Combined Insurance Continues Legacy of Military Support
CBChubb(CB) Prnewswire·2024-04-16 01:00

分组1 - Combined Insurance Company of America持续致力于支持军队、退伍军人、家庭和社区[1] - Combined Insurance Company of America被VETS Indexes评为5星雇主[1] - Combined Insurance Company of America在其年度Operation Veteran Giveback计划中向两个军事非营利组织提供了总额为$50,000的资助[2] - Combined Insurance Company of America的Operation Veteran Giveback计划由美国东北部和东南部地区选择了两个军事或退伍军人相关的资助对象,分别是Luke's Wings和Fisher House Foundation[3] 分组2 - Combined Insurance Company of America连续第六年被VIQTORY评为美国最友好的军事雇主[8] - Combined Insurance Company of America在2023年被Military Times评为"Best for Vets"雇主[9]