Blackstone Mortgage (BMXT) stock: Inverse H&S patterns form
Invezz· 2024-01-04 22:26
Blackstone Mortgage Trust (NYSE: BXMT) stock price has remained in a tight range in the past few weeks. The stock was trading at $20 on Thursday, a few points below last month’s high of $22.57. It has risen by over 40% from its 2023 lows even as its short interest has risen to 16.65%. Mixed picture fundamentally Copy link to section Blackstone Mortgage Trust exists in an industry that has become modestly hated in the current high-interest rate environment. It is an mREIT, which provides senior secured loans ...
Ancestry CEO talks potential IPO
Proactive Investors· 2024-01-03 23:25
About this content About Emily Jarvie Emily began her career as a political journalist for Australian Community Media in Hobart, Tasmania. After she relocated to Toronto, Canada, she reported on business, legal, and scientific developments in the emerging psychedelics sector before joining Proactive in 2022. She brings a strong journalism background with her work featured in newspapers, magazines, and digital publications across Australia, Europe, and North America, including The Examiner, The Advocate, The ...
NiSource Inc. Completes NIPSCO Minority Equity Interest Transaction
Businesswire· 2024-01-02 19:30
NiSource公司交易详情 - NiSource公司完成了将19.9%的间接股权转让给Blackstone Infrastructure的交易[1] - Blackstone Infrastructure致力于长期持有大型基础设施资产,支持NIPSCO的能源转型和减碳计划[1] NiSource公司资金运用 - NiSource将利用资金支持NIPSCO的可再生能源项目和强化资产负债表,以及继续投资电力转型[2] Blackstone Infrastructure对NIPSCO的支持 - Blackstone Infrastructure对NIPSCO的快速增长和减碳计划表示兴奋,将支持其在印第安纳州的关键作用[4] NIPSCO公司介绍 - NIPSCO是印第安纳州最大的电力和天然气分销公司,致力于提供可再生能源项目和淘汰所有燃煤发电[5]
Blackstone Secured Lending Q3: The Top BDC To Buy Or Add To For 2024
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-02 19:00
JuSun Introduction First thing I want to say to everyone is Happy New Year. Welcome into 2024. With 2023 now behind us, a volatile year for the market, let's talk about what this new year will bring. Opportunities! Specifically, to add or pick up some quality BDCs at decent or great valuations. With interest rates surging last year, business development companies share prices went up as well. But with rates expected to be below 3% around this time next year (time of writing), I suspect many BDCs will be tra ...
Blackstone commits $2.41B investment into NiSource
Proactive Investors· 2024-01-02 17:52
Proactive团队 - Angela Harmantas是Proactive的编辑,拥有超过15年的股票市场报道经验,特别关注初级资源股[2] - Proactive的金融新闻团队为全球投资者提供快速、易于获取、信息丰富和可操作的商业和金融新闻内容[3] - Proactive的新闻团队遍布世界主要的金融和投资中心,拥有办事处和工作室[4] - Proactive团队专注于中小市值市场,同时也让社区了解蓝筹公司、大宗商品和更广泛的投资故事[5] - Proactive团队提供市场上的新闻和独特见解,涵盖生物技术和制药、矿业和自然资源、电池金属、石油和天然气、加密货币以及新兴数字和电动汽车技术等领域[6] - Proactive一直是前瞻性和热情的技术采用者,团队拥有许多有价值的专业知识和经验[7] - Proactive偶尔会使用自动化和软件工具,包括生成式人工智能,但所有发布的内容都经过人工编辑和撰写,符合最佳实践[8]
Blackstone paying $2.41B in minority stake deal with NiSource unit
Market Watch· 2024-01-02 14:51
Blackstone投资 - Blackstone基础设施部门同意投资2.41亿美元在Northern Indiana Public Service Company LLC[1] - Blackstone基础设施合作伙伴的附属公司将支付21.6亿美元,以获得Northern Indiana Public Service Co. 19.9%的间接非控股权益[1] - Blackstone还承诺额外投资2.5亿美元用于资金需求[1]
Blackstone's Winning Formula: Blending Growth With Stability For Investors
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-02 08:41
Blackstone业绩表现 - Blackstone Inc.(NYSE:BX)展现出强劲的业绩,股价自十月份六个月低点以来上涨了43%[2] - 公司资产管理规模在2023年第三季度表现出显著增长,尤其是在Q3 2023,资产管理规模增加了超过250亿美元,年增长率达到10%[2] - Blackstone在第三季度表现出色,成功筹集了超过250亿美元的资金,反映了投资者对其方法的信心[4] Blackstone投资策略 - Blackstone的Perpetual Capital战略有助于推动长期投资领域的扩张[2] - Blackstone拥有庞大的未分配资本,有望在利用市场错位时获得更多收益[5] - Blackstone继续积极投资,过去12个月部署了614亿美元,继续利用低估值的机会[15] Blackstone市场前景 - 随着美联储暗示2024年进行利率削减,Blackstone有望获得实质性的好处[5] - Blackstone的股价与10年期国债收益率呈现出相反的走势,预示着一旦预期的利率削减成为现实,股价将进一步上涨[5] - 总的来说,Blackstone是私募股权市场上的一个引人注目的投资机会,投资者应该密切关注股价与业务发展之间的估值关系[17]
Blackstone Secured Lending: 11.2% Dividend Yield, I'm Buying Any Dips
Seeking Alpha· 2023-12-31 17:23
投资情况 - Blackstone Secured Lending (BXSL)是我在Hercules Capital (HTGC)之后持有的第二大商业发展公司股票[2] - BXSL的基本现金股息为每股0.77美元,由第三季度净投资收入的123%覆盖[2] - BXSL的投资在第三季度末达到95亿美元,贷款不计提状态保持在0.1%以下[6] - BXSL的投资等级为“BBB-”,平均贷款价值比率略有上升,但其投资组合公司基本面领先于同行[9] - BXSL的投资活动在第三季度达到1.85亿美元,净投资活动大幅增加[16] 财务状况 - BXSL的净资产价值每股正在上升,继续超过季度基本股息收入,贷款不计提状态为0.1%[2] - BXSL的负债权益比率在第三季度末为1.08倍,主要集中在固定利率无抵押票据上[21]
‘Wanna -Bet?' Carson Block Offers Side-Bet on His Blackstone Mortgage Short
Barrons· 2023-12-30 01:17
Blackstone Mortgage Trust股价下跌 - Blackstone Mortgage Trust的股价出现下跌[1] - 下跌可能与Carson Block在伦敦投资会议上对Blackstone Mortgage Trust的批评有关[1]
2 Of My Favorite Stocks For 2024
Seeking Alpha· 2023-12-26 16:05
sitox Most of you here on Seeking Alpha know me as a REIT analyst (VNQ). That's my main circle of competence and it is also where most of my capital is going. But I also invest in other sectors of the market. Diversification is the only "free lunch" that the market has to offer and I don't want to miss out on it. My non-REIT investments are typically companies that are still somehow related to real estate since that's what I know best. Below, I highlight two of my favorite non-REIT stock investments for 202 ...