Procept BioRobotics: Risk Capital Unlock With FDA Hydros Approval
PRCTPROCEPT BioRobotics (PRCT) Seeking Alpha·2024-08-27 20:30

Pgiam/iStock via Getty Images Investment update Following my last publication on PROCEPT BioRobotics Corporation (NASDAQ:PRCT) around 12 months ago, the stock is +146% and now trades above 78/share.ThemostrecentcatalystwastheFDAs510(k)approvalofthecompanysHYDROSRoboticSystem("Hydros"),extendingPRCTsofferingsinbenignprostatichypertrophy("BPH")evenfurther.InvestorshaveboughtPRCTonthenews+thestockgappedaboveakey 78/share. The most recent catalyst was the FDA's 510(k) approval of the company's HYDROS Robotic System ("Hydros"), extending PRCT's offerings in benign prostatic hypertrophy ("BPH") even further. Investors have bought PRCT on the news + the stock gapped above a key ~70/share technical level in the days following (Figur ...