Aclarion Launches the Clinical Utility and Economic (CLUE) Trial to Quantify How Often Nociscan's AI Generated Biomarker Data Changes Surgical Treatment Plans
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-21 19:57
文章核心观点 - 公司正在启动一项名为CLUE的多中心临床试验,旨在量化外科医生在获得Nociscan数据后,改变原有治疗计划的频率 [3] - 该试验将提供关于将Nociscan决策支持工具添加到现有诊断评估方法中的实际价值的洞见 [3] - 公司此前已启动CLARITY试验,以明确在手术决策过程中包括Nociscan数据能否带来更好的手术结果 [5] - CLUE试验将以独立和可扩展的方式研究Nociscan的使用,为医生提供使用Nociscan时建立自己的证据和数据库的机会 [6] 根据相关目录分别进行总结 公司概况 - 公司是一家医疗技术公司,利用磁共振波谱(MRS)、专有信号处理技术、生物标记物和增强智能算法来优化临床治疗 [7] - 公司首先针对慢性腰痛市场推出Nociscan,这是第一个经过证据支持的SaaS平台,可以帮助医生无创地区分腰椎中有痛和无痛的椎间盘 [7] 临床试验 - 公司正在启动CLUE临床试验,旨在量化外科医生在获得Nociscan数据后改变原有治疗计划的频率 [3] - CLUE试验将提供关于将Nociscan决策支持工具添加到现有诊断评估方法中的实际价值的洞见 [3] - 公司此前已启动CLARITY试验,以明确在手术决策过程中包括Nociscan数据能否带来更好的手术结果 [5] - CLUE试验将以独立和可扩展的方式研究Nociscan的使用,为医生提供使用Nociscan时建立自己的证据和数据库的机会 [6] 行业挑战 - 诊断慢性腰痛的来源是临床医生面临的一个重大挑战,常常会导致对不相关椎间盘的治疗遗漏或包括 [4] - 证据表明,当Nociscan信息被纳入治疗计划过程时,结果会显著改善 [4]
Aclarion to Present at August 20th Virtual Investor Summit Microcap Event
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-15 21:48
BROOMFIELD, CO, Aug. 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aclarion, Inc. (“Aclarion” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), a healthcare technology company that is leveraging biomarkers and proprietary augmented intelligence algorithms to help physicians identify the location of chronic low back pain, announced today that it will be presenting at the upcoming Virtual Investor Summit on August 20th, 2024. Investors may request a one-on-one meeting with management by registering here: ...
Aclarion(ACON) - 2024 Q2 - Quarterly Report
2024-08-15 03:34
收入和成本 - 公司2024年第二季度总收入为10,971美元,同比下降36%[175] - 公司2024年第二季度成本收入为23,294美元,同比增加21%[176] - 公司2024年上半年总收入为21,085美元,同比下降50%[189] - 公司2024年上半年成本收入为42,770美元,同比增加16%[190] 费用 - 公司2024年第二季度销售和营销费用为225,037美元,同比增加8%[177] - 公司2024年第二季度研发费用为202,102美元,同比下降19%[178] - 公司2024年第二季度一般和管理费用为696,099美元,同比下降26%[179] - 公司2024年第二季度利息费用为127,848美元,同比增加171%[180] - 公司2024年上半年销售和营销费用为406,094美元,同比增加6%[191] - 公司2024年上半年研发费用为441,143美元,同比下降3%[192] 现金流量 - 截至2024年6月30日,公司现金及限制性现金总额为1,182,687美元,预计这些资金足以支持公司运营至2024年第三季度[208] - 2024年上半年,公司运营活动使用了3,293,096美元的现金,主要用于减少应付账款和应付费用[211] - 2024年上半年,公司投资活动使用了157,523美元的现金,主要用于专利和许可证维护[212] - 2024年上半年,公司融资活动提供了3,602,237美元的现金,主要来自公开发行和股权线协议[210] 融资活动 - 2024年上半年,公司通过公开发行5,175,000单位,每单位0.58美元,筹集了约300万美元的 gross proceeds[207] - 2024年上半年,公司通过股权线协议在1月和4月分别筹集了约140万美元和30万美元的净收益[207] - 公司预计需要额外资金来继续支持技术开发,并计划通过管理来确保这些资金[208] - 公司可能需要通过出售股权、债务融资或与第三方合作来筹集额外资金,这可能导致现有股东权益稀释或业务限制[219] 业务模式和风险 - 公司主要通过向医疗专业人员提供Nociscan报告来获得收入,几乎所有收入都来自美国的客户合同[200] - 公司面临持续的运营亏损和资金需求,存在流动性不足的风险,这引发了对公司持续经营能力的重大疑问[205]
Aclarion Announces First Commercial Agreement in Michigan
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-14 20:08
Sheridan Community Hospital is the First Healthcare Institution in Michigan With Nociscan Agreement Expands Nociscan Access to John Keller, MD, a Leading Neurosurgeon and Aclarion Medical Advisor, and the Patients he Serves in Central Michigan BROOMFIELD, CO, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aclarion, Inc., (“Aclarion” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), a healthcare technology company that is leveraging biomarkers and proprietary augmented intelligence algorithms to help physicians identify the locat ...
Aclarion Hits Another Key Milestone by Adding Vitality - Third Major Payer to Cover Nociscan in Greater UK
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-08-13 21:07
文章核心观点 - 公司Aclarion在英国获得了3家主要私人医疗保险公司的报销覆盖,这为公司在英国市场的商业化铺平了道路 [1][2][3] - 公司的Nociscan产品是一个基于生物标记和人工智能算法的SaaS平台,可以帮助医生识别慢性腰痛的来源 [3][5][6] - 英国私人医疗保险市场占医院收入的近70%,Vitality是其中4大主要保险公司之一,覆盖了近60%的有私人保险的患者 [2] 根据目录分类总结 公司概况 - Aclarion是一家医疗技术公司,利用磁共振波谱、生物标记和人工智能算法来优化临床治疗 [5] - 公司的首个产品Nociscan是一个SaaS平台,可以帮助医生区分腰椎间盘是否为疼痛源 [3][5][6] 英国市场情况 - 英国私人医疗保险市场占医院收入的近70%,正在日益普及 [2] - Vitality是4大主要私人医疗保险公司之一,占有约13%的市场份额,覆盖约100万客户 [2] - 通过Vitality的报销覆盖,Nociscan已覆盖了近60%有私人保险的英国患者 [2] 商业化进展 - 公司在英国市场获得了3家主要私人医疗保险公司的报销覆盖,为商业化铺平了道路 [1][2][3] - 公司计划复制在英国的成功经验,在美国和其他市场推广Nociscan产品 [2]
Aclarion Achieves Milestone With Key Second Payer Coverage of Nociscan by Aviva Throughout Greater London, UK
Newsfilter· 2024-07-09 19:00
Aviva is a Top 4 Provider of Private Medical Insurance in the UK By Joining AXA, Approximately 45% of Patients With Private Insurance Now Have Access to Nociscan in the Greater London Spine Care Market BROOMFIELD, CO, July 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aclarion, Inc., ("Aclarion" or the "Company") (NASDAQ:ACON, ACONW))), a healthcare technology company that is leveraging biomarkers and proprietary augmented intelligence algorithms to help physicians identify the location of chronic low back pain, announced t ...
Aclarion Achieves Milestone With Key Second Payer Coverage of Nociscan by Aviva Throughout Greater London, UK
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-07-09 19:00
Aviva is a Top 4 Provider of Private Medical Insurance in the UK By Joining AXA, Approximately 45% of Patients With Private Insurance Now Have Access to Nociscan in the Greater London Spine Care Market BROOMFIELD, CO, July 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aclarion, Inc., (“Aclarion” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), a healthcare technology company that is leveraging biomarkers and proprietary augmented intelligence algorithms to help physicians identify the location of chronic low back pain, announced to ...
Aclarion Announces Initial Payer Coverage of Nociscan by AXA Throughout Greater London, UK
Newsfilter· 2024-06-26 20:30
AXA is the 2nd Largest Provider of Private Medical Insurance in the UK Payer Coverage is the Most Important Catalyst Aclarion can Achieve to Drive Volume and Revenue AXA Represents the First Insurance Company to Approve Payment for Nociscan BROOMFIELD, CO, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aclarion, Inc., ("Aclarion" or the "Company") (NASDAQ:ACON, ACONW))), a healthcare technology company that is leveraging biomarkers and proprietary augmented intelligence algorithms to help physicians identify the locatio ...
Aclarion Announces Initial Payer Coverage of Nociscan by AXA Throughout Greater London, UK
GlobeNewswire News Room· 2024-06-26 20:30
AXA is the 2nd Largest Provider of Private Medical Insurance in the UK Payer Coverage is the Most Important Catalyst Aclarion can Achieve to Drive Volume and Revenue AXA Represents the First Insurance Company to Approve Payment for Nociscan BROOMFIELD, CO, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aclarion, Inc., (“Aclarion” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: ACON, ACONW), a healthcare technology company that is leveraging biomarkers and proprietary augmented intelligence algorithms to help physicians identify the location ...
Aclarion Expands Commercial Engagement With The London Clinic to Grow Access to Nociscan Throughout Greater London
Newsfilter· 2024-06-25 20:30
Established in 1932, the London Clinic is the UK's Most Renowned Independent, Private Hospital Payment to Aclarion for Each Nociscan is Being Increased From the Original Contract Contract Extension Aligns Aclarion and The London Clinic With Engaging Payers to Increase Access to Nociscan for Both Patients and Referring Physicians BROOMFIELD, CO, June 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aclarion, Inc., ("Aclarion" or the "Company") (NASDAQ:ACON, ACONW))), a healthcare technology company that is leveraging biomarkers ...