Options Traders Buy Airbnb Stock's Post-Earnings Dip
ABNBAirbnb(ABNB) Schaeffers Research·2024-02-14 23:53

Airbnb Inc (NASDAQ:ABNB) stock is brushing off a fourth-quarter top-and bottom-line beat and better- than-expected fiscal first-quarter forecast, down 4.4% to trade at 144.25atlastcheck.Thecompanynotedstrongdemandforinternationaltravel,aswellaslongerbookings.Nofewerthanninebrokeragesraisedtheirpricetargets,includingSusquehannato144.25 at last check. The company noted strong demand for international travel, as well as longer bookings. No fewer than nine brokerages raised their price targets, including Susquehanna to 180 from 160.Meanwhile,D.A.Davidsondowngradedthesecurityto"neutral"from"buy,"asDeutscheBankandUBScuttheirpriceobjectivesto160. Meanwhile, D.A. Davidson downgraded the security to "neutral" from "buy," as Deutsche Bank and UBS cut their price objectives to 135 an ...