SoCalGas Scholarship Program Awards Over $300,000 to College- and Trade School-Bound Students
SRESempra(SRE) Prnewswire·2024-07-24 18:55

LOS ANGELES, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) announced today that 29 students in Central and Southern California will receive a total of 314,000fromtheSoCalGasScholarshipProgram topursuehighereducationatfouryearuniversities,communitycolleges,andtradeschools.Forthoseattendingfouryearuniversities,the314,000 from the SoCalGas Scholarship Program to pursue higher education at four-year universities, community colleges, and trade schools. For those attending four-year universities, the 5,000 scholarship can be renewed, providing a total of $20,000 over four years. Students planning to attend community colleges and trade schools will ...