ASML reports transactions under its current share buyback program
Newsfilter· 2024-02-05 21:00
股票回购计划 - ASML Holding N.V.(ASML)报告了根据其当前股票回购计划进行的交易[1] - ASML的当前股票回购计划于2022年11月10日宣布,详情可在公司网站上查看[2] - 该定期更新的交易报告是根据市场滥用规定(Nr. 596/2014)公开的[2]
It's shaping up to be a great quarter for Europe's biggest companies — no thanks to Europe.
Market Watch· 2024-02-05 16:59
欧洲上市公司第四季度业绩 - 欧洲上市公司第四季度整体业绩表现强劲[1] - Novo Nordisk、LVMH Moet Hennessy、ASML Holding和SAP等公司业绩超出预期[2] 欧洲经济与美国经济比较 - 欧洲经济增长疲弱,美国经济增速超过欧元区[6] 欧洲公司业绩评估 - 欧洲公司业绩好于预期,但仍存在一些不确定因素[7]
Trillion-Dollar Threshold: 3 Market Giants Eyeing Unprecedented Valuation Peaks
InvestorPlace· 2024-02-02 22:01
技术行业三家巨头有望达到万亿美元估值 - 台积电(TSMC)在半导体行业表现强劲,特别是在3纳米工艺方面[5][6][7] - 台积电的收入多样化表明公司的韧性[8] - 台积电的毛利率保持稳定,营运利润率略有下降,但仍超过公司的预期[9] Broadcom(AVGO)在半导体收入中占据重要地位 - Broadcom通过生成式人工智能(AI)在半导体收入中占据重要地位[11] - Broadcom预计在2024财年,生成式AI可能占据超过25%的半导体收入[12] - Broadcom通过出售非核心业务和收购VMware来实现重点增长[14] ASML在EUV技术方面占据主导地位 - ASML预计2024年毛利率略有下降,但仍专注于在2025年实现54%至56%的毛利率[17] - ASML对2024年第一季度的净销售预期保守,以管理市场预期[18] - ASML通过技术转型和高毛利率EUV系统的计划,将公司定位在半导体行业的前沿[19]
ASML Offers Decent Upside With Decent Annual Returns
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-02 12:37
HUNG CHIN LIU/iStock via Getty Images Thesis In this article, I will evaluate ASML Holding N.V. (NASDAQ:ASML) to ascertain its estimated fair price and gauge its investment potential. Upon employing two models, I have determined that the stock offers an upside ranging from 13.4% to 29.6%, with potential annual returns spanning from 16.8% to 21.5%. The sole identified risk pertains to the semiconductor cycle, which is speculated to have already bottomed out. Consequently, I rate ASML stock as a strong buy. O ...
Investors Heavily Search ASML Holding N.V. (ASML): Here is What You Need to Know
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-02-01 23:01
ASML (ASML) has recently been on Zacks.com's list of the most searched stocks. Therefore, you might want to consider some of the key factors that could influence the stock's performance in the near future. Shares of this equipment supplier to semiconductor makers have returned +23.7% over the past month versus the Zacks S&P 500 composite's +1.6% change. The Zacks Semiconductor Equipment - Wafer Fabrication industry, to which ASML belongs, has gained 9.6% over this period. Now the key question is: Where coul ...
ASML Stock Is Making Waves to Start 2024, But Is It a Buy Now?
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-28 19:15
Shares of ASML Holding (ASML -0.15%) -- the only provider of manufacturing equipment to produce extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography machines used in the most advanced chipmaking -- were white-hot in the first half of 2023. Then a short slump set in, followed by a resurgence in recent weeks back toward all-time highs not seen since late 2021. ASML's fourth-quarter 2023 earnings report can be thanked for that. However, the stock is back at a high-premium price tag, and management is taking a muted view on t ...
Here Are 3 Exceptional Dividend Compounders To Supercharge Your Portfolio
Seeking Alpha· 2024-01-27 16:34
PM Images Investors who pick stocks often face the dilemma of which investment strategy to choose and how to leverage compounding to amplify the growth of their hard-earned money, all while minimizing risks. The optimal choice varies significantly among investors based on factors like age, investment goals, and risk tolerance. Generally, younger investors tend to be more aggressive, opting for either no-dividend paying stocks or lower-yielding stocks to harness the compounding effect. As investors age and a ...
Why ASML Stock Is Soaring and Hit a New Record High This Week
The Motley Fool· 2024-01-26 22:12
ASML公司业绩表现 - ASML公司公布了2023年第四季度的业绩,净利润和营收均显著超出市场预期[2] - ASML公司本周股价大涨,受益于强劲的第四季度业绩和鼓舞人心的展望[1] ASML公司市场地位 - ASML公司在极紫外光刻(EUV)领域几乎垄断,是全球领先的光刻机供应商,为台积电等公司提供先进的半导体制造设备[5]
ASML reaches inflection point with 100% upside in sight
MarketBeat· 2024-01-26 20:27
ASML公司业绩 - ASML在上一季度表现稳健,收入和利润同比增长12.5%和12.7%,超过市场预期[3] - 新系统销售增长20%,显示对下一代技术的需求[4] - 净订单量大幅增长,环比增长约250%,同比增长约45%,市场预计2024年将继续保持强劲[5] - 公司的资本回报有助于估值和股价增长,虽然股息不高但每年增长并且安全[8] ASML公司前景展望 - 分析师对ASML的前景持乐观态度,多家机构发布升级评级和新的高价目标[6] - ASML股价目前交易于高估值40倍,但市场已经定价了显著增长[7] - 过剩的自由现金流用于股票回购,自2028年以来公司股数下降超过7.25%,预计2024年将继续回购[9] - ASML有多种因素支撑股价上涨,但实现100%的涨幅的路径是技术性的,公司正处于交易范围内,可能很快突破[10] - ASML可能会超过另外100%的上涨,如果突破新高[12]
Should You Invest in ASML (ASML) Based on Bullish Wall Street Views?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-01-25 23:30
Investors often turn to recommendations made by Wall Street analysts before making a Buy, Sell, or Hold decision about a stock. While media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm employed (or sell- side) analysts often affect a stock's price, do they really matter? Let's take a look at what these Wall Street heavyweights have to say about ASML (ASML) before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage. ASML currently has an average brokerage rec ...