Toyota Ranks 4th on Fair360's Top 50 Companies
Prnewswire· 2024-05-14 19:10
PLANO, Texas, May 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Fair360, formerly DiversityInc, has named Toyota North America* one of its 2024 Top 50 Companies, ranking fourth among the 160 companies participating in the survey. Toyota has maintained its position for the third year in a row and continues to be the only automotive manufacturer ranked in the Top 10. Toyota Ranks 4th on Fair360’s Top 50 Companies "Everyone at Toyota plays a role in creating an inclusive culture where people belong and can contribute to their full ...
Toyota(TM) - 2025 Q1 - Quarterly Report
2024-05-13 23:05
The 120th Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting Notice of Convocation Date and time: 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Venue: Toyota Head Office, 1, Toyota-cho, Toyota City, Aichi Prefecture Resolutions: TMC Proposals Proposed Resolution 1: Election of 10 Members of the Board of Directors Proposed Resolution 2: Election of 1 Audit & Supervisory Board Member Proposed Resolution 3: Election of 1 Substitute Audit & Supervisory Board Member Shareholder Proposal Proposed Resolution 4: Partial Amendments to the ...
Building on Greatness: Redesigned Toyota Camry Goes All-Hybrid at Kentucky Plant
Prnewswire· 2024-05-09 04:30
Ninth-Generation Camry Rolls off the Line; Showcases Commitment to Electrification and Long-Term Job Stability in the U.S. GEORGETOWN, Ky., May 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Team members at Toyota's longest-running U.S. vehicle manufacturing facility cheered today as the ninth-generation Camry rolled off the assembly line for the first time. The 2025 Camry is powered exclusively with the fifth-generation Toyota Hybrid System, part of Toyota's multi-pathway approach to electrification. Building on Greatness: Redes ...
Toyota(TM) - 2024 Q4 - Earnings Call Transcript
2024-05-08 20:00
财务数据和关键指标变化 - 2024财年实现营业利润5.3529万亿日元,创历史新高 [6][9][11] - 2025财年预计营业利润将下降至4.3万亿日元,主要是为未来投资2万亿日元,其中包括人力资源投资3800亿日元和向移动公司转型的1.7万亿日元投资 [6][22] - 2024财年销售收入为45.0953万亿日元,创历史新高 [9] - 2025财年预计销售收入将增至46万亿日元 [16] 各条业务线数据和关键指标变化 - 2024财年丰田和雷克萨斯品牌销量为10.309万辆,同比增长7.3% [8] - 2025财年丰田和雷克萨斯品牌销量预计将达到10.4万辆,同比增长0.9% [15] - 2024财年混合动力车销量占总销量的37.4% [8] - 2025财年混合动力车销量预计将占总销量的46.4% [15] 各个市场数据和关键指标变化 - 日本市场受大发和丰田工业公司停运影响,销量下降 [8] - 北美、欧洲和亚洲市场销量和利润均有所增长,主要得益于产品竞争力带来的价格调整 [12] - 中国市场保持了丰田和雷克萨斯的销量,主要得益于混合动力车的稳定需求 [12] - 金融服务业务利润同比下降,主要是利差下降 [13] 公司战略和发展方向及行业竞争 - 公司将继续推进向移动公司转型,重点是提高能源和数据的流动性 [26] - 公司正在加快电动化,包括电池电动车和氢燃料电池车的发展 [27][28][29] - 公司正在开发软件定义汽车,包括Arene操作系统和人工智能技术 [30][31] - 公司将与其他行业建立战略合作伙伴关系,以进一步发展软件定义汽车 [31] - 公司将继续投资内燃机技术,以应对未来以电力和氢为中心的能源环境 [29] - 公司将加大对人力资源的投资,以加强基础工作能力,提高安全性和质量 [32] 管理层对经营环境和未来前景的评论 - 过去几年的经营环境充满挑战,但公司通过多年来不断强化利润结构而取得了良好业绩 [18] - 未来将继续保持过去一年的利润水平,同时大幅增加对未来发展的投资 [20][22] - 公司认为当前电动车市场存在一些过度预期的情况,需要根据实际需求和基础设施发展来调整发展节奏 [89][90][92] - 公司将密切关注全球政治经济环境的变化,保持灵活应对 [71][72] 其他重要信息 - 公司将大幅增加股东回报,包括将年终股息提高10日元至45日元,并计划回购最高1万亿日元股票并注销 [7][14] - 公司将与供应商等利益相关方共同努力,共同推动汽车产业的结构性变革 [43][45][48][101] - 公司将加强与半导体供应商的直接合作,确保未来所需高性能半导体的稳定供应 [103][105] 问答环节重要的提问和回答 问题1 **Unidentified Analyst 提问** 公司如何评估此次创纪录的财务业绩,以及未来一年的业绩预测? [36] **Koji Sato 回答** 这些业绩是公司上下以及供应商等各方利益相关方通力合作的结果,反映了公司多年来坚持的产品中心管理策略。未来公司将进一步巩固和加强基础工作能力,为可持续发展奠定基础。 [37][38] 问题2 **Unidentified Analyst 提问** 公司在加强基础工作能力方面具体采取哪些措施,如何平衡提高效率和投入基础工作的关系? [39] **Koji Sato 回答** 公司需要从根本上审视和改革业务流程,消除各环节的浪费,同时为未来发展腾出时间和精力。每个员工每天将有30分钟用于学习和发展,提高整体质量和效率。 [47] 问题3 **Kana Inagaki 提问** 面对日益激烈的竞争环境,公司如何看待未来2万亿日元的投资计划? [74] **Koji Sato 回答** 公司在某些领域确实落后于竞争对手,但我们将根据各地区和领域的实际情况,选择最佳的投资时机和方向,同时利用现有1亿多客户资源,提升整个汽车产业的吸引力。 [75]
Toyota(TM) - 2024 Q4 - Annual Results
2024-05-08 17:23
销售业绩 - FY2024财年,丰田汽车公司销售收入达到4509.53亿日元,同比增长21.4%[2] - FY2024财年,丰田汽车公司全球汽车销量为9443万辆,同比增长7.0%[8] - FY2024财年,丰田汽车公司海外汽车销量为7450万辆,同比增长10.3%[8] - 日本市场销售收入在2024财年增长了19.6%,达到21,020.7亿日元,营业利润增长了83.2%,达到3,484.2亿日元[13] - 北美市场销售收入在2024财年增长了29.6%,达到17,943.0亿日元,营业利润增长了581.0亿日元[14] - 欧洲市场销售收入在2024财年增长了32.9%,达到5,681.7亿日元,营业利润增长了575.4%,达到388.0亿日元[15] - 亚洲市场销售收入在2024财年增长了8.5%,达到8,730.7亿日元,营业利润增长了21.2%,达到865.5亿日元[16] - 预计2025财年销售收入将达到46,000.0亿日元,较2024财年增长2.0%;营业利润将达到4,300.0亿日元,较2024财年下降19.7%[19] - 2024财年销售收入达到了46,000亿日元,同比增长了约4.5%[43] 利润表现 - FY2024财年,丰田汽车公司营业利润为5352.93亿日元,同比增长96.4%[2] - FY2024财年,丰田汽车公司净利润为4944.93亿日元,同比增长101.7%[2] - 2024财年,丰田汽车公司净利润达到5071.42亿日元,较上一年的2492.97亿日元增长约103.8%[24] - 2024年3月31日,丰田汽车公司的净利润为4944.93亿日元,基本和稀释后的每股收益分别为365.94日元[36] - 2024财年净利润为3,570亿日元,同比下降了约28.5%[43] 业务部门表现 - FY2024财年,丰田汽车公司汽车业务销售收入为4126.62亿日元,同比增长22.0%[10] - FY2024财年,丰田汽车公司汽车业务营业利润为4621.4亿日元,同比增长111.9%[10] - FY2024财年,丰田汽车公司金融服务业务销售收入为3484.1亿日元,同比增长24.0%[11] - FY2024财年,丰田汽车公司金融服务业务营业利润为570.0亿日元,同比增长30.3%[11] 资产状况 - 2024财年,丰田汽车公司现金及现金等价物从2023年的7516.97亿日元增长至9412.06亿日元[26] - 2024财年,丰田汽车公司非金融服务部门和金融服务业务的总资产分别为47741.45亿日元和43834.18亿日元[29] - 2024财年,丰田汽车公司非金融服务业务总资产为7413.18亿日元,较上一年增长20.9%[34] - 2024财年,丰田汽车公司金融服务业务总资产为9096.28亿日元,较上一年增长15.3%[34] 其他 - 2024年5月8日,丰田汽车公司决定回购其最多4.1亿股普通股,最大回购金额为1,000,000百万日元[37][39] - 2024年5月8日,丰田汽车公司决定退还其最多5.2亿股库藏股,以减轻未来库藏股处置对公司股价的稀释担忧[41] - 未来展望中提到了政治和经济不稳定性可能对公司的影响[45] - 员工人数数据显示了公司的规模和人力资源情况[46] - 研发支出数据不同于财务报表中的研发费用,突出了公司在创新方面的投入[47]
Toyota Motor (TM) Is Considered a Good Investment by Brokers: Is That True?
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-06 22:36
Investors often turn to recommendations made by Wall Street analysts before making a Buy, Sell, or Hold decision about a stock. While media reports about rating changes by these brokerage-firm employed (or sell- side) analysts often affect a stock's price, do they really matter? Before we discuss the reliability of brokerage recommendations and how to use them to your advantage, let's see what these Wall Street heavyweights think about Toyota Motor Corporation (TM) . Toyota Motor currently has an average br ...
Toyota (TM) to Report Q4 Earnings: Here's What to Expect
Zacks Investment Research· 2024-05-06 21:00
Toyota Motor Corporation (TM) is slated to release fourth-quarter fiscal 2024 results on May 8, after the closing bell. The Zacks Consensus Estimate for the to-be-reported quarter’s earnings and revenues is pegged at $2.91 per share and $67.21 billion, respectively. For the fiscal fourth quarter, the consensus estimate for TM’s earnings per share has moved down by 58 cents in the past 90 days. Its bottom-line estimates imply a decline of 5.21% from the year-ago reported number. The Zacks Consensus Estimate ...
Toyota and Argonne National Laboratory Investigate Recycling of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Prnewswire· 2024-05-01 02:30
Research project seeks to utilize a new process for recovering critical battery materials Process can be used on end-of-life automotive batteries as well as manufacturing scrap ANN ARBOR, Mich., April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Toyota Motor North America ('Toyota') announces that it has entered a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory to investigate the development of a direct recycling process for lithium- ion batteries, which a ...
CSU Dominguez Hills and Toyota Join Forces to Improve Mobility for Underserved Communities
Prnewswire· 2024-05-01 02:00
CARSON, Calif., April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) and Toyota Motor North America (TMNA) today launched a multipronged program focused on transportation equity for the university and its surrounding communities based on the idea of "Mobility for All." CSU Dominguez Hills and Toyota Join Forces to Improve Mobility for Underserved Communities "Knowledge is a catalyst for progress, and collaboration with industry partners is essential for advancing academic rese ...
Toyota Stock Is the Automaker to Bet On as Hybrid Vehicles Leave EVs in the Dust
InvestorPlace· 2024-04-26 23:38
Good news – you don’t have to dump your Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) stock and other electric vehicle stocks to be prepared for what’s coming. Electric cars are crucial, but hybrid electric vehicles are also gaining traction. Toyota Motor (NYSE:TM) is among the vanguard, so you’ll definitely want to add some Toyota stock to your holdings. If you’re not aware of this ongoing shift in the EV market, it’s time to make some changes to your investment strategy. Here’s an eye-opening prediction: JPMorgan analyst Akira Kis ...