Global Ship Lease(GSL) - 2023 Q3 - Earnings Call Presentation
GSLGlobal Ship Lease(GSL)2023-11-10 00:12

|| 23QQ 22002233 RReessuullttss 1 3rd Quarter Results 2023 Disclaimer || 23QQ 22002233 RReessuullttss 2 This presentation does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as, an offer to sell or an invitation, solicitation, or inducement to purchase or subscribeforsecuritieswithrespecttoanytransaction,norshallitoranypartofitformthebasisof,orbereliedoninconnectionwith,anycontractorcommitment whatsoever.Thispresentationdoesnotconstituteeitheradviceorarecommendationregardinganysecurities. The f ...