Scripps reports Q2 2024 financial results
SSPScripps(SSP) Prnewswire·2024-08-09 04:30

CINCINNATI, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP) delivered 574millioninrevenueforthesecondquarterof2024.LossattributabletotheshareholdersofScrippswas574 million in revenue for the second quarter of 2024. Loss attributable to the shareholders of Scripps was 13 million or 15 cents per share.Business notes:Scripps now believes its 2024 Local Media election-year political advertising revenue will reach record levels, with even the low end of the new range, 270270-290 million, above any previous year. Previously, the company had given a range of 240240-270 million. The ...