Netflix Inches Toward The $700 Milestone With Impressive Subscriber Surge, Could This Be The Break Investors Have Been Waiting For
NFLXNetflix(NFLX) Benzinga·2024-06-21 23:15

Loading... Loading... Netflix is approaching its previous record high, nearing the significant 700mark.Thecompanyhasachievedanotableincreaseinsubscribers,reportingapproximately269.6millionpaidsubscribersworldwidebythefirstquarterof2024.Netflixdemonstratedresilience,withitsstockpricesurgingbyover300700 mark. The company has achieved a notable increase in subscribers, reporting approximately 269.6 million paid subscribers worldwide by the first quarter of 2024. Netflix demonstrated resilience, with its stock price surging by over 300% from a low of 162 in May 2022. Netflix Inc NFLX is close to surpassing its previous all-time high, nearing the $700 psychological level of resistance. This threshold presents ...