UWM (UWMC) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
UWMCUWM (UWMC)2024-05-09 20:46

Exhibit 99.1 UWM Holdings Corporation Announces First Quarter 2024 Results First Quarter Net Income of 180.5Million.LoanOriginationVolumeof180.5 Million. Loan Origination Volume of 27.6 Billion, Including Purchase Volume of 22.1Billion.PONTIAC,MI,May9,2024UWMHoldingsCorporation(NYSE:UWMC)(the"Company"),thepubliclytradedindirectparentofUnitedWholesaleMortgage(UWM),todayannounceditsresultsforthefirstquarterendedMarch31,2024.Totalloanoriginationvolumeforthefirstquarter2024was22.1 Billion. PONTIAC, MI, May 9, 2024 - UWM Holdings Corporation (NYSE: UWMC) (the "Company"), the publicly traded indirect parent of United Wholesale Mortgage (“UWM”), today announced its results for the first quarter ended March 31, 2024. Total loan origination volume for the first quarter 2024 was 27.6 billion, of ...