TC Energy(TRP) - 2023 Q4 - Earnings Call Presentation

TTCC EENNEERRGGYY F2O0U2 3R TIHN VQEUSTAORRT EDRA Y2 0 2 3 CON F E RE N CE CA L L Fourth quarter 2023 conference call February 16, 2024 TTCC EE NN EE RRGGYY F2O0U2R3T IHN VQEUSTAORTRE DRA 2Y0 2 3 CON F E RE N CE CA L L Call participants François Poirier – President and Chief Executive Officer Joel Hunter – Executive Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer Stanley G. Chapman, III – Executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer, Natural Gas Pipelines Annesley Wallace – Executive Vice-President, Stra ...