高盛:Global Markets ily_ BoJ's JGB Holdgs – ill Waters Run ep (le_Zu_Raj)
informs·2024-06-02 00:01

更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 29 May 2024 | 4:32PM BST Global Markets Daily: BoJ’s JGB Holdings – Still Waters Run Deep (Cole/Zu/Raj) n The BoJ’s balance sheet is among the largest in the G10. As a result, as policy George Cole +44(20)7552-1214 | rates are normalised in coming years, the potential for a shift in the BoJ’s george.cole@gs.com Goldman Sachs International balance sheet is likely to be closely watched by the JGB market. The recent Bill Zu reduction in 5-10y purchase offers, together with Governor ...