SuperCom Secures Additional $2.9 Million in New Orders from European Governments to be Delivered Within Four Months
SPCBSuper .(SPCB) Prnewswire·2024-07-11 21:00

Totaling over 11millioninnewordersfromEuropeinlessthan90daysTELAVIV,Israel,July11,2024/PRNewswire/SuperCom (NASDAQ:SPCB), aglobalproviderofsecuredsolutionsfortheeGovernment,IoT,andCybersecuritysectors,ispleasedtoannouncethereceiptofnewordersfromEuropeangovernmentsvaluedat11 million in new orders from Europe in less than 90 daysTEL AVIV, Israel, July 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SuperCom (NASDAQ: SPCB), a global provider of secured solutions for the e-Government, IoT, and Cybersecurity sectors, is pleased to announce the receipt of new orders from European governments valued at 2.9 million. These orders are expected to be delivered in the next four months. This is the third group of orders from European clients in the past 90 days, bringing the total value of new ...