Arbe Announces Issuance of Convertible Debentures
ARBEArbe Robotics .(ARBE) Prnewswire·2024-06-07 04:00

Company Raises Approximately 30MillionthroughConvertibleDebentureOffering,ListedonTelAvivStockExchangeTELAVIV,Israel,June6,2024/PRNewswire/ArbeRobotics,Ltd.,(NASDAQ:ARBE)(TASE:ARBE),agloballeaderinperceptionradarsolutions,announcedtodaytheissuanceofconvertibledebenturesintheprincipalamountofNIS110,000,000(approximately30 Million through Convertible Debenture Offering, Listed on Tel Aviv Stock Exchange TEL AVIV, Israel, June 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Arbe Robotics, Ltd., (NASDAQ: ARBE) (TASE: ARBE), a global leader in perception radar solutions, announced today the issuance of convertible debentures in the principal amount of NIS 110,000,000 (approximately 30 million) to Israeli investors. The debentures bear an annual interest rate of 6.5%, mature on May 30, 2028, and are convertible into Arb ...