Gray Announces Private Offering of Senior Secured Notes
GTNGray Television(GTN) Newsfilter·2024-05-20 20:19

ATLANTA, May 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Gray Television, Inc. ("Gray," "we," "us" or "our") (NYSE:GTN) announced today that it intends to offer up to 1billionaggregateprincipalamountofseniorsecuredfirstliennotesdue2029,subjecttomarketconditions.TheofferingwillbeexemptfromtheregistrationrequirementsoftheSecuritiesActof1933(the"SecuritiesAct").Inconnectionwiththeofferingofnotes,Grayexpectsto(i)incurupto1 billion aggregate principal amount of senior secured first lien notes due 2029, subject to market conditions. The offering will be exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act of 1933 (the "Securities Act"). In connection with the offering of notes, Gray expects to (i) incur up to 750 million of a new tranche F term loan with a maturit ...