彭博行业研究·2024-05-24 09:26

更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Asia bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-05-23/five-things-you-need-to-know-to-start-your-day-asia Five Things You Need to Know to Start Your Day: Asia 开始新的⼀天需要知道的五件事: 亚洲 Sundar Pichai, chief executive officer of Alphabet Inc., on May 1, 2024. Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg 2024 年 5 ⽉ 1 ⽇,Alphabet Inc. ⾸席执⾏官 Sundar Pichai。 摄影师:⼤卫·保罗·莫⾥斯/彭博社 Good morning. Stocks and bonds drop on rate outlook. Big tech companies look to H ...