Popular(BPOP) - 2024 Q1 - Quarterly Results
BPOPPopular(BPOP)2024-04-23 20:02

Exhibit 99.1 Popular, Inc. Announces First Quarter 2024 Financial Results • Net income of 103.3millioninQ12024,comparedtonetincomeof103.3 million in Q1 2024, compared to net income of 94.6 million in Q4 2023. • Q1 2024 results include an after-tax impact of 9.1millionrelatedtotheFDICSpecialAssessmentcomparedto9.1 million related to the FDIC Special Assessment compared to 45.3 million in Q4 2023, as well as a $22.9 million expense related to taxes due from prior period distributions from the Corporation’s U.S. based subsidiary, as explained further below. • Excluding the after-tax impact of the FD ...