Teladoc(TDOC) - 2023 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation

2Q-23 Quarterly Results Cautionary Note • • • • 2Q Net loss per share of (0.40)2QRevenueof0.40) 2Q Revenue of 652M, includes stock-based compensation 2Q Adj EBITDA(1) of 72.2Mexpenseof(72.2M expense of (0.34) per share, +10% y/y 54% y/y amortization of intangibles of (0.32)pershare,andrestructuringcostsof(0.32) per share, and restructuring costs of (0.05) per share FY23 Revenue outlook range FY23 Net loss per share FY23 Adj. EBITDA outlook of 2.600Bto2.600B to 2.675B outlook range of (1.60)torangeof1.60) to range of 300M to 325M(325M (1.25) •3Q23 Revenue outlook •3Q23 Adj. EBITDA outlook r ...