The Best Stocks to Invest $1,000 in Right Now
The Motley Fool· 2024-05-02 16:27
These world-class businesses have massive advantages and show no signs of slowing down. The key to successful investing is to buy the right stocks at the right price and hold them for the long term, allowing the businesses to grow and the stock price to rise. This is an obvious statement, but it is easier said than done. Because we can't know the future, buying the right stocks is always going to be left somewhat to chance. That said, there are characteristics to look out for before clicking the buy button. ...
1 Wall Street Analyst Thinks ASML Stock Is Going to $1,000. Is It a Buy Around $872?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-27 22:10
The company has taken quite a few hits to its shares after reporting first-quarter results. Until very recently, it seemed that ASML (ASML 2.04%) stock would continue to defy gravity. Investors kept piling into the stock of the semiconductor equipment specialist as they thought it would ride the hot technology of our day -- artificial intelligence (AI) -- to ever-greater heights. But then came the company's first-quarter earnings report in mid-April. Currently in the midst of a strategic transition, ASML re ...
Is ASML's Big Sell-off a Warning Sign to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Investors?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-26 19:45
ASML公司业务 - ASML是全球所有芯片制造商的关键供应商[1] - ASML是微芯片供应链中至关重要的公司,其技术是世界上唯一的[2] - ASML的极紫外线机器允许用户制造3纳米厚度的芯片[3] - ASML和其客户仍在推动极限,预计明年将推出2纳米芯片[4] ASML公司财务状况 - ASML在第一季度的销售额下降,但这是预期之内的[5] - ASML的长期预测显示2025年预计营收在300-400亿欧元之间,2030年预计在440-600亿欧元之间[6] - 如果ASML达到2030年的预测,公司价值将达到6370亿欧元,目前估值为3540亿美元,有70%的上涨空间[7] - 尽管ASML的业绩疲软导致了抛售,但还不足以值得购买[8]
ASML Holding: From Bullish Momentum To Balanced Outlook
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-25 14:21
HUNG CHIN LIU/iStock via Getty Images Thesis In my previous article about ASML Holding N.V. (NASDAQ:ASML), I rated the stock as a "strong buy" citing that my estimated upside for the stock ranged from 16.8% to 21.5%, which means a present fair price per share ranging from $984.44 to $1,124.65. In Q1 2024 earnings, ASML reported earnings of €3.11 per share, which topped estimates. However, revenue came out at €5.3B, which indicates a 20% Y/Y slip in sales. This caused the stock to sink by 11%, which complete ...
3 Stocks Set to Surge in the Next Market Rally
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-25 02:02
CompoSecure (CMPO) - CompoSecure在金属支付卡领域处于领先地位,推出了多款创新产品,如Lux Glass Card, LED Card, 和Echo Mirror Card,提升了竞争优势 [4] - CompoSecure被ABI Research评为金属支付卡领域的领先生产商,公司专注于创新,提供先进解决方案,巩固了市场领先地位 [5] TSMC (TSM) - TSMC在面对困难时表现出色,如4月3日地震后迅速采取行动,展现了运营韧性和风险管理能力 [9] - TSMC专注于科技进步,开发2纳米技术(N2),预计2025年量产,将在高价值市场中占据有利位置 [11] ASML (ASML) - ASML在2024年第一季度的净系统订单约为36亿欧元,积压订单约为380亿欧元,支持未来增长预测,提供收入可见性 [13] - ASML的光刻设备在客户群体和地理区域中受到强烈需求,订单簿稳健,减少了行业波动风险 [14] - ASML预测2024年总净销售额与2023年相当,展现了企业的韧性和市场变化适应能力 [15]
ASML discloses 2024 AGM results
Newsfilter· 2024-04-24 23:30
ASML discloses 2024 AGM results Veldhoven, the Netherlands, April 24, 2024 – ASML Holding N.V. (ASML) today announces the results of its Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on April 24, 2024. The 2024 AGM marks the end of the terms of Peter Wennink and Martin van den Brink as Presidents of ASML and the beginning of Christophe Fouquet's term as President and CEO of ASML. At the AGM, ASML's statutory financial statements for the 2023 financial year were adopted. In addition, the following items were approved: P ...
China, future HQ: New ASML boss faces bulging in-tray
TechXplore· 2024-04-24 16:40
公司概况 - ASML是一家在全球拥有约42,000名员工的公司[1] 新任总裁挑战 - 新任ASML总裁Christophe Fouquet将面临应对与中国的业务往来等挑战[2] 技术重要性 - ASML在制造用于驱动世界先进技术的超薄微芯片的机器方面具有战略重要性[3] 政治挑战 - Fouquet将需要在西方国家试图限制中国获取技术的背景下,应对政治上的挑战[4]
ASML Is Positioned For A Cyclical Upswing With EUV
Seeking Alpha· 2024-04-24 15:54
ASML公司业务展望 - ASML报告了2024年第一季度的周期性下降,预计在2024年第二季度继续下降,然后在年底出现反弹[1] - ASML的增长战略围绕采用EUV技术制造先进芯片节点展开,预计Intel和台积电将成为这一类别的客户之一[2] - ASML预计2024年非EUV芯片业务将下降,成熟节点将成为下一代工业化和电气化的重要因素[3] ASML公司市场趋势 - 半导体制造行业转向更先进的芯片节点,转向EUV技术备受期待,以满足需求[1] - 预计数据中心和能源传输将推动成熟和下一代芯片的显著增长,满足ASML在2030年的长期销售目标[4] ASML公司技术发展 - ASML的低NA EUV工具将推动2024年下半年的增长,同时转向高NA EUV,如2025年的NXE:3800E[5] - 预计在eFY24的后半部分开始形成有利因素,随着新的国内芯片厂开始建设其设备需求,现有工厂升级其设备到最新的EUV技术[6] ASML公司财务状况 - 预计库存水平将在eFY24结束时得到解决,销售强劲,这将是ASML自由现金流产生的一个重要转折点[7] ASML公司战略合作 - Intel和台积电通过CHIPS法案获得融资,在美国建立新的先进节点芯片厂,预计将有大量投资流向ASML用于其先进的高NA机器[1] - ASML正在与荷兰政府就在该地区扩大未来业务采取措施进行讨论,Eindhoven市签署了一份意向书,计划投资27亿美元用于基础设施改善,以维持与ASML的良好关系并容纳2万名员工[8]
Is It Time to Buy ASML Stock Yet?
The Motley Fool· 2024-04-23 21:33
One of the "most important companies in the world" just got smashed on semiconductor manufacturing concerns. Shares of top lithography equipment maker ASML Holding (ASML 1.46%) took a steep tumble after earnings in mid-April, halving what was a heady 30% run-up in the first few months of 2024. ASML is still sporting big gains so far during the new bull market, but some investors are nevertheless suddenly concerned about the company's financial outlook. ASML is the sole provider of EUV (extreme ultraviolet) ...
5 Best Inverse-Leveraged ETFs of Last Week
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-04-23 21:00
Last week witnessed the largest collective loss for the "Magnificent Seven" technology-related stocks, with a total of $950 billion erased from their market capitalizations, as quoted on MarketWatch. This figure surpasses the previous record loss of $872 billion in January 2022. High inflation, talks of higher-for-longer interest rates in the United States, flare-ups in geopolitical crisis and receding euphoria about AI investments weighed on the risk-on trade sentiments. High growth stocks were especially- ...