Buy Comp En De Mn Cemig (CIG) Stock?
ZACKS· 2024-08-19 22:45
While the proven Zacks Rank places an emphasis on earnings estimates and estimate revisions to find strong stocks, we also know that investors tend to develop their own individual strategies. With this in mind, we are always looking at value, growth, and momentum trends to discover great companies. Of these, value investing is easily one of the most popular ways to find great stocks in any market environment. Value investors rely on traditional forms of analysis on key valuation metrics to find stocks that ...
Cemig (CIG) Is Attractively Priced Despite Fast-paced Momentum
ZACKS· 2024-08-15 21:51
Momentum investing is essentially an exception to the idea of "buying low and selling high." Investors following this style of investing are usually not interested in betting on cheap stocks and waiting long for them to recover. Instead, they believe that "buying high and selling higher" is the way to make far more money in lesser time. Everyone likes betting on fast-moving trending stocks, but it isn't easy to determine the right entry point. These stocks often lose momentum when their future growth potent ...