The Ultimate Growth Stock to Buy With $1,000 Right Now
VRTXVertex(VRTX) The Motley Fool·2024-02-26 18:52

My first response when thinking about the ultimate growth stock to buy with 1,000rightnowwastogowithahighflyingAIstock.ButthemoreIdeliberated,thelesscomfortableIwaschoosingoneofthosestocks.Dontgetmewrong.Ilike(andown)severalgreatAIstocks.However,Icouldeasilynamedownsidestoallofthem.SowhichstockdoIthinkistheultimatepicktobuywith1,000 right now was to go with a high-flying AI stock. But the more I deliberated, the less comfortable I was choosing one of those stocks. Don't get me wrong. I like (and own) several great AI stocks. However, I could easily name downsides to all of them. So which stock do I think is the ultimate pick to buy with 1,000 right now? After careful consideration, my answer is... Vertex Pharmaceuticals (VRTX 0.78%). Accentuating the po ...