ACCO(ACCO) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
ACCOACCO(ACCO)2024-05-03 04:15

Exhibit 99.1 News Release ACCO BRANDS REPORTS FIRST QUARTER RESULTS • Reported net sales of 359million,withgrossmarginexpanding120basispointsOntracktodeliverover359 million, with gross margin expanding 120 basis points • On track to deliver over 20 million in cost savings from our multi-year cost savings program • Net operating cash flow improved 51million,generatedfreecashflowof51 million, generated free cash flow of 26 million • Consolidated net leverage ratio of 3.5x at quarter-end • Loss per share of (0.07);adjustedEPSof(0.07); adjusted EPS of 0.03, in line with the Company's outlook LAKE ZURICH, ILLINOIS, May 2, 202 ...