3 Stocks to Buy as Soon as Investors' Good Moods Turn Sour
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-20 02:42
Undoubtedly, within the financial markets, there are companies not so well recognized by many investors that are making completely incredible and wonderful advances, with exponential growth and wonderfully innovative products and services. It is worth analyzing these companies in detail. Also, consider adding them to your investment portfolio if you are looking for considerable growth in your returns. Here are three stocks to buy, let’s take a brief look. British American Tobacco (BTI) Source: DutchMen / Sh ...
British American Tobacco has lots of upside, reckons Jefferies
Proactive Investors· 2024-02-19 23:45
BAT's set-up currently is appealing, suggests the analysts at Jefferies, and there is a lot of upside potential at the cigarette group, reckons the US Bank. In particular, BAT’s non-US businesses are often overlooked but are growing handily and should be supported by a recovery in US industry volumes in both cigs and vape. Ex-US organic sales and underlying profit grew by 9% and 8.5% respectively in 2023, with growth of 6.5% and 6.3% forecast by the bank for this year. In the US, PMTA approval of BAT's toba ...
Building A $100,000 Dividend Portfolio With 2 ETFs And February's Top 10 High Dividend Yield Stocks
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-16 07:00
分红投资组合 - 选取了10家高股息收益公司,包括可口可乐公司、Enterprise Products Partners、Intesa Sanpaolo、Verizon、AT&T、Altria Group、British American Tobacco、Realty Income、Boston Properties和U.S. Bancorp[6] - 通过对这些公司的分配,形成了一个分红投资组合,提供了3.72%的加权平均股息收益率和8.09%的5年加权平均股息增长率[4] - 通过分析这些公司的股息收益和股息增长率,发现它们有效地结合了股息收入和股息增长[13] - 选取的10家高股息收益公司中,只有AT&T显示出负的5年股息增长率,凸显了该分红投资组合的降低风险水平和积极投资结果的可能性[16] - 7家高股息收益公司的60M Beta因子低于1,表明这些公司可以有效降低投资组合的波动性[18] - 选取的公司中,英美烟草公司、Verizon、可口可乐、Altria和AT&T对降低该分红投资组合的波动性起着重要作用[19] - 通过谨慎地组合ETF和个别公司,确保没有任何一家公司占据整个投资组合的超过5%,从而降低了该分红投资组合的公司特定集中风险[23] - 消费品行业占据了该分红投资组合最大的比例,为17.43%,这表明该投资组合的降低行业特定集中风险,进而降低了整体风险水平[25] - 76%的投资组合由大型公司组成,这意味着投资组合的风险水平较低[31] - 几乎一半的公司(49%)是价值公司,只有14%是成长公司,37%是核心公司(结合价值和成长),进一步突显了投资组合的降低风险水平[33] 投资组合表现 - The Dividend Income Accelerator Portfolio的加权平均股息收益率为4.31%,5年加权平均股息增长率为8.37%[45] - 这个投资组合为投资者提供了更优越的股息收入和股息增长的组合[45] - 该文章讨论了两个ETF和选定的10家高股息收益公司,以及它们在2024年2月的分配情况[46]
British American Tobacco: Demystifying The Stability Of 9% Dividend
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-11 20:41
sankai British American Tobacco (NYSE:BTI) is a well-known dividend stock with a market cap of over $69 billion. Currently, BTI yields just above 9%, which stimulates a high interest from many yield-seeking and value investors. One of the main reasons why British American is able to offer so enticing current income levels is because there is a fusion of two aspects: 1. The Company generates ample free cash flows that could be distributed to equity holders after all of the CapEx spend and debt service costs. ...
Here's Why British American Tobacco Stock Could Double
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-10 19:40
Shares of British American Tobacco (BTI -2.26%) are down about 33% since peaking in early 2022, and they're down nearly 60% from their all-time high. On the surface, this poor performance makes sense. While demand for tobacco products is strong in some geographic regions, tobacco usage in the U.S. is in a perpetual decline. The company expects global tobacco industry volumes to drop 3% this year, with the U.S. driving much of that decline. One of the main reasons to own British American Tobacco stock is the ...
Best Stock to Buy Right Now: Altria vs. British American Tobacco
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-09 21:28
烟草行业市场 - 烟草行业虽然受到公众对吸烟危害的认知影响,但仍然保持着一定的市场份额[1] 高股息股票公司 - Altria Group和British American Tobacco是两家知名的高股息股票公司,提供超过9%的丰厚股息[2] Altria和BAT公司介绍 - Altria是美国最大的烟草公司,拥有Marlboro等知名品牌,同时还有其他烟草产品和酒类投资[4] - British American Tobacco在产品和地理上更加多元化,拥有多个全球烟草品牌和烟草替代品[5] 烟草公司股息情况 - 烟草公司正逐渐转向无烟产品,但由于吸烟率下降,增长速度较慢,因此高股息是吸引投资者的主要原因[7] - Altria和British American Tobacco的股息支付比率都很合理,但Altria的现金流80%用于股息,而BAT只有一半[8] - Altria连续50年提高股息,被称为“股息之王”,而BAT的股息增长不太稳定[9] 公司估值和增长前景 - Altria的市盈率为8.2倍,BAT为6.4倍,预计Altria的年增长率为4%,BAT为5%,BAT更具增长潜力[11] - BAT在无烟产品领域更具优势,已经在电子烟、口腔尼古丁袋和热不燃产品上取得成功[14] - BAT的低股息支付比率、便宜的估值和更高的增长前景使其成为更好的投资选择[15]
British American Tobacco Jumped Today -- Is the Stock a Buy for 2024?
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-09 06:43
British American Tobacco (BTI 6.97%) stock climbed Thursday after the company published preliminary results for its recently completed fiscal year. The company's share price closed out the daily session up 6.8%, according to data from S&P Global Market Intelligence. Sales in the annual period were down 1.3% to 27.3 billion British pounds but would have been up 3.1% on an organic basis assuming constant-currency rates. While revenue for the company's combustibles segment climbed 0.6% on a constant-currency b ...
Why British American Tobacco Stock Was Heating Up Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-09 02:59
Shares of British American Tobacco (BTI 6.77%), the owner of cigarette brands Camel and Newport, were moving higher today after the company delivered solid end-of-year results and an encouraging outlook for 2024. As a result, the stock was up 7.4% as of 12:50 p.m. ET. British American redeems itself ...
BAT(BTI) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-02-09 00:00
公司基本信息 - 公司注册地为英格兰和威尔士,主要执行办公地点位于伦敦[1] - 公司发行的普通股为每股面值25便士,共有24.5686742亿股普通股[3] - 公司发行多种不同期限的债券,包括截至2029年的5.931%债券、截至2030年的6.343%债券等[2] - 公司的审计师是KPMG LLP[5] - 公司使用国际会计准则委员会发布的国际财务报告准则作为编制财务报表的基础[5] 财务表现 - 公司2023年第四季度营收达到了96.77亿美元,创下中国市场iPhone销售收入纪录[110] - 公司2023年第四季度净利润同比增长了15%[6] - 公司2023年第四季度市值达到了180亿美元[6] - 公司2023年第四季度总收入为25.1亿美元[6] - 公司2023年第四季度净利润率达到了8.4%[1] 市场表现 - 公司在中国市场iPhone销售创下收入纪录为967.7亿美元[1] - 公司市场份额增长了2%[6] - 公司在美国市场的销售额占比为30.5%,同比增长了3.1%[1] - 公司在亚洲市场的市场份额为15.1%[1] - 公司在南美市场的市场份额为10.5%[1] 业务拓展 - 公司在63个市场销售Vapour产品[10] - 公司在31个市场销售HPs产品[10] - 公司在34个市场销售Modern Oral产品[10] - 公司在3个市场销售Traditional Oral产品[10] - 公司在2023年第四季度实现了数字化业务收入增长了20%[2]
BAT(BTI) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-08 22:50
收入和利润 - 公司在2023年实现了3.1%的有机收入增长,新类别收入增长21%[31][5] - 公司调整后的运营利润增长3.1%,运营利润率提高60个基点[31] - 公司调整后的每股收益增长4%,有机基础上增长1.1%[32] 产品和市场 - 新类别收入增长近18%,有机增长21%[5] - 新类别市场贡献率现在超过20%[9] - 美国传统烟草业务价值增长[10] - 推出新产品glo Hyper pro和veo[13] - 在全球推动烟草危害减少议程[16] - 在英国推出多渠道媒体宣传活动[18] - 集团运营利润率强劲增长60个基点[53] 地域表现 - 美国市场烟草产品销量同比下降11.3%[46] - AME地区有机收入增长13%,烟草产品表现强劲[43] - APMEA地区总收入增长超过5%,烟草产品表现稳健[43] 未来展望 - 预计2024年有机收入和运营利润将保持低个位数增长[56] - 预计2026年有机收入增长率将达到3%至5%[57] - 预计2024年每股调整后稀释收益将增长4%[54] - 预计2024年净财务成本约为19亿英镑[55] - 公司对2025年的初步指导表明,预计美国市场的竞争水平和下行交易将继续[112] - 公司预计宏观经济的改善将有助于改善2024年的燃烧业务[114]