GameStop Back as Meme Stock After Roaring Kitty Update
GMEGameStop(GME) Schaeffers Investment Research·2024-06-03 22:18

Meme stock mania is so back, and Suspect No.1 is at play. The shares of GameStop Corp (NYSE:GME) are up 70.9% to trade at 39.54atlastcheck,afterKeithGillwhoisbehindsocialmediaprofileRoaringKittyandinstigatedtheretailtradingfrenzyof2021postedonReddit(RDDT)undertheusernameDeepFValue.Thepostincludesascreenshotofanaccountholdinga39.54 at last check, after Keith Gill -- who is behind social media profile Roaring Kitty and instigated the retail trading frenzy of 2021 -- posted on Reddit (RDDT) under the username DeepF---- --Value. The post includes a screenshot of an account holding a 116 million GME position, with 120,000 June 20-strike calls bought for about $5.68 each, as well as 5 million shares. It remains ...