Caravelle International (CACO)
Caravelle International Group to Change Ticker Symbol to 'HTCO' on September 30, 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-09-26 05:00
SINGAPORE, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Caravelle International Group (Nasdaq: CACO), a global ocean technology company, today announced that its ordinary shares will begin trading on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol 'HTCO' prior to market open on September 30, 2024. This will replace the company's current ticker symbol 'CACO', which has been used since its de-SPAC transaction in 2022.No action by the company's shareholders is required with respect to the ticker symbol change. The company's ordinary shares ...
Caravelle International Group Announces Financial Results for Fiscal Year 2023
Prnewswire· 2024-09-09 21:40
SINGAPORE, Sept. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Caravelle International Group (Nasdaq: CACO), a global ocean technology company, today announced its audited financial results for the fiscal year ended October 31, 2023.Due to the overall environment of the shipping industry and increased operating costs post-listing, in the fiscal year 2023, Caravelle achieved revenue of approximately $95.3 million, a decrease of 48.6% from the approximately $185.3 million in the fiscal year 2022. The company reported a net loss of ...
Caravelle International (CACO) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-09-09 21:00
财务表现 - 2023财年公司总收入为95.3百万美元,较2022财年的185.3百万美元下降48.6%[294] - 海运收入从2022财年的178.1百万美元下降46.9%至2023财年的94.5百万美元[295] - 2023财年毛亏为11.9百万美元,毛利率为负12.5%,而2022财年毛利为26.8百万美元,毛利率为14.5%[298] - 2023财年总运营费用为3.7百万美元,较2022财年的3.3百万美元增加14.6%[299,300,301] - 2023财年其他费用净额为147,231美元,较2022财年的27,239美元增加[302] - 公司2022财年总收入为185.3百万美元,较2021财年增长52.0%[308] - 2022财年海运收入为178.1百万美元,较2021财年增长61.8%[309] - 2022财年毛利为26.8百万美元,毛利率为14.5%,较2021财年提升[312] - 2022财年营业费用为3.3百万美元,较2021财年增长32.2%[313] - 2022财年净利润为23.6百万美元,较2021财年增长130.1%[317] 现金流和资金需求 - 2023财年公司净亏损15.8百万美元,经营活动净现金流出17.8百万美元[318] - 公司计划通过经营活动、银行贷款和股东垫款等方式满足未来营运资金需求[319] - 2022财年经营活动产生净现金流入33.1百万美元,2023财年转为净流出17.8百万美元[321,322,323] - 公司于2022年12月完成SPAC交易,将利用融资活动满足未来营运资金和资本支出需求[319] - 公司2021财年经营活动产生的净现金约为600万美元,2020财年为1,100万美元[324] - 2021财年投资活动产生的现金为30万美元,主要是由于定期存单到期重分类为现金等价物[325] 资本支出和资产负债 - 2023财年和2022财年公司没有资本支出[329] - 公司截至2023年10月31日有银行贷款约2,414,678美元和不可撤销的经营租赁合约[330][331] - 公司没有重大的资产负债表外安排[332] 会计政策 - 公司主要从事航运业务,收入确认政策为在运输过程中按时间比例确认[337] - 公司披露了最近会计准则变更的相关信息[338]
Caravelle International Group Announces a Note and Warrant Purchase and Settlement Agreement
Prnewswire· 2024-08-08 21:53
SINGAPORE, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Caravelle International Group (the "Company", Nasdaq: CACO), a global ocean technology company, today announced that it has entered some agreements ( the "Agreements") with two institutional investors (the "Investors") to terminate all terms and provisions of the Securities Purchase Agreement and other related transaction agreements dated January 5, 2024 (the "Securities Purchase Agreement"), pursuant to which the Company will buy back the $1.5 million Senior Secured ...
Caravelle International Group Regained Compliance with the Minimum Bid Requirement
Prnewswire· 2024-06-11 21:30
SINGAPORE, June 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Caravelle International Group (Nasdaq:CACO), a leading global marine technology company received the determination letter on June 10 from Nasdaq (the "Determination Letter") that for the 17 consecutive business days, from May 15, 2024, to June 7, 2024, the closing bid price of the Company's ordinary shares has been at $1.00 per share or greater. Accordingly, the Company has regained compliance with the Minimum Bid Requirement and this matter is now closed. On June 10 ...
Caravelle Lays the Groundwork for Innovative Business in Mixed Transportation and Drying Wood by Signing a MoU with the Government of Gabon
Prnewswire· 2024-04-25 22:03
SINGAPORE, April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Caravelle International Group (Nasdaq:CACO), a leading global marine technology group of companies, today announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Ministry of Water and Forestry of Gabon on the development of a critical timber processing and marketing technology for the transportation, processing and sale of timber. This initiative is another important step in preparation for the drying of timber on the same carrier as the transporta ...
CUEX Metal AG and Caravelle International Group Sign Innovative Manganese Ore Purchase Agreement to Advance Wood Drying Business
Prnewswire· 2024-04-18 21:15
SINGAPORE, April 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Caravelle International Group (Nasdaq:CACO), a leading global marine technology group of companies, today announced the signing of an innovative manganese ore sourcing agreement with CUEX Metal AG ("CUEX"), a leading provider of services to the global steel, foundry and smelting industries. This partnership not only ensures CUEX's stability in the global manganese ore supply chain, but also marks a substantial step forward in the cooperation between the two companie ...
Caravelle International Group Announces Major Milestone in Innovation: The Launch of Wood Drying Ship
Prnewswire· 2024-03-04 22:46
木材干燥船项目 - Caravelle International Group(Nasdaq: CACO)宣布其创新的木材干燥船已经进入全面投产阶段[1] - 该项目总投资280万美元,不仅是设备投资,更是对创新和可持续发展的承诺[3] - 木材干燥船利用引擎废气的热能进行干燥,提高效率并减少环境影响,预计每艘船每年木材干燥操作可带来高达1680万美元的潜在收入[4]
Caravelle's Chairman of the Board and CEO, Dr. Guohua Zhang, invited to Davos Summit 2024
Prnewswire· 2024-01-24 23:30
Caravelle International Group - Caravelle International Group(Nasdaq: CACO)是全球领先的海洋碳中和技术公司,主席兼首席执行官张国华博士受邀参加2024年瑞士达沃斯峰会,与多位财富500强CEO和ESG领导人讨论如何更好地将社会和经济价值融入全球可持续发展框架中[1] - 张国华博士与飞利浦公司主席兼世界经济论坛监事会主席费克·西布斯马在达沃斯论坛上就“木材干燥船”项目进行了深入讨论,探讨了项目的运作机制、环境影响、法律合规性和科学可行性[2] - 马士基,丹麦最大的航运公司之一,致力于投资和与有潜力的公司合作,与“木材干燥船”项目的理念相符,将积极推动与木材干燥船的合作,支持项目的商业模式和合作[3]
Caravelle International (CACO) - 2022 Q4 - Annual Report
2023-08-28 00:00
总收入和净利润 - Caravelle 在2022年的总收入为185,349,630美元,比2021年的121,961,057美元增长了63,388,573美元,增长了52.0%[1] - Caravelle 在2022年的净利润为23,596,914美元,比2021年的10,256,622美元增长了13,340,292美元,增长了130.1%[1] - Caravelle公司2021年度总收入为约1.22亿美元,较2020年度的约0.78亿美元增长约55.7%[229] - Caravelle公司2021年度净利润约1.03亿美元,较2020年度的净亏损约580万美元有显著增长[237] 营运支出和利润率 - Caravelle 在2022年的毛利润率为14.5%,比2021年的10.6%有所提高[1] - Caravelle 在2022年的运营费用为3,266,361美元,比2021年的2,470,989美元增加了795,372美元,增长了32.2%[1] - Caravelle公司2021年度营运支出约247万美元,较2020年度的约179万美元增长约37.8%[233] 税收和所得税费用 - Caravelle 在2022年的所得税费用为11,243美元,比2021年的2,113美元增加了9,130美元,增长了432.1%[1] - Caravelle公司2021年度税收为2113美元,较2020年度的2357美元略有下降[235] 其他收入和支出 - Caravelle 在2022年的利息支出为101,877美元,比2021年的122,392美元减少了20,515美元,减少了16.8%[1] - Caravelle 在2022年的其他收入为129,098美元,比2021年的其他支出100,093美元增加了229,191美元[1] 现金流 - Caravelle 公司截至 2022 年 10 月 31 日的经营活动现金流为 3,313,243 美元,较 2021 年同期的 632,490 美元大幅增长[241] - Caravelle 公司截至 2022 年 10 月 31 日的投资活动现金流为 300,000 美元,2021 年为 300,000 美元[242] - Caravelle 公司截至 2022 年 10 月 31 日的融资活动现金流为 -21,914,535 美元,2021 年为 1,306,065 美元[243] 船舶服务收入和船只收购计划 - 2021年度船舶服务收入约1.1847亿美元,较2020年度的约0.1050亿美元增长约1028.8%[229] - Caravelle公司计划到2025年底收购8艘船只,每艘船只价格预计在500万至1000万美元之间[239]