Dutch Bros(BROS)
Where Will Dutch Bros Be in 5 Years?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-28 00:16
Dutch Bros is a rapidly expanding coffee chain. There's material growth ahead, but investors need to make sure it doesn't move too quickly. Dutch Bros (BROS -1.04%) has been around for about 30 years, but it has only been public since late 2021. At that time, it had 471 stores in 11 states. At the end of 2023, the company operated 831 locations in 16 states. Clearly, growth is the big story, and that isn't likely to change over the next five years. Here's what you need to know before you buy the stock. Dutc ...
Why Dutch Bros (BROS) is Poised to Beat Earnings Estimates Again
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-16 01:15
Have you been searching for a stock that might be well-positioned to maintain its earnings-beat streak in its upcoming report? It is worth considering Dutch Bros (BROS) , which belongs to the Zacks Beverages - Soft drinks industry. This drive-thru coffee chain operator and franchisor has an established record of topping earnings estimates, especially when looking at the previous two reports. The company boasts an average surprise for the past two quarters of 100%. For the most recent quarter, Dutch Bros was ...
2 Stocks That Could Be Easy Wealth Builders
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-09 17:45
These consumer stocks thrive on regional to national expansion. Wealth building is one of the primary reasons individuals invest in the stock market. Considering the history of companies like Home Depot and Amazon, many growth investors hope to find small-cap or mid-cap stocks destined to become the next large-caps or mega-caps. Finding such stocks takes hard work and luck, and that assumes unforeseen events don't derail potentially lucrative stocks. Nonetheless, regional companies moving toward national or ...
3 Magnificent Stocks That Could Triple by 2030
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-06 20:00
Toast公司 - Toast是一家高增长的软件公司,为餐厅行业解决重大问题,其数字平台帮助餐厅提高订单和流量,提高员工生产力[4] - Toast的营收在2023年增长了42%,达到39亿美元,服务了估计10%的美国餐厅,还有很大的扩张空间[5][6] - Toast的股价相对于其他增长型软件服务公司来说估值较低,目前的市销率为3.2,如果公司继续以高速增长,股价可能在未来六年内翻三倍[7] Roku公司 - Roku是领先的流媒体分发平台,虽然股价自2021年高峰以来下跌了80%,但仍是领先的流媒体分发平台,有望在2030年前翻三倍[8] - Roku的用户基数和观看时间稳步增长,广告收入也在增加,尽管目前遇到了一些困难,但公司正在削减成本,为盈利铺平道路[9][10][11][12] Dutch Bros公司 - Dutch Bros是一家快速扩张的咖啡连锁店,计划到2030年开设至少4000家店,尽管目前尚未持续盈利,但公司正朝着更接近盈利的方向发展[15][16][17][18] - Dutch Bros的销售额在不断增长,尽管盈利尚未稳定,但公司的扩张速度和策略有望为股东创造价值[17][18][19]
Merger Mania: 3 Potential Takeover Targets to Watch for Lucrative Buyouts
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-03 00:13
Reduced interest rates make it easier for firms to buy other companies. That’s because acquiring firms can borrow the money needed to finance mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals much more cheaply when rates are low. With the Federal Reserve indicating earlier this year that it’s poised to cut its benchmark interest rate three times in 2024, rates are likely headed lower. As a result, the pace of M&A activity is likely to rise in the second half of 2024. Indeed, already in the fourth quarter, after the cent ...
Dutch Bros: Upside Potential Remains High If Growth Remains
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-24 20:09
公司背景 - Dutch Bros (NYSE:BROS)是一家总部位于俄勒冈州格兰茨帕斯的快速增长的咖啡连锁店,成立于1992年,以提供高质量咖啡、饮料和客户服务为特色。[1] - BROS的营收增长和消费者参与度反映了其与公众的良好共鸣,具有强大的商业地位。[2] - BROS经营一系列的驶入式咖啡亭,专门为顾客提供高质量的咖啡和饮料,这种驶入式模式提供了便利和效率,同时确保消费者不会在质量上妥协。[7] 财务表现 - BROS的营收自2019年以来以每年42%的复合增长率增长,但利润率的发展不稳定,因为管理层一直专注于增长。[3] - BROS的股价目前为NTM EBITDA的19倍,而同行公司的股价为LTM EBITDA的19倍。[4] - BROS的财务结果显示,营收自2019年以来增长迅速,但利润率的发展不稳定。[6] 品牌和市场 - BROS的咖啡在市场上广受好评,因其口味而备受青睐,这与消费者对特色咖啡和手工饮料的偏好相一致。[8] - BROS在营销方面也取得了成功,通过社交媒体,特别是Instagram和Facebook,培养了强大和可识别的品牌形象。[9] 未来展望 - 分析师预测未来几年BROS将实现强劲增长,复合年增长率为19%,利润率预计将逐步改善。[11] - BROS目前的估值为31倍LTM EBITDA和19倍NTM EBITDA,这是低于其历史平均值的。[12] - 我们认为BROS的根本问题应该是公司在行业内是否具有持久力。通过对其商业地位的分析,我们认为是的。[14]
2 Potentially Explosive Stocks to Buy in March
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-12 22:15
Dutch Bros - Dutch Bros 是一家注重速度的咖啡连锁店,其股价下跌了61%,但公司的长期前景依然光明[2] - Dutch Bros 计划将店铺数量增加至4000家,目前已有超过一半的店铺位于加利福尼亚、德克萨斯和俄勒冈,还有很大的扩张空间[4] - Dutch Bros 在2021年首次公开上市后,营收增长了139%,并在2023年实现了盈利,现金流强劲,P/S比率仍然较低[5] - Dutch Bros 受年轻人群体欢迎,未来前景看好,是一个潜在的爆发性股票[6] Lovesac - Lovesac 的模块化家具"Sactionals"使用了超过1.5亿个塑料水瓶,拥有74项专利,销售额增长了31%[10] - Lovesac 的客户生命周期价值(LTV)为3300美元,客户获取成本(CAC)为630美元,LTV/CAC比率超过5,显示客户价值很高[14] - Lovesac 的品牌知名度不足2%,但已占据了沙发、座椅和椅子行业的1.2%市场份额[15] - Lovesac 的P/S比率仅为0.5,远低于同行La-Z-Boy的0.8,未来销售增长预期高于同行,具有爆发潜力[17]
3 Stocks That Could Turn $1,000 Into $5,000 by 2030
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-11 17:22
Dutch Bros - Dutch Bros是一家咖啡连锁店,计划在2030年前扩张至4000家店铺[4][5] - Dutch Bros与星巴克的竞争策略是通过独特性和社区参与来吸引消费者[6][7] DraftKings - DraftKings是一家体育博彩公司,预计在2030年前市值将增长四倍[9][10] - DraftKings在美国以外的市场也有运营,拥有庞大的用户群体[12][14] Roblox - Roblox是一家视频游戏公司,通过不断更新虚拟世界吸引用户,预计在2030年前市值将增长五倍[16][17] - Roblox还在积极发展“元宇宙”概念,为品牌提供在线3D空间[18][19]
Where Will Dutch Bros Stock Be in 1 Year?
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-09 21:11
Coffee chain Dutch Bros (BROS 1.07%) has been around for 30 years, but it's only recently become a public company and decided to attempt a huge expansion. It's reporting high growth and improving profitability, but investors haven't been so keen on it recently. Where will the company and its stock be a year from now? What's happened over the past year 2023 was a big year for Dutch Bros. It realized the next phase of its expansion plans, opening 159 stores, more than its target of 150. It now has 831 locatio ...
Dutch Bros Stock Has 25% Upside, According to 1 Wall Street Analyst
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-05 19:36
Dutch Bros (BROS 2.87%) stock is trailing the market this year. While share prices of the expanding drive-thru coffee operator and franchisor have dropped nearly 5% so far in 2024, the S&P 500 index has gained about 8%. But analysts from Piper Sandler think that has created a buying opportunity. Research analysts at the firm raised their rating on Dutch Bros from neutral to the equivalent of a buy. It's the first buy rating on Dutch Bros from the firm since it initiated coverage. On Monday, the financial se ...