Aurora Announces Distribution Partnership Between MedReleaf Australia and The Entourage Effect
Prnewswire· 2024-12-17 20:00
NASDAQ | TSX: ACBThe collaboration aims to broaden access of premium medical cannabis products to Australian patientsEDMONTON, AB, Dec. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Aurora Cannabis Inc. (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB), the Canadian-based leading global medical cannabis company, is pleased to announce a distribution partnership between The Entourage Effect and MedReleaf Australia. The Entourage Effect provides comprehensive distribution and support services to pharmacies in Australia and will serve as a wholesaler for M ...
3 Marijuana Stocks For Today Watchlist
Marijuana Stocks | Cannabis Investments And News. Roots Of A Budding Industry.™· 2024-11-15 22:44
Here Are Top Marijuana Stocks For Investors To Know 2025The future of cannabis investing rests in the hands of politicians who may not have the industry’s best interests at heart. Right now, the majority of marijuana stocks are feeling the impact of cannabis politics surrounding reform and regulatory issues. Each party, Republicans and Democrats, walks a different path to passing comprehensive reform and looking at the sector as a whole.Yet the common idea is the same end result and that is to pass federal ...
Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB) Beats Q2 Earnings and Revenue Estimates
ZACKS· 2024-11-06 22:46
Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB) came out with quarterly earnings of $0.04 per share, beating the Zacks Consensus Estimate of a loss of $0.22 per share. This compares to loss of $0.50 per share a year ago. These figures are adjusted for non-recurring items.This quarterly report represents an earnings surprise of 118.18%. A quarter ago, it was expected that this company would post a loss of $0.35 per share when it actually produced a loss of $0.11, delivering a surprise of 68.57%.Over the last four quarters, the c ...
Aurora(ACB) - 2025 Q2 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-11-06 22:37
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 公司第二季度净收入为8,110万美元,同比增长29% [14] - 医疗大麻部门的净收入为6,130万美元,同比增长41% [15] - 调整后的EBITDA增长210%,达到1,010万美元,为公司创下新纪录 [14][15] - 公司现金及现金等价物约为1.52亿美元,且无债务 [14][18] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 医疗大麻占总收入的76%,并贡献了98%的调整后毛利 [15] - 加拿大医疗大麻收入增长3%,国际医疗大麻收入增长93% [15] - 消费者大麻的净收入为1,040万美元,同比下降13% [16] - 植物繁殖部门的净收入为860万美元,同比增长19% [16] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 澳大利亚市场成为公司第二大市场,年收入达到4亿澳元 [8] - 德国市场的增长得益于大麻去调度,且公司在德国的市场份额排名第三 [10] - 波兰市场的销售在第一季度受到影响后,第二季度因许可证增加而反弹 [12] 公司战略和发展方向和行业竞争 - 公司专注于全球医疗大麻市场,计划进一步渗透现有市场并进入新市场 [3] - 通过持续的科学和创新投资,保持在国内医疗大麻行业的领先地位 [7] - 公司在国际市场的成功定位使其能够从全球医疗大麻机会中受益 [4] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 管理层对未来的乐观态度基于持续的盈利增长和强劲的现金流 [13] - 公司认为国际市场的增长潜力巨大,尤其是在医疗大麻领域 [21] - 管理层强调,尽管美国市场尚未完全开放,但全球其他市场的机会依然可观 [34] 其他重要信息 - 公司在全球医疗大麻市场的领导地位为其提供了可持续的增长机会 [21] - 公司在德国和澳大利亚的市场扩展策略显示出良好的前景 [10][12] 问答环节所有提问和回答 问题: 全球医疗大麻销售的收入增长是否可持续 - 管理层认为当前的销售水平是可持续的,并且预计将继续增长 [24][25] 问题: 关于加拿大的BRAC业务,未来的增长机会如何 - 管理层表示,尽管BRAC业务较小,但仍保持一定的市场份额,以获取消费者洞察和创新机会 [26][27] 问题: 资本配置的计划是什么 - 管理层计划在内部投资、保持强劲的现金流和在合适时机进行收购之间取得平衡 [28][29] 问题: 美国选举结果对公司的影响 - 管理层认为美国市场的潜力依然存在,但公司将继续专注于全球其他市场的增长 [32][34] 问题: 德国市场的增长情况如何 - 管理层表示,德国市场的患者增长显著,且公司在该市场的表现良好 [39]
ACB Stock Likely to Gain From Genome BC-Funded Aroma Research Project
ZACKS· 2024-10-03 22:50
Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB) has announced a research grant for the University of British Columbia (“UBC”) by Genome British Columbia (Genome BC), a not-for-profit organization supporting world-class genomics research and innovation in British Columbia. The collaborative project, titled “Genomics-enabled Aroma Breeding in Cannabis”, will directly support Aurora's genetics work and focus on validating genetic and chemical markers for fruity aroma in cannabis.ACB Stock’s Trend Following the NewsAfter the announ ...
Aurora CEO Miguel Martin takes on additional role as Executive Chairman of Board of Directors
Prnewswire· 2024-09-20 19:00
NASDAQ | TSX: ACBOutgoing Chairman Ron Funk appointed Lead Independent Director, as part of Board leadership transitionEDMONTON, AB, Sept. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Aurora Cannabis Inc. (the "Company" or "Aurora") (NASDAQ: ACB) (TSX: ACB), a leading Canada-based global medical cannabis company, today announced the appointments of CEO Miguel Martin to the additional role of Executive Chairman and outgoing Chairman Ron Funk as Lead Independent Director. Both appointments follow unanimous votes by Aurora's Board ...
3 Marijuana Stocks To Watch In The Stock Market Today
Marijuana Stocks | Cannabis Investments And News. Roots Of A Budding Industry.™· 2024-09-06 21:24
Top Marijuana Stock Picks For All Types Of InvestorsMany legal cannabis operators are working to keep pushing the boundaries of the industry. Innovation is key for any growing sector and cannabis is no different. Right now is a pivotal time for the cannabis industry as things are continuously changing. The climate of the sector and the success of companies can have a direct connection to how most marijuana stocks perform, especially during an election year where promises may come along from presidential can ...
Trump's Marijuana Support Could Ignite Stock Surge – Are You Positioned To Benefit?
Benzinga· 2024-09-05 21:38
The cannabis market is abuzz following former President Donald Trump’s recent comments supporting cannabis legalization in Florida. During a podcast interview, Trump backed the state’s recreational cannabis initiative and emphasized the need for a lawful and regulated framework. This comes as Florida prepares to vote on a ballot initiative in November, which could reshape the cannabis landscape.Get Benzinga’s exclusive analysis and the top news about the cannabis industry and markets daily in your inbox for ...
Top Canadian Marijuana Stocks To Watch In 2024
Marijuana Stocks | Cannabis Investments And News. Roots Of A Budding Industry.™· 2024-08-30 21:09
3 Canadian Marijuana Stocks To Buy In The Stock MarketWhen it comes to finding top marijuana stocks to buy which companies would you choose? Now when going through this process there are some things to consider. For the most part, investing in all things is based on the same basic outline which is buy low sell high do your research create a game plan be patient, and try to take profits when you can.But things are a bit more diverse for cannabis investing. For most US-based legal operators in the market, man ...
3 Weed Stocks Sinking on Reclassification Hearing Update
Schaeffers Investment Research· 2024-08-28 03:12
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) today announced a proposal hearing on the reclassification of marijuana as a less restricted Schedule III drug will happen on Dec. 2, after the presidential election. The news is bringing cannabis stocks back into focus, with Wall Street debating how a Trump or Harris presidency may influence the decision.Canopy Growth Corp (NASDAQ:CGC) stock is among the industry players responding negatively to today's headlines. CGC was last seen down 10.3% at $5.54, and ear ...