AmpliTech (AMPG)
AmpliTech Group Receives Over $700,000 In Cash From Single Products Sale At Their Spectrum Division
Prism Media Wire· 2024-09-19 20:30
AmpliTech Group Receives Over $700,000 In Cash From Single Products Sale At Their Spectrum Division September Bookings To Date Also Surpassed $1 Million MarkHauppauge, NY, September 19, 2024 – PRISM MediaWire – AmpliTech Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMPG, AMPGW), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal processing components for satellite, Public and Private 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems and a global distributor of packages and lids ...
AmpliTech Group's AGTGSS Division Receives Initial Order For Its Midband 5G Radio Networks From Historic University of Edinburgh UK
Prism Media Wire· 2024-09-12 20:30
AmpliTech Group’s AGTGSS Division Receives Initial Order For Its Midband 5G Radio Networks From Historic University of Edinburgh UK Hauppauge, NY, September 12, 2024 – PRISM MediaWire – AmpliTech Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMPG, AMPGW), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal processing components for satellite, Public and Private 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems and a global distributor of packages and lids for integrated circuits a ...
AmpliTech Group Announces Pricing of $1.0 Million Registered Direct Offering, Priced At-The-Market
Prism Media Wire· 2024-09-10 08:30
AmpliTech Group Announces Pricing of $1.0 Million Registered Direct Offering, Priced At-The-Market HAUPPAUGE, N.Y., Sept. 9, 2024 – PRISM MediaWire – AmpliTech Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMPG, AMPGW) (the “Company”), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal processing components for satellite, Public and Private 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems and a global distributor of packages and lids for integrated circuits assembly, today annou ...
AmpliTech Group's AGTGSS Division To Participate At Mobile World Congress Shows in Las Vegas And Barcelona To Market Its Comprehensive Private 5G End-to-End Solution for Businesses and Homes
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-09-04 21:00
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y., Sept. 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AmpliTech Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMPG, AMPGW), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal processing components for satellite, Public and Private 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems and a global distributor of packages and lids for integrated circuits assembly, announces the company’s participation at two key trade shows domestically and abroad to be held at Las Vegas and Barcelona dur ...
AmpliTech Group's Bookings Surpass $1M In August 2024
Prism Media Wire· 2024-08-30 21:01
AmpliTech Group’s Bookings Surpass $1M In August 2024 In Addition To Above Bookings, Spectrum Semiconductor Materials Division Completes $700K Single Sale Transaction During The Week of August 26th 2024Hauppauge, NY, August 30, 2024 – PRISM MediaWire – AmpliTech Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMPG, AMPGW), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal processing components for satellite, Public and Private 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems and ...
AmpliTech (AMPG) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-08-29 09:38
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司在2024年第二季度报告收入2.5百万美元,毛利1百万美元,毛利率约42%,受全球需求下降和经济衰退的影响未达预期目标 [6][8] - 公司现金、应收账款和现金等价物约2.1百万美元,营运资金近10百万美元,存货7百万美元,可满足客户需求 [9] - 公司2024年第二季度亏损1.57百万美元,主要由于销售下降、费用增加和持续的研发投入 [8] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 公司的卫星地面站低噪声放大器(LNB)业务,Ku波段LNB市场规模从2023年的103.2亿美元预计到2030年将达到156.1亿美元,公司有技术优势 [13][14] - 公司的量子计算业务,推出了新的低温电源产品,并获得了主要量子计算公司的首单订单,是美国为数不多的供应商之一 [16] - 公司的MMIC芯片业务,已经推出100多种新产品,并获得了一家太空公司的定制设计订单 [17] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 公司的5G业务,其64T/64R大规模MIMO 5G基站无线电设备正在进行测试,计划在年底前完成并部署在公众5G网络 [10] - 公司的私有5G业务,已经开发了端到端的私有5G解决方案,包括无线电、核心网和终端设备,可部署在机场、矿山等场景 [11] - 公司预计5G基础设施市场到2030年将达到990亿美元,为公司5G产品线带来巨大的市场机遇 [18] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司正在将业务重心转向5G、量子计算和卫星等新兴领域,以提高利润率和竞争力 [27] - 公司在5G市场上与国内外大型企业展开合作,并计划在未来几个月内宣布重要合作关系和部署合同 [12][18] - 公司是少数几家能提供高性能5G无线电和私有5G端到端解决方案的美国厂商之一,具有明显的技术优势 [10][11][16] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 受全球需求下降和经济衰退的影响,公司2024年上半年业绩未达预期,但预计下半年将有所好转 [6][7][9][12] - 公司对5G、量子计算和卫星等新兴业务前景保持乐观,预计到2025年这些业务将占公司80%以上的收入 [23][25][29] - 尽管当前面临诸多不确定因素,但公司仍有信心通过新产品和技术优势实现未来几年的收入增长和盈利 [18][19] 其他重要信息 - 公司正在积极参加全球性贸易展会,推广5G产品线和新技术 [17] - 公司已经完成了MMIC在线商城的建设,并与全球分销商CDI合作,为客户提供本地化服务和支持 [17] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Jack Vander Aarde 提问** 询问公司整体管线规模和未来收入预期 [22][26] **Fawad Maqbool 回答** 公司整体管线规模约130百万美元,5G业务预计将占2025年收入的75%-80% [23][25][27] 问题2 **Jack Vander Aarde 提问** 询问公司之前给出的35-40百万美元收入指引是否仍然适用 [28] **Fawad Maqbool 回答** 2025年公司收入有望达到40百万美元左右,但2024年受诸多不确定因素影响,难以给出明确预期 [29][33] 问题3 **Jack Vander Aarde 提问** 询问公司MMIC业务的收入贡献时间点 [30] **Jorge Flores 回答** MMIC业务有望在2025年和2026年带来显著收入增长,公司正在洽谈一笔可观的订单 [32][33]
AmpliTech Group's AGMDC Division Moves to Allen Tech Hub in Watters Creek District in Allen, Texas
Prism Media Wire· 2024-08-26 21:30
AmpliTech Group’s AGMDC Division Moves to Allen Tech Hub in Watters Creek District in Allen, Texas Hauppauge, NY, August 26, 2024 – AmpliTech Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMPG, AMPGW), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal processing components for satellite, Public and Private 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems and a global distributor of packages and lids for integrated circuits assembly, today announced its AmpliTech Group Microwave ...
AmpliTech Group's AGMDC Division Moves to Allen Tech Hub in Watters Creek District In Allen Texas
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-26 21:30
文章核心观点 - 公司宣布将其AmpliTech Group Microwave Design Center(AGMDC)部门搬迁至德克萨斯州艾伦市的Allen Tech Hub [1][2][3] - 这一搬迁标志着公司发展战略的重要一步,将AGMDC部门置于该地区最具活力和创新的科技社区之中 [2][3] - 新的设施将为公司团队提供所需的资源和空间,以推进其前沿项目并增强运营能力 [4][5] - 这一搬迁也反映了公司致力于推动创新并保持技术领先地位的决心 [4][6] - 新的总部将不仅支持公司当前的举措,还将使其能够探索新的机遇和技术 [6][7] 公司概况 - 公司由五个部门组成,是一家领先的射频(RF)微波元件和5G网络解决方案的设计、开发、制造和分销商 [8] - 公司为卫星通信、电信(5G和物联网)、航天探索、国防和量子计算等全球市场提供服务 [8] - 公司致力于推进技术和创新 [8] 行业概况 - 公司产品和解决方案主要应用于5G网络建设 [5][7] - 公司致力于提供高质量的非中国制造产品和服务,以满足5G行业不断变化的需求 [7]
AmpliTech Group To Hold Q2-2024 Investor's Conference Call
Prism Media Wire· 2024-08-20 21:35
AmpliTech Group To Hold Q2-2024 Investor’s Conference Call Hauppauge, NY, August 20, 2024 – AmpliTech Group, Inc (Nasdaq: AMPG, AMPGW), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal processing components for satellite, Public and Private 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems and a global distributor of packages and lids for integrated circuits assembly, today announced the company will host an investor conference call on Wednesday, August ...
AmpliTech Group's AGTGSS Division Signs Memorandum Of Understanding For Initial Domestic Private 5G Network Deployment
Prism Media Wire· 2024-08-20 20:28
AmpliTech Group’s AGTGSS Division Signs Memorandum Of Understanding For Initial Domestic Private 5G Network Deployment With Domestic IP Data Networking, Power Storage, Cybersecurity, and IoT CompanyHauppauge, NY, August 20, 2024 – AmpliTech Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: AMPG, AMPGW), a designer, developer, and manufacturer of state-of-the-art signal processing components for satellite, Public and Private 5G, and other communications networks, including the design of complete 5G/6G systems and a global distributor o ...