Canopy Growth(CGC)
Canopy Growth shares surge as shareholder vote paves way for expansion into US market
Proactive Investors· 2024-04-19 01:38
Proactive新闻团队 - Emily Jarvie在澳大利亚和加拿大从事政治新闻和商业报道[1] - Proactive的新闻团队遍布全球金融和投资中心[2] Proactive团队专注领域 - Proactive团队专注于中小市值市场和蓝筹公司等投资故事[3] Proactive团队提供新闻和见解 - Proactive团队提供关于生物科技、矿业、电池金属、石油天然气、加密货币和新兴数字和电动汽车技术等领域的新闻和独特见解[4]
Why Canopy Growth Stock Is Glowing Green Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-19 00:59
大麻银行改革 - Canopy Growth股票在周四上涨20%,受益于州立法者推动通过一项SAFER法案,该法案将为大麻企业提供贷款和其他银行服务[1] - 国家立法者联合会(NCSL)致函国会,敦促今年通过大麻银行改革[2] - SAFER银行法案的支持者认为,当前法律阻止银行向大麻企业提供贷款或开设银行账户,通过该法案将改变这一情况[3] - 通过SAFER法案并不代表支持大麻合法化,但允许银行在大麻合法的州为企业提供服务,使销售不再仅限于“只收现金”[4] - 立法者主要目标是促进各州对大麻征税和监管,并降低与大麻相关的犯罪率,同时通过SAFER的通过将降低大麻企业的运营成本,使其更具盈利性[5] - 大麻投资者需要记住,国会多年来一直在讨论SAFER法案,对该立法的支持是压倒性的,SAFER最终成为法律的可能性很高[6] Canopy Growth股票分析 - 大多数跟踪Canopy Growth股票的分析师仍然认为该公司不会在短期内实现盈利,大多数分析师认为Canopy Growth股票最早在2028年才会实现盈利[7] - 考虑到这支股票回报的遥远,我认为Canopy Growth今天上涨20%的原因很少[8]
The 3 Best Cannabis Stocks to Buy Now: Q2 Edition
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-18 02:45
Cannabis stocks to buy now could see higher highs, as we near the U.S. elections. For one, a growing number of Americans want to see legalization. In fact, according to Pew Research, about 88% of the country wants to see that happen. Two, with its popularity, any candidate that favorably mentions it, could see higher ratings. In addition, more U.S. states, such as Florida may be on the cusp of adult-use legalization. As noted by, “At the beginning of April, the Florida Supreme Court proposed Am ...
The Best Cannabis Stock to Invest $1,000 in Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-17 19:45
Cresco Labs的盈利能力 - Cresco Labs在美国已经实现盈利和收入,是一个更好的投资选择[3] - Cresco Labs在最近的财报中实现了盈利,表现令人印象深刻[7] Cresco Labs的经营策略 - Cresco Labs与Tilray和Canopy Growth在经营方式上有明显不同,更注重可持续经营[4] - Cresco Labs在战略位置选择上谨慎,不盲目扩张[6] Cresco Labs的财务表现 - Cresco Labs在过去一年中实现了良好的现金流,展现了稳健的经营[9] - Cresco Labs是一个有实力的大麻股票,值得长期投资[10]
CGC Stock Alert: Canopy Growth Gets Green Light for Canopy USA
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-16 01:45
Canopy Growth股票波动 - Canopy Growth (NASDAQ:CGC)股票今天经历了显著的波动,可能与其业务决策中的稀释风险有关[1] - 分析师对CGC股票前景持谨慎态度,预计2024财年营收将同比下降20.6%至2.3641亿美元[9] Canopy USA计划 - 公司提出了创建Canopy USA的提案,股东投票通过了特别决议,95.5%的股东支持该计划[2] - 新的股份结构将允许Canopy发行一种新类别的非投票和非参与交换股,可能存在稀释风险[4] - Canopy USA将成为Canopy Growth现有美国大麻资产的所有者,公司将有望成为美国唯一上市的大麻公司[5] 大麻合法化态势 - Canopy CEO David Klein表示,公司对联邦政府将大麻从Schedule 1重新分类为Schedule 3持谨慎乐观态度[7]
Canopy Growth: Buy, Sell, or Hold?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-15 19:40
The worst could be over, but is that enough to justify buying it? With talk of marijuana policy reform brewing in the U.S. and elsewhere, could it be time to buy shares of Canopy Growth (CGC -4.29%) in hopes of the stock experiencing a glorious comeback from its recent years of turmoil and falling share prices? And what about current shareholders -- is it time to sell, or could there be relief in sight? Let's dive in and answer these questions by examining what the company has been up to during its difficul ...
Prnewswire· 2024-04-15 19:30
Canopy Growth公司新类别Exchangeable Shares - Canopy Growth公司股东通过了新类别Exchangeable Shares的创建,加速进入美国THC市场[1] - Canopy USA预计将立即推进,触发收购美国资产[1] - Canopy USA战略旨在加速进入美国大麻市场,通过创建Canopy USA控股公司释放其完整美国大麻生态系统的价值[7] - Canopy USA战略的潜在好处包括快速进入全球最大和增长最快的大麻市场,以及建立领先的品牌聚焦实力[8] - Canopy USA的组合预计将通过利用全面的美国大麻生态系统的品牌、市场渠道和运营,实现收入和成本协同效应[11] - Canopy Growth预计将突出Canopy USA的美国THC资产的价值,而不会合并其财务结果[12] - Canopy Growth股东可以选择将其股份转换为非交易Exchangeable Shares,Exchangeable Shares持有人可以选择将其Exchangeable Shares转换为Common Shares[14] - Canopy Growth公司关于转换权的更多信息,请参考公司的新闻稿[15] Canopy Growth公司战略和风险因素 - Canopy Growth公司是一家领先的北美大麻和消费品公司,致力于释放大麻的力量以改善生活[17] - Canopy Growth通过其对Acreage、Wana Brands和Jetty Extracts的权利,建立了一个全面的生态系统,以实现美国THC市场的机遇[20] - 公司提到前瞻性声明存在固有风险和不确定性,可能导致预期、预测、预测、投影或结论不准确,假设可能不正确,目标、战略目标和优先事项可能无法实现[27] - 多种因素可能导致实际结果与公司在新闻稿和提交给美国证券交易委员会(SEC)和其他监管机构的报告中所做的前瞻性声明有实质性差异[27] - 公司提到的风险因素包括但不限于:有限的运营历史;管理时间分散在与Canopy USA相关的问题上;与Acreage、Wana和Jetty收购的先决条件未满足或放弃的风险;Acreage的财务报表表达对其作为持续经营实体的怀疑;尚未收到Jetty的经审计财务报表;资本资源和流动性的充足性;市场、行业或业务条件的波动或恶化;遵守适用政策和法规;与各级联邦、州和省政府机构颁发的许可证和合同安排的依赖;与预测相关的固有不确定性;未来收入水平及竞争增加的影响;第三方制造风险;第三方运输风险;通货膨胀风险;与农业业务相关的风险,包括批发价格波动和产品质量变化;法律、法规和指导方针的变化以及我们遵守这些法律、法规和指导方针的风险[27]
CGC Stock Is on Watch Amid ‘Canopy USA' Vote
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-13 03:03
Despite a volatile week for cannabis specialist Canopy Growth (NASDAQ:CGC), CGC stock has enjoyed a tremendous performance over the past month, gaining about 163%. Currently, shareholders are voting on two proposals related to the creation of a U.S.-based entity called Canopy USA. Enthusiasm is running hot that the U.S. government will eventually legalize marijuana. According to the Pew Research Center, the use and possession of marijuana is illegal under federal law. However, about three-quarters of states ...
These Marijuana Stocks Could Begin To Rise Again?
MarijuanaStocks· 2024-04-12 21:10
Cannabis Investing 2024: These Marijuana Stocks Could Produce The Gains You Need Marijuana stock investors are seeing the future of cannabis and investing transforming. What does this mean exactly? So from earlier on in the green rush most marijuana stocks traded as if they were never coming down. The excitement of publicly traded cannabis companies being traded on the open market was incredible. Even when slight drops would occur they were often followed by strong recoveries. Now this was back in 2018, and ...
CGC Stock: What to Know Ahead of Canopy Growth's Share Conversion Vote This Week
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-09 03:08
Canopy Growth股价上涨 - Canopy Growth (NASDAQ:CGC)股价上涨超过230%,受到拜登总统和副总统哈里斯关于重新分类大麻的言论、德国大麻合法化以及佛罗里达州11月投票通过大麻合法化的影响[1] Canopy Growth特别会议提案公布 - Canopy Growth将举行特别会议,将公布两项提案的投票结果[2] - 第一项提案寻求批准授权和发行Canopy Growth资本中的“无限数量的新类别的非投票和非参与交换股份”,以代表其美国业务Canopy USA[3] - 第二项提案寻求批准允许一股CGC普通股随时转换为一股可交换股份[4] Canopy Growth新类别股份 - 一旦第一提案获得批准,CUSA将有资格行使权利并收购Canopy持有条件利益的五家公司,包括Mountain High Products、Wana Wellness和The Cima Group[5] - 两家独立的代理投票顾问已建议股东投票支持两项提案,认为新类别股份将帮助公司与美国法规保持一致[7] - Canopy Growth押注于美国大麻的联邦合法化,并相信创建新类别股份将使其在竞争激烈的行业中领先一步[8]