Beam (BEEM)
Beam Global Granted U.S. Patent for Wireless / Inductive Electric Vehicle Charging Powered by Renewable Energy
Newsfilter· 2024-03-19 18:00
SAN DIEGO, March 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beam Global, (NASDAQ:BEEM, BEEMW))), a leading provider of innovative and sustainable infrastructure solutions for the electrification of transportation and energy security, has been granted another new patent by the United States Patent Office that covers the Company's wireless charging technology, with the patent title Self-Contained Renewable Inductive Battery Charger. The U.S. Patent Office granted Patent No. US 11,912,144 B2 for Beam Global's wireless/induc ...
Wall Street's Favorite EV Charging Stocks? 3 Names That Could Make You Filthy Rich
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-19 01:13
电动汽车充电基础设施 - 美国目前公共充电站数量远远不足,需要增加到1.2百万个公共和2800万个私人充电站[1] - 消费者报告显示,仅有1%的零售店提供电动汽车充电服务,这可能影响未来电动汽车的普及[2] 政府推动电动汽车充电发展 - 拜登政府计划在美国主要货运走廊建设电动汽车充电站,加上之前提供的6.23亿美元用于充电网络建设,将推动电动汽车充电股票的增长[3]
Beam Global Receives First European Order for EV ARC™ Solar-Powered EV Charging Systems
Newsfilter· 2024-03-12 18:00
SAN DIEGO, March 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beam Global, (NASDAQ:BEEM, BEEMW))), a leading provider of innovative and sustainable infrastructure solutions for the electrification of transportation and energy security, announced that Beam Global has received its first order from the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) for ten EV ARC™ sustainable electric vehicle charging systems and one ARC Mobility™ trailer to be deployed at British Sovereign Bases on Cyprus through Project EVOLVE—Rapidly Deployable and Transpor ...
Beam Global Announces First European Government Supplier Agreement
Newsfilter· 2024-03-07 19:00
SAN DIEGO, March 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beam Global, (NASDAQ:BEEM, BEEMW))), a leading provider of innovative and sustainable infrastructure solutions for the electrification of transportation and energy security, announced that the Company has been named as a supplier on the UK's CCS Spark Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS). CCS is the main purchasing vehicle for UK government entities and supports the public sector to achieve maximum commercial value when procuring common goods and services. Beam Globa ...
City of Richmond in California Selects Beam Global EV ARC™ Product to Power Car Share Program in Underserved Community
Newsfilter· 2024-02-29 19:00
公司背景 - Beam Global是一家提供创新和可持续基础设施解决方案的公司[1] 产品特点 - EV ARC™系统通过自动生成和存储清洁电力,无需支付公用事业账单,适合在服务不足的社区中使用[2] 项目合作 - 该公司的EV ARC™系统被加利福尼亚里士满市选中用于支持其共享汽车项目,该项目旨在为社区成员提供清洁和可靠的交通工具[3]
Beam Global Goes Global
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-29 13:36
公司产品和市场 - Beam Global提供电动汽车(EV)充电站,用于偏远地区和紧急备用电源[1] - 公司的主要产品是EV ARC 2020充电基础设施,具有成本效益,不需要许可证,通过太阳能供电[3] - ARC 2000针对偏远地区和高电力需求地区提供电力安全,设计可承受洪水和高风速[4] - 公司计划推出路边街灯充电器,加速欧洲销售[6] 公司业务和合同 - 公司宣布了来自美国联邦政府机构的新合同,如与国土安全部和美国陆军的交易[5] - BEEM的国际销售目前占总收入的约10%,完成了对Amiga的收购以加速欧洲销售[6] - Amiga将成为ARC 2000在欧洲销售的起点,以及BEEM尚未推出的EV-Standard产品的起点[7] 公司财务和股权 - 公司拥有约1400万股流通股,机构拥有超过20%的股份,现金储备充足,没有债务[11] - 公司市值为9800万美元,EV为8500万美元,拥有418,395份认股权证,行权价为6.30美元[12] - 管理层已经制定了削减成本的计划,通过提高效率和内部化以前外包的操作[13] 公司发展和前景 - 公司新扩张到新领域,但未来成功仍存在不确定性[25] - 公司计划在不久的将来推出街灯产品,但也存在不确定性[25] - 新收购的Amiga公司的财务将首次接受SEC审计[25] - 由于欧洲业务规模扩大,公司的财务将更受货币波动影响[25] - 管理层表示有意继续收购互补公司,但这可能需要债务或股份稀释,延迟盈利[26]
3 EV Charging Stocks to Turn $10,000 Into $1 Million: February 2024
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-22 06:05
电动车市场趋势 - 美国家庭对电动车和混合动力车的接受度正在增加,有一半的家庭考虑将其作为下一辆车[2] - 美国目前公共充电站数量不足,随着电动车销量增加,需要增加更多的充电站[3] 电动车充电股票展望 - EVgo Inc. (EVGO) 和 Blink Charging (BLNK) 等电动车充电股票有望长期增长[4]
3 EV Charging Stocks That Could Be Multibaggers in the Making: February Edition
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-22 05:30
电动汽车充电基础设施建设 - 电动汽车充电基础设施的建设进展缓慢,导致电动汽车行业发展受阻[2] 美国政府政策变化 - 美国政府可能放弃尾气排放标准,这对电动汽车充电股市场带来机遇[3] 电动汽车制造商行动 - 2023年多家电动汽车制造商采用了北美充电标准,加速了直流快速充电站的扩张[4]
Beam Global to Present at the Baird 2024 Vehicle Technology & Mobility Conference
Newsfilter· 2024-02-15 19:00
公司背景 - Beam Global是一家清洁技术创新公司,致力于开发和制造可持续基础设施产品和技术[3] - 公司总部位于圣地亚哥,拥有在芝加哥、贝尔格莱德和克拉列沃等地的设施[3] - Beam Global在纳斯达克上市,股票代码为BEEM和BEEMW[3] CEO活动 - 公司CEO Desmond Wheatley将在Baird 2024 Vehicle Technology & Mobility Conference上进行企业更新演讲[1] - 演讲将于2024年2月29日举行,Wheatley将在会议期间提供一对一会议[2] 前瞻性声明 - Beam Global的新闻稿中包含前瞻性声明,提到了对Amiga的收购以及未来财务表现的预期[4]
Beam Global Announces New Federal Customers Placed First-Time Orders for EV ARC Solar-Powered EV Charging Systems
Newsfilter· 2024-02-13 19:00
SAN DIEGO, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Beam Global, (NASDAQ:BEEM, BEEMW))), a leading provider of innovative and sustainable infrastructure solutions for the electrification of transportation and energy security, announced six federal customers have placed first-time orders, expanding the Beam Global footprint among its existing federal customers. The EV ARC™ systems were purchased through the General Services Administration (GSA) Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract Number 47QSWA21D0006 and the GSA ...