Buyback Bonanza: 3 Auto Stocks That Really Believe in Themselves
HMCHonda Motor(HMC)·2024-05-24 00:44

If you’re looking for auto stocks to buy, Honda Motor Co. (NYSE:HMC) should be at the top of your list. Bloomberg reported earlier in May that forecasted a strong year for Honda profits due to high demand for its hybrids in the U.S. and motorcycles in Asia. In February, the company projected it would earn 1.25 trillion yen (8.0billionUSD)infiscal2025(Marchyearend).NowHondaexpectsprofitstobe1.42trillionyen(8.0 billion USD) in fiscal 2025 (March year-end). Now Honda expects profits to be 1.42 trillion yen (9.07 billion USD). Some analysts believe it will raise its guidance again in 2025. ...