S&P Dow Jones Indices Reports U.S. Common Indicated Dividend Payments Increase $13.7 Billion in Q4 2023 and $36.5 Billion in 2023
SPGIS&P Global(SPGI) Prnewswire·2024-01-03 22:00

e e o o o Q4 2023 U.S. common dividend increases were 17.5billion,down2.817.5 billion, down 2.8% from 18.0 billion in Q3 2023 and up 7.4% from 16.3billioninQ42022.Q42023U.S.commondividenddecreaseswere16.3 billion in Q4 2022. Q4 2023 U.S. common dividend decreases were 3.9 billion, down 58.1% from 9.2billioninQ32023,andup1259.2 billion in Q3 2023, and up 125% from 1.7 billion in Q4 2022. Q4 2023 net indicated dividend rate change increased 13.7billion,comparedto13.7 billion, compared to 8.8 billion in Q3 2023 and 14.6billioninQ42022.Forallof2023,U.S.commondividendincreaseswere14.6 billion in Q4 2022. For all of 2023, U.S. common dividend increases were 65.1 billion, down 21.1% from 2 ...