BMO Announces Election of Board of Directors
Prnewswire· 2024-04-17 06:35
TORONTO, April 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Bank of Montreal (TSX:BMO) (NYSE:BMO) today held its Annual Meeting of Shareholders. At the meeting, all director nominees listed in the bank's management proxy circular dated February 7, 2024 were elected. The detailed results of the vote for the election of directors are set out below. Each of the following 13 nominees was elected as a director of Bank of Montreal: Nominee Votes For Votes Withheld Janice M. Babiak 342,157,86197.36 %9,271,842 2.64 % Craig W. Broderick ...
BMO Announces the Reverse Split of Three Series of ETNs
Prnewswire· 2024-03-16 05:15
NEW YORK, March 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Bank of Montreal (TSX: BMO)(NYSE: BMO) announced today that it will implement a 1-for-10 reverse split of three series of its outstanding exchange traded notes, as listed in the table below (the "ETNs" or "Notes"), expected to be effective as of March 25, 2024 (the "effective date," or the "ex date"). The table below indicates the ETNs that will be subject to the reverse split, their trading symbols, their current CUSIP numbers, and the CUSIP numbers that they will re ...
Bank of Montreal (BMO) Dips as Q1 Earnings Fall Y/Y, Costs Rise
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-28 22:36
Shares of Bank of Montreal (BMO) lost 3.7% following the release of its first-quarter fiscal 2024 (ended Jan 31) results. Adjusted earnings per share of C$2.56 declined 16.3% year over year. A significant rise in provision for credit losses, along with higher adjusted expenses, primarily hurt the results. However, increases in net interest income (NII) and non-interest income were tailwinds. After considering non-recurring items, net income was C$1.29 billion ($0.95 billion), which increased significantly f ...
BMO(BMO) - 2024 Q1 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-28 01:58
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 第一季度报告EPS为1.73美元,净收入为13亿美元 [18] - 调整后EPS为2.56美元,净收入为19亿美元,同比下降12% [19] - 收入增长10%,拨备前税前利润增长3% [19] - 费用增长16%,主要由于收购影响,部分被成本协同和效率举措抵消 [19] - 总拨备为6.27亿美元,其中154万美元为执行贷款拨备 [19][40] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 加拿大个人和商业银行净收入同比下降3%,但拨备前税前利润增长8% [30] - 美国个人和商业银行净收入同比下降4%,但拨备前税前利润增长19% [32] - 财富管理业务净收入同比下降7%,保险业务净收入同比转正 [33] - 资本市场业务净收入同比下降17%,反映较弱的市场环境 [34] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 加拿大经济预计2024年实际GDP增长0.8%,美国增长2.2% [8] - 加拿大个人和商业银行新客户增长7%,加拿大新客户增长35% [9] - 美国业务在第一季度持续贡献超过10亿美元的拨备前税前利润,占集团45%收益 [10] - 美国商业银行子公司资本比率同比提高80个基点 [10] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在优化业务和资产负债表,控制成本,发展客户关系,以推动长期可持续增长 [5] - 公司正在积极追求跨业务的收入协同,并在ETF、共同基金等领域推出创新解决方案 [12][13] - 公司正在支持客户向净零排放过渡,并获得可持续发展指数的认可 [14] - 公司在加拿大和英国的市场地位保持领先,在美国正在通过收购整合和品牌推广扩大市场份额 [10][13] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 短期内市场敏感业务收入增长受限,但个人和商业银行业务强劲增长 [5] - 预计北美经济增长在上半年将保持疲软,下半年将有所恢复 [8] - 公司正在动态管理业务以应对环境,并为更有利的环境做好准备 [7][8] - 公司有信心在当前环境下实现正的营运杠杆,并在未来恢复增长 [28][36] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Ebrahim Poonawala 提问** 询问公司在美国个人和商业银行业务的流动性和资本优化情况 [48][49] **Tayfun Tuzun 回答** 公司在美国的存贷比和资本水平都处于良好水平,为未来增长创造了空间 [51][52] 问题2 **Meny Grauman 提问** 询问公司是否会更谨慎地进行风险转移交易,考虑到资本比率和收入环境的挑战 [59] **Darryl White 回答** 公司目前资本充足,不会因此而限制风险转移交易,相反这些交易有助于为未来增长创造空间 [60][61] 问题3 **Mario Mendonca 提问** 询问公司在企业服务部门的其他收入波动的原因 [67][68] **Tayfun Tuzun 回答** 这是由于市场波动导致的衍生工具公允价值变动,属于临时性影响,长期会收敛至0 [69][70]
BMO Financial Group Declares Dividends
Prnewswire· 2024-02-27 19:01
TORONTO, Feb. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Bank of Montreal (TSX: BMO) (NYSE: BMO) today announced that its Board of Directors declared a quarterly dividend of $1.51 per share on paid-up common shares of Bank of Montreal for the second quarter of fiscal year 2024 ("Q2 2024 Dividend"), unchanged from the prior quarter. The Board of Directors also declared dividends of: $0.24075 per share on paid-up Class B Preferred Shares Series 27; $0.2265 per share on paid-up Class B Preferred Shares Series 29; $0.240688 per s ...
BMO(BMO) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-02-27 00:00
净利润及收入 - 2024年1月31日,银行的净利润为12.92亿加元,较2023年10月31日的17.1亿加元有所下降[1] - 银行的总收入为76.72亿加元,较2023年10月31日的83.19亿加元有所下降[1] - 2024年1月31日,银行的净收入为1,292百万加元[7] - 2024年1月31日,BMO金融集团总收入为77.2亿加元,较2023年同期增长50.1%[93] - 2024年1月31日,BMO金融集团净利润为12.9亿加元,较2023年同期增长868.4%[93] 资产情况 - 银行的总资产为1324.76亿加元,较2023年10月31日的1347亿加元有所下降[4] - 银行的贷款总额为645.81亿加元,较2023年10月31日的660.47亿加元有所下降[4] - 银行的现金及现金等价物为746.59亿加元,较2023年10月31日的779.34亿加元有所下降[4] - BMO金融集团平均资产为1321.99亿加元,较2023年同期增长8.7%[93] 贷款情况 - 2024年1月31日,保守的住房抵押贷款总额为1561.58亿加元,较2023年10月31日的1582.95亿加元略有下降[35] - 2024年1月31日,消费者分期付款和其他个人贷款总额为917.61亿加元,较2023年10月31日的932.67亿加元略有下降[35] - 2024年1月31日,信用卡总额为121.04亿加元,较2023年10月31日的122.24亿加元略有下降[35] - 截至2024年1月31日,BMO金融集团的贷款总额为4228亿加元,其中包括贷款和其他信贷工具[39] 股东权益 - 银行的总股东权益为77,250百万加元[7] - 银行的总股东权益为77,279百万加元[9] - 银行的总股东权益为73,826百万加元[9] 保险服务业绩 - 保险服务业绩包括保险收入、保险服务费用和再保险结果[20] - 2024年第一季度,保险服务业绩为99百万加元,较去年同期增长11.4%[21] - 保险投资业绩方面,2024年第一季度投资回报为1,283百万加元,较去年同期增长61.6%[21] 会计政策变更 - 银行在2023年11月1日起采用了IFRS 17保险合同准则[14] - 2023年11月1日起,公司将常规交易日而非结算日作为金融资产买卖的会计政策[24] - 2023年11月1日起,公司根据IAS 12收入税收入标准进行了修订,对资产和负债记录了分开的递延税资产和负债[25] 股票及股权 - 2024年1月31日,公司的股票期权可转换为703.54万股普通股,其中324.32万股可行权[56] - 公司在2024年1月31日发行了405.79万股普通股,其中267.63万股是通过股东股利再投资和股票购买计划发行的[57] - 公司持有的非控股权益为2900万加元[62] Fair Value Measurements - BMO金融集团在Level 3 Fair Value Measurements中,使用折现现金流量和市场可比性调整等估值技术,对私募股权、投资物业和NHA MBS等进行估值[74] - BMO金融集团在Level 3 Fair Value Measurements中,对私募股权、投资物业和NHA MBS等的估值使用了重要的不可观察输入,如净资产价值、折现现金流量和偿还率等[74] - BMO金融集团在Level 3 Fair Value Measurements中,未应用其他合理可能的替代假设,因为私募股权的净资产价值由投资或基金经理提供[73] - BMO金融集团在Level 3 Fair Value Measurements中,对私募股权、投资物业和NHA MBS等的估值范围的重要不可观察输入低至3%,高至65%[74] - BMO金融集团在Level 3 Fair Value Measurements中,对私募股权、投资物业和NHA MBS等的估值范围的重要不可观察输入低至0.34,高至23x[74] 资本情况 - 2024年1月31日,公司满足OSFI的目标资本比例要求,包括2.5%的资本保护缓冲区、1.0%的国内系统重要银行(D-SIBs)的普通股权益附加费、逆周期缓冲区和适用于D-SIBs的3.5%的国内稳定性缓冲区(DSB)[80] - CET1资本为52,860百万加元,Tier 1资本为59,721百万加元,总资本为68,566百万加元[81] 其他 - 在2024年第一季度,公司对其他员工未来福利计划进行了修改,将几个计划的管理合并,并将一个定义为金融计划转换为定义为金融计划,因此在资产负债表上带来了净资产,相当于该计划中的剩余资产,这导致了8400万加元的计划修订利益[85] - 在2024年第一季度,公司的基本每股收益为1.73加元,稀释每股收益也为1.73加元[88] - 加拿大税务机构对公司进行了重新评估,要求公司支付约14.65亿加元的额外所得税和利息,公司对此提出上诉,认为其税务申报立场是适当的[90]
Why Bank of Montreal (BMO) Might Surprise This Earnings Season
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-23 22:51
Investors are always looking for stocks that are poised to beat at earnings season and Bank of Montreal (BMO) may be one such company. The firm has earnings coming up pretty soon, and events are shaping up quite nicely for their report. That is because Bank of Montreal is seeing favorable earnings estimate revision activity as of late, which is generally a precursor to an earnings beat. After all, analysts raising estimates right before earnings — with the most up-to-date information possible — is a pretty ...
BMO Taps Agent IQ to Continue Enhancing Client Experience at BMO InvestorLine
Businesswire· 2024-01-30 21:03
Agent IQ与BMO合作推出数字工具 - Bili由Agent IQ的个人数字参与平台Lynq™提供支持,为BMO InvestorLine客户提供实时聊天和无缝自助支持[1] - BMO的数字优先战略通过Agent IQ的Lynq平台为BMO InvestorLine客户提供更丰富、便捷、个性化的数字支持[3] Lynq平台功能 - Lynq平台允许BMO InvestorLine根据个人偏好定制平台界面,包括聊天提示、语言和可访问性功能[4]
BMO Financial Group Releases Supplementary Financial Information Reflecting Changes in Presentation
Prnewswire· 2024-01-29 20:30
TORONTO, Jan. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - BMO Financial Group (TSX:BMO) (NYSE:BMO) today released an abridged Supplementary Financial Information package containing certain quarterly and annual financial information for fiscal 2023 and 2022 that reflect changes in presentation that were adopted as of November 1, 2023, including those related to changes in International Financial Reporting Standard 17, Insurance Contracts (IFRS 17) which replaces existing IFRS 4, Insurance Contracts (IFRS 4). As disclosed in BMO ...
3 Incredibly Cheap High-Yield Bank Stocks to Buy Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-29 00:39
Bank of America has a dividend yield of 3%. That's toward the high end of the yield range over the past decade, but investors looking for a high-yield bank stock can do better. A quick look to the north and you'll find that Bank of Montreal (BMO 0.12%) is offering 4.6% as of this writing, Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD -0.16%) 5%, and Bank of Nova Scotia (BNS 1.02%) 6.9%. Here are some key facts you need to know about this trio of high-yield bank stocks. Canada is hard on its banks One of the most important diff ...