Investing $10,000 in Each of These 5 Ultra-High-Yield Dividend Stocks Could Make You Nearly $4,000 in Passive Income
The Motley Fool· 2024-03-02 18:48
Investing in stocks and farming are similar in some ways. Farmers plant seeds in hopes that they'll grow and produce plenty of fruit. Investors essentially do the same thing. But buying stocks can be much easier than farming, which requires a lot of hard work. And the right stocks can produce "fruit" regularly that allows you to kick back and watch the money flow in. What are some good stocks to buy? Investing $10,000 in each of these five ultra-high-yield dividend stocks could make you nearly $4,000 in ann ...
BDC Weekly Review: BDCs Continue To Shed Leverage
Seeking Alpha· 2024-03-02 07:11
Darren415 Welcome to another installment of our BDC Market Weekly Review, where we discuss market activity in the Business Development Company ("BDC") sector from both the bottom-up - highlighting individual news and events - as well as the top-down - providing an overview of the broader market. We also try to add some historical context as well as relevant themes that look to be driving the market or that investors ought to be mindful of. This update covers the period through the fourth week of February. M ...
Ares Capital Corporation (ARCC) Management Presents at UBS Financial Services Conference (Transcript)
2024-02-28 04:37
公司概况 - Ares Capital Corporation是最大的公开交易的BDC,拥有230亿美元资产[2] 经济和投资组合 - 公司对经济和投资组合感到满意,认为经济和投资组合表现良好[9] - 通货膨胀受到紧缩周期的控制,公司看到价格上涨的迹象已经减弱[11] - 信贷利差较窄,反映了低违约率和对经济的乐观态度[15] 交易活动和承诺金额 - 预计2024年的交易活动将有所增加,但目前交易速度较慢[19] - 公司预计2024年的承诺金额将较2023年有所增加[26] 贷款领域和担保比例 - 公司认为直接贷款领域的筹款趋势保持稳定,没有太多变化[33] - 公司认为60%-70%的优先担保、30%左右的次级担保和10%的股权组合是合适的[35] 市场定位和杠杆率 - 公司仍然对传统中型市场感兴趣,但更倾向于25-150亿美元的EBITDA[44] - 公司目前的杠杆率约为1.05倍[51] 资产负债表和非应计率 - 公司拥有大约110亿美元的净资产价值和约1千万美元的债务[52] - 公司倾向于在1倍至1.25倍的范围内操作,不认为这会对收益或资产负债表产生重大风险[53] - 非应计率目前约为1.4%,历史平均值为3%[68] 投资评级和私募股权 - 大约10%的公司投资评级为1或2级,表现低于平均水平[71] - 公司正在积极寻求解决那些被标识为1级和2级的投资[78] - 公司认为当前利率环境下,私募股权可能难以以类似估值退出投资[93] - 公司强调私募股权在过去五到七年中支付了非常高的公司价格,可能难以在短期内以类似估值退出[96] 股息和收益 - 公司希望核心收益能够长期超过股息[106] - 公司的股息水平被核心收益充分覆盖,为0.48美元[105] - 公司致力于建立高质量、稳定的股息,同时通过其他分配方式进行补充[110] - 公司在过去曾发放特别股息,有时会在年底进行清算[109]
Ares Capital Corporation (ARCC) Management Presents at UBS Financial Services Conference (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-28 04:37
Ares Capital Corporation (NASDAQ:ARCC) UBS Financial Services Conference Transcript February 27, 2024 12:10 PM ET Executives Kipp deVeer - Chief Executive Officer Scott Lem - Chief Financial Officer Analysts Vilas Abraham - UBS Vilas Abraham Hi, everybody. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Vilas Abraham, the BDC analyst here at UBS. And for this session, I am pleased to be joined by Mr. Kipp deVeer, the CEO of Ares Capital Corporation and Head of Ares Credit Group; as well as Scott Lem, the newly appointed C ...
7 Reasons Buying This 9.5%-Yielding Dividend Stock Could Be a Brilliant Move
The Motley Fool· 2024-02-26 18:50
公司概况 - Ares Capital是一家市值不到120亿美元的公司,可能并不引起很多投资者的注意[1] - Ares Capital的股息率高达9.58%,是一个高收益的股息股票[3] - 公司拥有14年稳定增长的股息纪录,表现出良好的股息纪录[4] 公司业绩 - 公司的每股收益在2023年第四季度按照普遍公认的会计原则(GAAP)年同比增长超过一倍,过去五年,公司的净收入在过去12个月的基础上增长了大约83%[5] - Ares Capital拥有一个引人注目的商业模式,是最大的公开交易的商业发展公司(BDC),并且在直接贷款方面表现出色[6] - 公司的风险管理策略比大多数同行更稳定,专注于中等市场的上端,避免高度周期性的行业[7] 公司表现 - Ares Capital在过去10年中在每股净资产价值(NAV)增长、年化总回报和基础股息每股增长方面表现优异,累计总回报比标普500指数高出75%以上[9] - 公司的估值相当有吸引力,股价仅为未来收益的8.3倍,相比标普500指数的未来收益倍数20.7倍,可以说是非常便宜的[11]
ARCC: Growth Across Net Income And NAV In A Strong Q4
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-23 00:44
anyaberkut/iStock via Getty Images In this article, we discuss the latest quarterly results from the Business Development Company Ares Capital (NASDAQ:ARCC). The company delivered a strong 3.9% total NAV return over the quarter as well as a rise in core earnings. ARCC trades at a 9.5% dividend yield and has a core earnings yield of 12.5%. Its valuation is 105% as of this writing. The portfolio sector allocation is fairly typical of BDCs with software and healthcare being the key areas. It has a lower first- ...
Ares Capital: Monitoring Portfolio Risks Closely
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-22 15:47
投资组合质量 - ARCC的投资组合质量值得密切关注,特别是Grade 2风险等级的投资占比[3] - ARCC的非应计贷款保持相对较低水平,但在摊销成本基础上,非应计贷款有所增加[6] 利率风险 - ARCC的股息仍然由NII充分覆盖,但存在利率下降可能对NII造成负面影响的担忧[7] - ARCC的投资组合中大约70%是浮动利率投资,因此利率下降可能会对其产生影响[8] 估值情况 - ARCC的估值目前处于净资产值的溢价约4%,与同行BDC相比处于中等水平[12] - ARCC的股息仍然得到NII充分覆盖,但存在利率环境不确定性可能导致利率敏感公司的股价波动增加[16]
Ares Capital (ARCC) Presents at Bank of America Securities 2024 Financial Services Conference (Transcript)
2024-02-22 04:17
公司概况 - Ares Capital自2004年IPO以来,资产组合规模从1.5亿美元增长到目前的220亿美元[4] - Ares Capital的投资策略是通过私募股权公司寻找美国中市场最佳公司,提供稳定的股息回报[6] - Ares Capital由Ares Management管理,获得了不同渠道的独特信息和资本市场信息,使其能够做出相对价值决策[8] 投资团队 - Ares Capital拥有近200人的投资团队,审查约500亿美元的新投资机会,但只有4%至5%的机会会被实际投资[10] - Ares Capital拥有50人的组合管理团队,具备处理贷款问题和公司重组的能力[14] 融资和市场展望 - Ares Capital通过发行低成本债券融资,获得了规模和声誉带来的竞争优势[15] - Ares Capital对2024年直接融资行业的增长持乐观态度,认为交易量将继续增长[18] 风险和回报 - 公司的平均EBITDA自疫情前增长了大约两倍[36] - 公司认为信用始终是市场中最大的风险之一[55] 市场趋势和竞争优势 - Ares Capital与现有借款人的合作关系不断增长,每年约有一半的新承诺提供给现有借款人,形成了难以渗透的竞争壁垒[13] - 公司提供资金给小型和中型借款人有战略优势[40]
Ares Capital (ARCC) Presents at Bank of America Securities 2024 Financial Services Conference (Transcript)
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-22 04:17
Ares Capital (NASDAQ:ARCC) Bank of America Securities 2024 Financial Services Conference Call February 21, 2024 12:50 PM ET Company Participants Kort Schnabel - Co-President, Los Angeles Conference Call Participants Derek Hewett - Bank of America Merrill Lynch Derek Hewett Good afternoon. I'm Derek Hewett from Bank of America Securities. I cover the Specialty Finance sector, including Business Development companies. With us today is, Kort Schnabel, he is Co-President of Ares Capital Corporation and also a p ...
Looking At Ares Capital's Financials Under Lower Interest Rates
Seeking Alpha· 2024-02-20 16:27
公司背景 - Ares Capital (NASDAQ:ARCC) 是一家经营作为商业发展公司(BDC)的公司,通过向陷入困境和中等市场企业提供贷款[1]。 利率风险 - 公司的投资工具中包含浮动利率条款,随着市场利率的变化而增加或减少,但偏向于某一方向。在Ares的情况下,回报偏向于随着利率的上升而增加,反之亦然[1]。 利率预测 - 主席Jerome Powell表示预计今年晚些时候至少会有三次降息。他表示美国经济强劲,央行可能会在今年晚些时候降低利率,但不太可能在本月发生[2]。 财务表现 - 在最近的季度电话会议上,公司宣布核心收益为0.63美元,NAVII为0.60美元,股息为0.48美元,NAV为19.24美元,投资杠杆为1.02[3]。 股息增长 - 公司成功实现了每年10%的高股息增长,同时增加净资产。管理层对此感到非常自豪[4]。 投资组合 - 大部分投资由浮动利率合同组成,其中约70%为第一抵押贷款,30%为第二抵押贷款,第二抵押贷款的风险较高[5]。