Ecopetrol publishes measures to guarantee the adequate representation of its Shareholders at the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting to be held on March 22, 2024.
ECEcopetrol(EC) Prnewswire·2024-02-15 22:21

BOGOTA, Colombia, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ecopetrol S.A. (BVC: ECOPETROL; NYSE: EC) ("Ecopetrol" or the "Company") informs that to comply with the provisions of Part III Title I Chapter VI of the Basic Legal Circular issued by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia (E.C. 029 of 2014), the Board of Directors of Ecopetrol approved the implementation of the measures described below which are aimed at guaranteeing the adequate representation of shareholders at the Ordinary General Shareholder's Meeting ...