Thomson Reuters Has $8 Billion in ‘Financial Firepower' for AI Investment
TRIThomson Reuters(TRI) PYMNTS·2024-03-11 23:22

Thomson Reuters has reportedly amassed 8billiontoinvestintheartificialintelligence(AI)space.InaninterviewwiththeFinancialTimesMonday(March11),CEOSteveHaskersaidthecompanyhastremendousfinancialfirepowertoexpandintherealmofAIdrivenprofessionalservicesandinformationasitpreparestoselltheremainderofitsholdingintheLondonStockExchangeGroup(LSEG).Wehavedrypowderofaround8 billion to invest in the artificial intelligence (AI) space. In an interview with the Financial Times Monday (March 11), CEO Steve Hasker said the company has “tremendous financial firepower” to expand in the realm of AI-driven professional services and information as it prepares to sell the remainder of its holding in the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG). “We have dry powder of around 8 billion as a result of the cash-generative ability of our existing business, ...