7 Stocks You Need to Buy Before the 2025 Recession Starts
Investor Place· 2024-08-12 18:29
Are we on the cusp of a recession? Several key indicators are flashing red, and if history is any guide, trouble could be brewing for the U.S. economy in 2025. You’ve probably heard about the inverted yield curve, which has been a reliable recession predictor in the past. When long-term interest rates fall below short-term rates, it’s often a sign that investors are pessimistic about the near-term economic outlook. And they often begin looking for stocks with potential to for weather the forecast recession. ...
AutoZone (AZO) Increases Yet Falls Behind Market: What Investors Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-08-07 06:51
In the latest trading session, AutoZone (AZO) closed at $3,119.59, marking a +0.23% move from the previous day. The stock lagged the S&P 500's daily gain of 1.04%. Meanwhile, the Dow gained 0.76%, and the Nasdaq, a tech-heavy index, added 1.03%.The auto parts retailer's shares have seen an increase of 9.73% over the last month, surpassing the Retail-Wholesale sector's loss of 8.36% and the S&P 500's loss of 6.74%.The investment community will be closely monitoring the performance of AutoZone in its forthcom ...
AutoZone Is Now One Of My Largest Positions - Here's Why
Seeking Alpha· 2024-08-01 11:36
M. Suhail Back in January, I published an article on AutoZone (NYSE:AZO) explaining my rationale for betting big on the stock. Today, AutoZone is one of my largest positions. In this article, I want to revisit the stock, discuss the way I see its investment case, and assess its valuation based on today's share price. Let's start by disclosing that since my initial article, I have regularly added to my position, especially during the dip in late May to early June, when the stock fell below $2,800s. AutoZone' ...
AutoZone Announces Change to Executive Committee
Newsfilter· 2024-07-30 04:30
MEMPHIS, Tenn., July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AutoZone, Inc. (NYSE:AZO), today announced that Kenneth Jaycox joins the Company as Senior Vice President, Commercial, Customer Satisfaction. Kenneth comes to AutoZone from United States Steel Corporation where he served as Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer, responsible for U.S. Steel's commercial functions, customer value creation, pricing and revenue growth. Prior to joining U.S. Steel, he served as Vice President of Transformation for Sys ...
AutoZone Announces Change to Executive Committee
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-30 04:30
MEMPHIS, Tenn., July 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AutoZone, Inc. (NYSE: AZO), today announced that Kenneth Jaycox joins the Company as Senior Vice President, Commercial, Customer Satisfaction. Kenneth comes to AutoZone from United States Steel Corporation where he served as Senior Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer, responsible for U.S. Steel’s commercial functions, customer value creation, pricing and revenue growth. Prior to joining U.S. Steel, he served as Vice President of Transformation for Sy ...
AutoZone (AZO) Rises As Market Takes a Dip: Key Facts
ZACKS· 2024-07-25 06:56
AutoZone (AZO) closed the most recent trading day at $2,941.73, moving +0.69% from the previous trading session. The stock exceeded the S&P 500, which registered a loss of 2.32% for the day. Elsewhere, the Dow lost 1.25%, while the tech-heavy Nasdaq lost 3.64%.Heading into today, shares of the auto parts retailer had lost 0.51% over the past month, outpacing the Retail-Wholesale sector's loss of 0.68% and lagging the S&P 500's gain of 1.79% in that time.Investors will be eagerly watching for the performance ...
AutoZone, Inc. (AZO) is Attracting Investor Attention: Here is What You Should Know
ZACKS· 2024-07-19 22:02
文章核心观点 - AutoZone (AZO) 的股票近期受到Zacks.com访客的密切关注 公司未来的短期表现可能受到多种因素的影响 [1] 股价表现 - 过去一个月 AutoZone 的股价下跌了2.7% 相比之下 Zacks S&P 500 综合指数上涨了1.1% 同时 AutoZone 所属的汽车零售和批发零部件行业下跌了0.4% [1] 盈利预测修正 - Zacks 认为公司未来盈利预测的变化是决定股票公允价值的关键因素 当盈利预测上调时 股票的公允价值也会上升 从而推动股价上涨 [2] - 当前季度 AutoZone 预计每股收益为53.81美元 同比增长15.8% 过去30天内 这一预测保持不变 [3] - 当前财年 预计每股收益为151.57美元 同比增长14.5% 过去30天内 这一预测保持不变 [3] - 下一财年 预计每股收益为163.89美元 同比增长8.1% 过去一个月内 这一预测保持不变 [3] 销售预测 - 当前季度 AutoZone 的销售额预计为62亿美元 同比增长9% [5] - 当前财年和下一财年的销售额预计分别为185亿美元和190.4亿美元 同比增长6%和2.9% [5] 最新财报表现 - 最近一个季度 AutoZone 的营收为42.4亿美元 同比增长3.5% 每股收益为36.69美元 同比增长7.5% [6] - 实际营收低于Zacks共识预测的42.9亿美元 差距为-1.16% 但每股收益超出预测2.86% [6] - 公司在过去四个季度中每次都超出了每股收益的共识预测 并且在过去四个季度中有三次超出了营收的共识预测 [6] 估值 - AutoZone 的估值评级为B 表明其交易价格相对于同行有所折扣 [9]
AutoZone, Inc. (AZO) Is a Trending Stock: Facts to Know Before Betting on It
ZACKS· 2024-07-09 01:57
AutoZone (AZO) has recently been on Zacks.com's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future.Shares of this auto parts retailer have returned +0.5% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +4.1% change. The Zacks Automotive - Retail and Wholesale - Parts industry, to which AutoZone belongs, has gained 2.8% over this period. Now the key question is: Where could the stock be heade ...
Investors Heavily Search AutoZone, Inc. (AZO): Here is What You Need to Know
ZACKS· 2024-06-25 22:05
文章核心观点 - 公司最近受到市场关注,值得关注其未来表现[1][2] - 公司业绩预测和盈利预测修正是影响股价的关键因素[3][4] - 公司当前季度和未来几年的收入增长预期良好[5][6][7][10] - 公司最近几个季度的业绩表现和盈利预测超出市场预期[11][12][13] - 公司估值水平相对同行处于较低水平,存在一定投资价值[14][15][16][17] 行业和公司概况 - 公司所属的汽车零部件零售和批发行业最近1个月内上涨7.9%[2] - 公司主营汽车零部件零售业务[2] - 公司最近1个月内股价上涨6.9%,优于大盘2.8%的涨幅[2] 业绩预测 - 公司当前季度每股收益预计为53.81美元,同比增长15.8%[5] - 公司本财年每股收益预计为151.57美元,同比增长14.5%[6] - 公司下个财年每股收益预计为163.89美元,同比增长8.1%[7] 收入预测 - 公司当前季度收入预计为62亿美元,同比增长9%[10] - 公司本财年和下个财年收入预计分别为185亿美元和190.4亿美元,同比增长6%和2.9%[10] 历史业绩 - 公司最近一个季度收入为42.4亿美元,同比增长3.5%[11] - 公司最近一个季度每股收益为36.69美元,同比增长7.5%[11] - 公司最近4个季度均超出市场盈利预期,收入也有3个季度超出预期[13] 估值分析 - 公司当前估值水平相对同行处于较低水平,具有一定投资价值[14][15][16][17]
Why Is AutoZone (AZO) Up 7.1% Since Last Earnings Report?
ZACKS· 2024-06-21 00:30
公司财报相关 - 公司2024财年第三季度(截至5月4日)每股收益为36.69美元同比增长7.5%高于Zacks共识预期的35.72美元净销售额同比增长3.5%至42.355亿美元略低于Zacks共识预期的42.92亿美元[2] - 本季度国内商业销售额达11.4亿美元高于去年同期的11.1亿美元国内同店销售额持平[2] - 毛利润从去年同期的21.4亿美元增至22.6亿美元营业利润同比增长4.8%至9亿美元[2] - 本季度公司在美国新开32家门店在墨西哥新开12家在巴西新开1家截至5月4日美国有6364家门店墨西哥有763家巴西有109家共7236家门店[3] - 本季度公司库存同比增长8%季度末每家门店库存为85.1万美元去年同期为81万美元[3] - 截至5月4日公司现金及现金等价物为2.754亿美元低于2023年8月26日的2.771亿美元总债务为85亿美元高于2023年8月26日的76.7亿美元[4] - 公司在第三财季以7.377亿美元回购24.2万股普通股平均每股3036美元季度末在当前股票回购授权下剩余14亿美元[4] 公司业绩评估相关 - 过去一个月新的预估呈下降趋势[5] - 公司目前平均增长得分为C动量得分是F价值方面评级为B总体VGM得分为C[6] - 股票预估总体呈下降趋势修正幅度表明向下转变公司Zacks排名为3(持有)预计未来几个月股票回报将与市场持平[7]