Citi Ventures Becomes Strategic Investor in Core Banking Provider Tuum
PYMNTS· 2024-03-15 04:07
Tuum与Citi Ventures合作 - Citi Ventures成为Tuum的战略投资者,扩展了Tuum在二月宣布的B轮融资[1] - Citi Ventures将向Citi银行的关键利益相关方介绍Tuum,探索商业化机会[2] - Tuum的CEO Myles Bertrand表示,Citi Ventures的投资代表了Tuum取得的重要里程碑和市场认可[3] Tuum的发展和融资情况 - Tuum是一家核心银行服务提供商,旨在帮助银行快速、安全地替换传统系统,降低维护成本,利用数字化潜力[4] - Tuum在二月宣布了2600万美元的B轮融资,将用于进军中南欧和中东新市场,加强直销和营销业务,建立新的托管服务关系[5] Citi Ventures的战略投资 - Citi Ventures作为Citi的战略投资者,致力于在金融服务领域投资和合作创新初创公司[6] - Citi Ventures的董事总经理Luis Valdich表示,Tuum的API-first、云不可知和模块化平台有望在行业内加速长期以来的转型[7] Tuum与LHV Bank的合作 - LHV Bank与Tuum合作过渡到基于云的银行系统,以提供最佳客户服务[8]
Citigroup probes senior banker over workplace bullying claims: sources
New York Post· 2024-03-15 01:33
Ruff事件 - Edward Ruff是Citi纽约股本市场集团的董事总经理,自一月份以来一直休假[2] - Ruff被指控在其管理的工业、能源和电力团队中对多名下属进行至少两起虐待行为[3] - Ruff在11月13日的事件中对团队成员大声辱骂,引发了不满[11] - 另一名员工指控Ruff在电话中侮辱和恐吓他,称人力资源部不会支持他[13] 公司文化 - 2021年,Jane Fraser成为Citi的首席执行官,是美国主要银行中唯一的女性首席执行官[5] - Citi致力于改变文化,强调尊重待遇标准,对不符合标准的员工采取行动,包括解雇[6] - Citigroup的北美股本市场业务负责人告知员工,Ruff因个人原因休假,要求员工不要猜测[17] 公司政策 - Ruff曾抱怨分析师周六不工作,尽管Citi规定周六为初级银行家休息日[16] - Citigroup正面临一起关于纽约工作场所骚扰的诉讼,指控一名高级股票银行家对员工进行多年虐待[18] - 全球市场主管Andy Morton要求员工如果发现不当行为应该举报,强调不应该有任何歧视或骚扰[20]
Here's Why Citigroup (C) Gained But Lagged the Market Today
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-13 06:51
Citigroup (C) closed the most recent trading day at $57.45, moving +0.07% from the previous trading session. The stock's change was less than the S&P 500's daily gain of 1.12%. At the same time, the Dow added 0.61%, and the tech-heavy Nasdaq gained 1.54%.The U.S. bank's shares have seen an increase of 6.47% over the last month, surpassing the Finance sector's gain of 4.07% and the S&P 500's gain of 2.06%.The investment community will be paying close attention to the earnings performance of Citigroup in its ...
HSBC to Hire 50 Bankers to Serve Startups Via Venture Lending
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-13 01:20
HSBC Holdings PLC (HSBC) intends to hire roughly 50 bankers for its U.S. commercial bank to cater to the lending requirements of startup companies, particularly those operating in the technology and healthcare sectors. This was disclosed by Wyatt Crowell, head of U.S. commercial banking at HSBC, in an interview with Reuters.Since startup companies generally find it difficult to finance their operations from major lenders until they become established, HSBC expects to bridge the gap through an expansion in i ...
6 Blue Chip Dividend Stocks to Buy in March
24/7 Wall Street· 2024-03-13 01:15
股息收入与资本增值 - 持续股息收入和资本增值潜力对于总回报期望至关重要[1] - 高股息股票在过去半个世纪的年化回报率超过非付息股票[2] - 总回报是股票价值增长和股息的综合增长[3] 蓝筹股评级 - 六家蓝筹股公司在2024年春季被评为买入[5]
Citigroup CEO Jane Fraser has chance to pull off the restructure of the century, bring banking empire back to its former glory
New York Post· 2024-03-10 06:00
花旗集团历史 - 花旗集团由Sandy Weill和Jamie Dimon于1998年合并而成,原本是一项银行创新,但后来出现问题[5] - 2008年金融危机期间,花旗集团的风险承受能力比雷曼兄弟更加不稳定,最终依靠政府救助才得以幸存[8][9] 花旗集团重组 - 花旗集团曾是金融服务行业的典范,但近年来陷入困境,现任CEO Jane Fraser正在进行大规模重组,裁员、精简管理层,并专注于盈利业务,希望实现扭转局面[12][13][14]
Citigroup (C) Expects Higher IB Fees in Q1, Lower Market Revenues
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-07 01:41
At a recent industry conference, Citigroup Inc’s (C) CEO Jane Fraser indicated improvement in the investment banking (“IB”) business and provided an update on its reorganizational efforts.She noted an improvement in corporate client sentiments, merger activity and debt-underwriting business. As for advisory fees, the bank will have to wait for deal completions.With this, management expects IB fees to sequentially improve in the low-teens range in first-quarter 2024.However, market revenues are expected to r ...
Citi (C) Plans to Grow Asia Wealth Business From Hong Kong Base
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-06 23:45
Citigroup Inc.’s (C) head of global wealth, Andy Sieg, has announced that the company plans to expand its wealth management business in the Greater Bay Area and the rest of Asia from its base in Hong Kong. The move is part of Citi’s plan to tap into the growing wealth in Asia, particularly leveraging Hong Kong’s financial hub status.Despite Citi’s plan to sell its mainland China wealth business to HSBC Holdings plc, it remains committed to Hong Kong and China.Though Citi will exit its consumer wealth busine ...
港股异动 | 中生制药(01177)现跌超5% 花旗称少数股东权益百分比被抵估 下调每股盈测
智通财经· 2024-03-05 14:04
智通财经APP获悉,中生制药(01177)现跌超5%,截至发稿,跌5.4%,报2.98港元,成交额8732.6万港元。 消息面上,花旗发表报告指出,维持对中生制药的收入预测不变,但由于少数股东权益百分比被抵估,因此下调对其每股盈利预测,目标价由9港元下调至7.4港元,维持“买入”评级。 汇丰此前指出,公司大部分负面因素已反映在股价之上,考虑到该公司疫苗库存水平较低,估计减值影响有限,并对其增长前景保持乐观。该行认为中生制药增长前景稳固,现价水平为2024年经调整预测市盈率为15倍,较同业平均19倍低,估值有吸引力,维持“买入”评级,因应最新估值,将目标价从5港元降至4.6港元。 ...
Citigroup (C) Advances While Market Declines: Some Information for Investors
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-03-05 07:51
Citigroup财报预测 - Citigroup即将公布的季度财报,预计每股收益为 $1.52,同比下降 18.28%,营收预计为 $20.51 亿美元,同比下降 4.39% [3] Citigroup股价表现 - Citigroup最新收盘价为 $56.14,较前一天上涨了 +0.97% [1] Citigroup行业排名 - Banks - Major Regional行业属于Finance sector,目前的Zacks Industry Rank为41,在所有行业中排名前17% [10] Citigroup评级和估值 - Citigroup目前的Zacks Rank为3 (Hold),过去30天的Zacks Consensus EPS估计值上涨了 0.13% [7] - Citigroup目前的Forward P/E ratio为9.36,低于行业平均值10.6 [8] - Citigroup目前的PEG ratio为1.52,略高于行业平均值1.51 [9] 行业排名相关信息 - Zacks Industry Rank按照各个行业公司的平均Zacks Rank从好到坏排序,研究显示排名前50%的行业胜过后50%的行业两倍 [11]