Redwire (RDW) - 2024 Q2 - Earnings Call Presentation

Earnings #Pública For further info point your mobile for MD&A 2Q24 Adjusted Net Income 1H24 R18.8TargetedstrategyandgrowingresultsROE21.7 18.8 Targeted strategy and growing results ROE 21.7% #Pública billion 1H24 / 1H23 +8.5% 2 | 22 Granting credit is believing in people Loan Portfolio Expanded View R 1.2 trillion +13.2% Jun24/Jun23 Crop Plan 2024/2025 R$ 260 billion in resources available #Pública 3 | 22 Phygital strategy Digital BB +93.4% of transactions are carried out on digital channels +17.4% of interactions in the BB virtual assistants CRM e ...