BHP(BHP) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-02-20 14:30
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司上半年实现营业利润(EBITDA)增长5%至139亿美元,EBITDA利润率为53% [9] - 公司实现税后利润66亿美元,资本回报率为26% [9] - 公司经营活动产生的现金流为89亿美元,资本和勘探支出为47亿美元 [10] - 公司净债务为126亿美元,派发中期股息每股0.72美元,派息率为56% [10] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 铜业务EBITDA利润率为46%,产量增长7% [18] - 铁矿石业务EBITDA利润率为69%,产量受铁路技术升级和中央皮尔巴拉中心产能爬坡影响 [17] - 冶金煤业务受维护和天气影响,公司调整了全年产量和成本指引 [18] - 新南威尔士能源煤业务产量增长36%,公司计划于2030年停止开采 [19] - 钾肥业务Jansen项目一期进展顺利,二期投资49亿美元已获批 [32][33] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 铁矿石价格上涨21%,铜价上涨5%,但煤炭和镍价格下跌 [16] - 印度钢铁产能预计将在2030年前翻一番,是公司冶金煤业务的重要市场 [43] - 中国经济复苏存在不确定性,公司对中国市场保持谨慎态度 [22] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司聚焦大型、低成本、有扩张潜力的矿产资产,如铁矿石、铜、钾肥等 [27][31][32] - 公司通过优化运营、创新技术等提升生产效率和降低成本,保持竞争优势 [24][28] - 公司在澳大利亚面临政策不确定性和成本上升的挑战,如昆士兰煤炭税上调 [26][44] - 公司看好长期大宗商品需求,特别是能源转型带来的需求增长 [23][24] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 地缘政治局势持续复杂多变,但短期经济前景较上年有所好转 [20][21] - 公司有信心通过优化运营和投资组合调整来应对成本上升压力 [24][27] - 公司看好铜、钾肥等大宗商品的长期需求前景,将继续投资扩产 [31][32][33][37] - 公司将继续推进减碳目标,如与Rio Tinto和BlueScope合作开发低碳炼铁技术 [7] 其他重要信息 - 公司遗憾地报告了一名承包商员工在Saraji矿山意外死亡的事故 [4] - 公司就西澳镍业务和Samarco事故计提了25亿美元和32亿美元的减值和拨备 [11][13][14][15] - 公司任命Vandita Pant为新任首席财务官,David Lamont和Laura Tyler将离任 [45][46] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Ellie Jiang 提问** 公司如何看待澳大利亚政策环境对业务的影响 [26] **Jiazhen Zhao 回答** 公司正在通过提高运营效率和调整投资组合来应对政策带来的挑战,但高税率仍使昆士兰州的投资环境不太吸引人 [26][44] 问题2 **Yang Bai 提问** 公司在铜业务方面有哪些发展计划 [35][36][37][38][39][40] **Jiazhen Zhao 回答** 公司正在通过整合南澳铜资产、扩大产能、提升工艺技术等多方面举措来增强铜业务的价值 [35][36][37][38][39][40] 问题3 **Joyce Ju 提问** 公司如何看待未来大宗商品需求的发展趋势 [23][24][25] **Lei Chen 回答** 公司认为长期来看,全球人口增长、城镇化和能源转型将持续推动大宗商品需求增长,具有成本优势和社会价值的公司将受益 [23][24][25]
BHP Profit Falls By 86% As The Nickel Crash Bites
Forbes· 2024-02-20 07:33
A collapse in the price of nickel, used in the batteries of electric vehicles (EVs) and stainless steel, all but wiped out the half-year profit of BHP, the world’s biggest mining company. After-tax profit of Australia-based BHP plunged by 86% from $6.5 billion to $927 million in the six months to December 31 with the bulk of the fall blamed on a $5.6 billion write-down of the value of the company’s nickel business. Because the write-down is a non-cash item BHP shareholders will still get a half-year dividen ...
BHP makes transformational donation to YWCA Saskatoon's Hope Lives Here Campaign
Newsfilter· 2024-02-13 23:36
SASKATOON, Saskatchewan, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BHP and YWCA Saskatoon are pleased to announce a $500,000 investment from BHP to YWCA's Hope Lives Here campaign. In 2022, YWCA Saskatoon's Crisis Shelter & Residence turned away a staggering 4,253 women and children in need. Hope Lives Here is the organization's largest capital campaign ever. With a fundraising goal of $19 million, the campaign is funding a new transitional housing wing that will more than double YWCA Saskatoon's capacity to provid ...
The 3 Most Undervalued Renewable Energy Stocks to Buy in February 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-08 03:50
Undervalued renewable energy stocks are struggling. Companies are canceling projects as prices spiral out of control. Auto companies like General Motors (NYSE:GM) and Ford (NYSE:F) are delaying electric vehicle rollouts because of slowing demand. Solar companies are seeing massive reductions in homeowner demand. In fact, demand for solar panels in California is down 80%. The fallout can be seen in exchange-traded funds like Invesco WilderHill Clean Energy (NYSEARCA:PBW). It’s down nearly 51% in a year. Shar ...
HBM or BHP: Which Is the Better Value Stock Right Now?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-08 01:46
Investors interested in stocks from the Mining - Miscellaneous sector have probably already heard of HudBay Minerals (HBM) and BHP (BHP) . But which of these two stocks offers value investors a better bang for their buck right now? We'll need to take a closer look. Everyone has their own methods for finding great value opportunities, but our model includes pairing an impressive grade in the Value category of our Style Scores system with a strong Zacks Rank. The proven Zacks Rank emphasizes companies with po ...
BHP awards 26 scholarships to Saskatchewan students
Newsfilter· 2024-02-06 00:01
SASKATOON, Saskatchewan, Feb. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BHP and Carlton Trail College are pleased to announce the recipients of the BHP Jansen Scholarship Program for 2023. The scholarship provides combined support of over $82,000 to 26 youth pursuing post-secondary education and training opportunities in a field of their choosing. Carlton Trail College is a partner in this initiative, administering the program on BHP's behalf. "Access to post-secondary education and skills training is proven to bring se ...
BHP Donates $150,000 Towards Saskatoon's Medically Inclusive Childcare Center
Newsfilter· 2024-02-01 00:30
SASKATOON, Saskatchewan, Jan. 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hope's Home is pleased to announce BHP has invested $150,000 to provide an essential nursing station at the new medically inclusive childcare centre in Saskatoon. As the only medically inclusive childcare centers in Canada, Hope's Home provides care where kids with complex medical and typical needs can learn, grow, and thrive. With on-site nurses providing medical care to children, Hope's Home is a national leader filling a gap that exists in child ...
The 3 Best Uranium Stocks to Bag Before They Blast Higher in 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-31 04:44
Fundamentally, the narrative for top uranium stocks 2024 comes down to basic math. Around mid-December, The Wall Street Journal reported that the commodity was running hot due to supply setbacks. However, as more data entered the news cycle, uranium prices soared as it became clear that the sector’s challenges might not dissipate soon enough. As a recent CNBC report pointed out, the ecosystem focuses on Kazakhstan. Specifically, its state-run mining enterprise Kazatomprom – the world’s leading uranium miner ...
Under-the-Radar: 3 Stocks Poised for Surprise Gains
InvestorPlace· 2024-01-30 05:34
Though one of the remarkable elements of the new year so far has been the sustained performance of the usual suspects, investors should still consider the potential value of stocks with unexpected gains. These enterprises might not be in the spotlight compared to more popular enterprises on Wall Street. Nevertheless, they may offer significant punch. You’ve heard that phrase, it’s the quiet ones you’ve got to watch out for? Well, that’s the case with stocks with unexpected gains. They might not immediately ...
BHP and Vale told to pay US$9.7bn for Samarco dam disaster
Proactive Investors· 2024-01-26 15:36
Samarco灾难赔偿裁决 - BHP集团和巴西合作伙伴Vale被判赔偿2015年Samarco灾难事故的97亿美元(476亿雷亚尔)[1] - 19人在矿山尾矿库坍塌后丧生,导致米纳斯吉拉斯州大片地区被污染泥浆淹没,湖泊和河流被污染直至海洋[1] - 巴西联邦法院裁定Samarco公司对受害者和受影响地区的人造成的“道德损害”和情感困扰负有责任[2] - 公诉人要求最初赔偿1550亿雷亚尔(315亿美元)[3] - Vale表示他们知晓判决,并有上诉的选项,尽管BHP和Samarco尚未发表评论[4] - 2016年,两家公司同意资助非营利组织Renova,该组织旨在修复和恢复灾难中受损的地区,迄今已支付约70亿美元[5]