3 Flying Car Stocks to Turn $5,000 Into $1 Million: January 2024
ACHRArcher Aviation (ACHR) InvestorPlace·2024-01-25 05:36

Flying car stocks could be the next big moneymaker for investors. We already know the flying car market could be worth about 215.5billionby2025,accordingtoAlliedMarketResearch.By2035,itcouldbeworthwellover215.5 billion by 2025, according to Allied Market Research. By 2035, it could be worth well over 3.8 billion. And by 2040, we could be looking at a massive 1.5trillionmarket,even1.5 trillion market, even 2.9 trillion, according to Morgan Stanley. In fact, the firm notes, “Flying cars could initially gain market share from cars on the road, planes and public transportation. However, it could also open u ...