How the U.S. govt may be helping JPMorgan do insider trading
Finbold· 2024-04-11 17:08
超级用户获取数据 - 一些华尔街公司被称为“超级用户”,可以提前获取劳工统计局关于消费者价格指数计算的信件[2] - 这些公司可以提前了解有关住房和二手车成本的信息[3] 美国政府内部交易争议 - 美国政府内部交易引发公众对政府和重要公司之间不公平获取敏感信息的关注[5] - 美国官员在获取敏感数据时似乎采取了相当自由的态度,成为公众争论焦点[6] - 许多选举官员进行的交易时间奇怪且非常成功,引发人们对内幕交易的质疑[7] 国家与大公司关系担忧 - 美国政府禁止TikTok,但未对Meta采取类似措施,引发人们对国家与一些大公司之间关系的担忧[9]
Will BlackRock (BLK) Beat Estimates Again in Its Next Earnings Report?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-10 01:16
盈利表现 - BlackRock (BLK) 属于 Zacks Financial - Investment Management 行业,过去两个季度持续超过盈利预期[2] - 上个季度,BlackRock 的每股收益为 $9.66,超过了 Zacks Consensus Estimate 的 $8.84,意味着盈利惊喜为 9.28%[3] - BlackRock 的盈利预期持续上升,部分原因是过去的盈利惊喜历史[4] - 公司目前的 Earnings ESP 为 +0.62%,分析师最近对公司的盈利前景变得乐观[8]
Growth in AUM Likely to Support BlackRock's (BLK) Q1 Earnings
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-09 23:46
文章核心观点 - 公司预计在2024年第一季度的收入和利润将同比有所改善 [1][2][4][5] - 公司在过去4个季度中均超出了市场预期,平均超出12.6% [3] - 分析师预计公司在本季度的业绩表现将优于预期,上调了盈利预测 [4] 公司业务表现 - 公司在ETF市场占据主导地位,iShares ETF的净流入持续强劲 [7][8] - 公司资产管理规模预计将同比增长11.6%至10.2万亿美元 [8] - 投资咨询、管理费和证券借贷收入预计将同比增长8.9% [9] - 投资咨询业绩费用预计将大幅增长 [10] - 分销费用预计将同比增长3.4% [11] - 技术服务收入预计将同比增长13.5% [12] - 公司整体成本预计将同比增长6.9% [13] 重要事件 - 公司以30亿美元现金和1200万股普通股的方式收购了全球领先的独立基础设施管理公司GIP [14][15][16] - 公司将收购定制期权策略提供商SpiderRock Advisors剩余75%的股权 [17][18]
Countdown to BlackRock (BLK) Q1 Earnings: A Look at Estimates Beyond Revenue and EPS
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-09 22:15
财务表现 - BlackRock (BLK) 预计季度每股收益为9.28美元,同比增长17% [1] - 分析师预测营收为46.7亿美元,同比增长10.2% [1] - 'Revenue- Investment advisory performance fees' 预计为1.2亿美元,同比增长118.3% [6] - 'Revenue- Advisory and other revenue' 预计为3.286亿美元,同比增长21.7% [7] - 'Revenue- Total investment advisory, administration fees and securities lending revenue' 预计为381亿美元,同比增长8.9% [8] - 'Revenue- Distribution fees' 预计为3.3025亿美元,同比增长3.5% [9] - 'Revenue- Technology services revenue' 预计为3.8594亿美元,同比增长13.5% [10] 资产管理 - 'Net inflows' 预计为1056亿美元,略低于去年同期的110.32亿美元 [13] - 'Assets under management - Cash Management' 预计为762.71亿美元,较去年同期的682.94亿美元有所增长 [13] - 'Total Assets Under Management' 预计为1.014581万亿美元,较去年同期的9090.27亿美元有所增长 [14] - 'Assets under management - Long-term' 预计为9.22054万亿美元,较去年同期的8407.33亿美元有所增长 [14] - 'Assets under management - ETFs' 预计为3.48187万亿美元,较去年同期的3.0743万亿美元有所增长 [16]
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Says 40% of Workers Cash Out Their 401(k)s Upon Switching Jobs. Here's Why That's a Huge Mistake
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-07 19:18
Cashing out your retirement savings is a move you might sorely regret. Years ago, it was pretty common to get a job out of college and stick with the same employer for decades. But nowadays, job-hopping is not only pretty common, but more than acceptable. People who move around from one employer to the next aren't automatically regarded as fickle. Rather, they're often seen as go-getters who aren't afraid to step outside their comfort zone and pursue new opportunities. But while leaving a job for a better o ...
BlackRock (BLK) Reports Next Week: Wall Street Expects Earnings Growth
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-05 23:01
财报预测 - BlackRock(BLK)将在2024年3月结束的季度公布财报,预计盈利将同比增长[1] - 市场普遍认为这一共识观点对于评估公司的盈利情况至关重要[1] 股价表现 - 如果公司的实际业绩超过预期,股价可能会上涨;反之,如果未达预期,股价可能会下跌[2] 财报电话会议 - 分析师们对公司业绩的看法将在财报电话会议中决定短期股价变化的可持续性和未来盈利预期[3] - 值得关注的是正面每股收益(EPS)意外的可能性[3]
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Says Retirement Isn't Just a Saving Challenge: It's a Spending One Too. 3 Ways to Budget After Retirement
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-04 17:34
Larry Fink recently posted his annual letter to shareholders. He's the CEO of Blackrock, one of the world's largest and most consequential companies. In it, he spoke about retirement. One part that stood out to me was Fink's acknowledgment that retirement isn't just a saving challenge for many, but a spending one, too. It struck me that spending, the other variable of the most basic rule in personal finance (income minus expenses = what you keep), doesn't get enough attention. How do you know how much you c ...
BlackRock CEO Larry Fink Says 65 Is Too Early for Americans to Retire. Is He Right?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-03 18:18
While 65 may be a common age to retire, there are some drawbacks involved. Assuming your employer doesn't force you into retirement, you have the option to end your career at whatever age works for you. That age may be 50, or it may be 70, and the choice is yours. But many people seem to land on age 65 when it comes to retirement. And it's easy to see why. Age 65 is a common threshold at which senior discounts go into effect. And it's also the age at which you're allowed to enroll in Medicare. ...
3 Big-Name Institutions Making Bold Bets on Bitcoin Ahead of the Halving
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-03 03:33
比特币市场趋势 - 机构投资者对比特币的关注度正在增加,特别是在即将到来的第四次减半事件之际[1] - 微策略是目前持有比特币最多的公司,他们在2020年8月开始将比特币作为通胀对冲工具,目前持有214,246个比特币[2] - 分析师Mark Palmer建议购买微策略股票,认为该公司将受益于机构对比特币的增加需求,设定了股价目标为990美元[3]
Why BlackRock (BLK) is a Great Dividend Stock Right Now
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-02 00:46
投资组合 - 投资者喜欢股票、债券、ETF或其他证券,看到投资组合取得高回报[1] - 现金流可以来自债券利息、其他投资的利息,以及股息[2] BlackRock股息 - BlackRock(BLK)是一家总部位于纽约的金融公司,今年股价变化为2.7%,目前每股支付5.1美元的股息,股息率为2.45%[3] - BlackRock过去5年每年平均增加11.46%的股息,未来的股息增长将取决于盈利增长和派息比率[4] - BlackRock的派息比率为53%,意味着它将过去12个月的盈利的53%作为股息支付[5] BlackRock财务展望 - BLK预计今年财年盈利将增长,2024年Zacks共识估计为每股39.81美元,同比增长率为5.40%[6] 股息投资 - 投资者喜欢股息的原因包括提高股票投资利润、降低整体投资组合风险和提供税收优势[7] - 高增长公司或科技初创公司很少向股东支付股息,而更大、更稳定盈利的公司通常被视为最佳股息选择[8]