NICE Boosts Share Repurchase Program: Time to Buy the Stock?
NICENICE(NICE) ZACKS·2024-06-12 04:01

Nice (NICE) is expanding its share repurchase program, with the board of directors approving a new 500millionprogram.Itplanstoacceleratesharebuybackunderthecurrent500 million program. It plans to accelerate share buyback under the current 300 million program. NICE has been aggressively acquiring shares in the past three years. In 2021, 2022 and 2023, Nice bought shares worth 73million,73 million, 145 million, and 288million,respectively.Inthefirstquarterof2024,NICEused288 million, respectively. In the first quarter of 2024, NICE used 41.5 million to buy back shares. The latest program reflects the company’s commitment to continu ...