新秀丽(01910) - 2022 - 年度财报
01910新秀丽(01910)2023-04-20 22:53

Samsonite International S.A. 新秀麗國際有限公司 Stock Code 股份代號 1910 RAVEL IS BACK 2022 Annual Report 年報 We are pleased with Samsonite’s progress in 2022. With the continued easing of pandemic-related restrictions, there has been a strong recovery in travel across most of our markets globally, enabling the Group to achieve strong results for the year ended December 31, 2022, and positioning the business for sustained revenue and earnings growth going forward. 我們對新秀麗於2022年取得的進展感到欣慰。隨着疫情相關限制持續放寬,全球大部分市場的旅遊業均 強勁復甦,使本集團 ...