Sempra Declares Common and Preferred Dividends
SRESempra(SRE) Prnewswire·2024-09-05 08:45

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Sempra (NYSE: SRE) (BMV: SRE) today announced that its board of directors has declared a 0.62persharequarterlydividendonthecompanyscommonstock,whichispayableOct.15,2024,tocommonstockshareholdersofrecordatthecloseofbusinessonSept.26,2024.Semprasboardofdirectorsalsodeclaredasemiannualdividendof0.62 per share quarterly dividend on the company's common stock, which is payable Oct. 15, 2024, to common stock shareholders of record at the close of business on Sept. 26, 2024.Sempra's board of directors also declared a semi-annual dividend of 24.375 per share on the company's 4.875% Fixed-Rate Reset Cumulative Redeemable Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series C, which is payable ...