AST SpaceMobile(ASTS)
Why AST SpaceMobile Stock Plunged Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-03 08:44
AST SpaceMobile的商用卫星发射计划 - 公司首批五颗700平方英尺的Block 1 BlueBird商用卫星预计将在2024年7月至8月从装配设施运送至SpaceX发射场[2] - 公司已获得首批2,400平方英尺下一代Block 2 BlueBird卫星的发射合同,发射窗口为2024年12月至2025年3月[6] AST SpaceMobile的供应商问题 - 由于两家供应商的问题导致集成和测试工作延迟,AST SpaceMobile的CEO表示这是延迟的原因[4] - 公司已意识到依赖外部供应商的风险,并计划自行制造一个组件并用自己的设计替换另一家供应商[5] 投资者对AST SpaceMobile的回应 - 由于首批商用卫星发射计划多次延迟,投资者对该公司的股票做出了回应[7]
AST SpaceMobile(ASTS) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-04-02 07:53
业绩总结 - 公司在2023年第四季度的非GAAP调整现金运营费用为3860万美元,较第三季度的3730万美元增加130万美元[7] - 预计未来三个季度的资本支出将在总计5000万至6000万美元之间[7] - 公司计划通过向政府和准政府机构融资来获得长期债务资金,以支持大型项目[7] 用户数据 - 公司计划在2026年在日本推出初始服务,需要45到60颗Block 2卫星[22] - 公司已与约48家运营商达成协议或谅解备忘录,计划通过预付款和战略投资来建设卫星网络[35] 未来展望 - 公司预计2024年平均每季度调整后运营费用将从2023年的3870万美元降至3000万美元[7] - 公司计划减少未来的资本支出,随着BB1项目的最终投资,预计未来三个季度将支出约5000万至6000万美元[7] 新产品和新技术研发 - 公司自主制造卫星的微米级零部件,未来计划使用ASIC技术[16] - Block 2卫星计划保持成本指导,采用与Block 1相同的部件,预计能提供更高的数据速率[30] 市场扩张和并购 - 公司已获得来自AT&T、Google和Vodafone等公司的重要投资,这些公司是其最大的潜在客户之一,与Google的合作协议将对潜在的移动网络运营商客户带来巨大好处[3] - 公司计划在12月至3月期间将一颗Block 2卫星发射到太空[20] 负面信息 - 公司的资本支出为3390万美元,较第三季度的7170万美元减少3778万美元[7] - 公司进行了1亿美元的股票发行,旨在筹集资金以支持业务计划[9]
AST SpaceMobile(ASTS) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation
2024-04-02 07:47
重要投资和商业协议 - AST SpaceMobile与AT&T、Google、Vodafone和美国政府签订重要投资和商业协议[9][10][11] 生产和发射计划 - AST SpaceMobile的生产、组装和测试能力在得克萨斯设施已全面投入运营[9] - AST SpaceMobile已获得首批5个700平方英尺的Block 1 BlueBirds,并计划于2024年7月至8月运往发射场[9] - AST SpaceMobile已获得首批2,400平方英尺的下一代Block 2 BlueBird的发射合同,发射窗口为2024年12月至2025年3月[9] 技术发展 - AST SpaceMobile的定制ASIC已进入TSMC的Tape-Out阶段,计划在40 MHz频谱通道上实现高达120 Mbps的峰值数据速率和高达10,000 MHz的处理带宽[9] - 定制ASIC进入了与TSMC的tape-out阶段,支持高达120 Mbps的峰值数据速率[12] 资金和投资 - AST SpaceMobile正在推进非稀释性准政府资金来源,已收到三家机构的非约束性意向书[9] - AT&T、Google和Vodafone向AST SpaceMobile投资1.1亿美元的10年次级可转换票据,年利率为5.50%,转换价格为每股5.75美元[10] 财务状况 - 调整后的运营支出为38.6百万美元,资本支出为71.7百万美元,流动性为210.8百万美元[14] - 现金头寸截至2024年3月31日为88.1百万美元,包括2.5百万美元的受限现金[16]
AST SpaceMobile(ASTS) - 2023 Q4 - Annual Report
2024-04-02 04:16
UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20549 FORM 10-K (Mark One) ☒ ANNUAL REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 OR ☐ TRANSITION REPORT PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 For the transition period from to Commission File No. 001-39040 AST SPACEMOBILE, INC. (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) Delaware 84-2027232 (State or other jurisdiction of ( ...
AST SpaceMobile: Reaching Commercialization Phase
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-21 23:15
BlackJack3D When I last wrote about AST SpaceMobile (NASDAQ:ASTS) in June 2022, it was planning to launch its Blue Walker 3 (BW3) test satellite later that year to be followed by field tests involving a mobile handset to communicate in a region of the Earth devoid of cellular connectivity. Since then, progress has been made toward commercialization, and, this thesis aims to show that it is a Buy. As such, Quant rates it as a sell, but this does not factor in the above-$300 million infusion of capital from s ...
Why AST SpaceMobile Stock Keeps Rocketing Higher
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-14 01:29
The stock of AST SpaceMobile (ASTS 8.05%) popped again on Wednesday, after the satellite communications company announced on Tuesday that it has updated its filings with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for its V-band application with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Through 11:30 a.m. ET today, AST SpaceMobile stock was up 11.3%. What AST SpaceMobile is doing AST says it has "agreements and understandings" with more than 40 mobile network operators around the world, but the compa ...
AST SpaceMobile Updates Licensing Administration of its Satellite Constellation
Businesswire· 2024-03-13 00:13
AST SpaceMobile更新 - AST SpaceMobile更新了与国际电信联盟(ITU)的星座申请以及与美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)的V波段申请相关的文件[1] AST SpaceMobile战略投资 - AST SpaceMobile获得了来自AT&T、谷歌和沃达丰的战略投资,以及与美国政府签订的新合同[3] AST SpaceMobile太空蜂窝宽带网络 - AST SpaceMobile正在建设全球首个并且唯一的太空蜂窝宽带网络,旨在通过标准的未经修改的移动设备直接提供服务[4]
Why AST SpaceMobile Stock Keeps Jumping Higher
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-09 00:36
AST SpaceMobile (ASTS 4.69%) stock popped on Wednesday, closing the day 3% higher in response to news that Scotiabank had initiated coverage of the stock with a sector outperform (i.e., buy) rating. On Friday, for the second time in three days, the tiny cellphones-to-satellites communications company is again enjoying a much-appreciated lift -- this time, thanks to Switzerland's UBS. As of 10:30 a.m. ET, AST stock is up a solid 6%. UBS says it's time to buy AST SpaceMobile stock In Wednesday's note, Scotiab ...
Turn $10k Into a Fortune With These 3 High-Risk, High-Reward Space Stocks
InvestorPlace· 2024-03-08 04:36
Space stocks are set to be a $1 trillion (or more) industry—and today is a prime entry point to enter the future massive market. We’re moving past the point of moonshot stocks (pun intended) with little hope of practical space application capturing the bulk of investor enthusiasm—Virgin Galactic Holdings (NYSE:SPCE), for one. Today, a slew of top space companies and space stocks are turning spacefaring dreams into a reality, including SpaceX, Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) and even Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN). Just on ...
Why AST SpaceMobile Stock Popped Today
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-07 02:57
AST SpaceMobile (ASTS)股价分析 - AST SpaceMobile (ASTS)股价在Scotiabank分析师Andres Graham给出买入评级后上涨5.3%[1] - Scotiabank分析师给出AST股票的目标价为$7.50,预计在未来12个月内股价将翻倍[2] - Graham认为AST是直接通过卫星进行电信的新兴行业中的领头羊,虽然公司目前亏损严重,但有望在未来实现盈利[3] - AST已经证明了其技术能力,使得普通手机可以通过AST卫星相互通话,虽然公司目前还需要更多资金才能广泛部署这项技术[4]